Contains members that you use when incorporating GIF images in a VCL application.
Package | vclimg.bpl |
GIFException | Used to raise exceptions when handling GIF image files. |
TColorLookup | Represents the base class of all color mapping classes. |
TColorLookupClass | TColorLookupClass is a class of TColorLookup. |
TCustomGIFRenderer | Represents the base class for the GIF rendering classes. |
TFastColorLookup | Represents the class for fast color mapping. |
TGIFAppExtensionClass | TGIFAppExtensionClass is a class of TGIFApplicationExtension. |
TGIFAppExtNSLoop | Represents the class that stores information about applications that use animated GIF images. |
TGIFApplicationExtension | Represents the base class for classes containing information about applications that use GIF images. |
TGIFBlock | Implements stream operations for GIF image blocks. |
TGIFColorMap | Implements the manipulation of the global color map of a GIF image file. |
TGIFCommentExtension | Contains textual information about the GIF image. |
TGIFExtension | TGIFExtension is the base class for classes that contain information about parameters used when processing a GIF object. |
TGIFExtensionClass | TGIFExtensionClass is a class of TGIFExtension. |
TGIFExtensionList | TGIFExtensionList contains an array of TGIFExtension objects. |
TGIFFrame | TGIFFrame represents a frame in a GIF animation. |
TGIFGraphicControlExtension | Contains information used when processing a graphic rendering block. |
TGIFHeader | Identifies the GIF data stream in context. |
TGIFImage | TGIFImage contains a GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) image. |
TGIFImageList | TGIFImageList contains an array of TGIFFrame objects. |
TGIFItem | Represents the base class for all the classes that implement sections of data in the GIF image file. |
TGIFList | Implements the handling of a list of TGIFItem objects. |
TGIFRenderer | TGIFRenderer is used for GIF rendering. |
TGIFTextExtension | Contains information about rendering textual data as a graphic. |
TGIFTrailer | Indicates the end of the GIF data stream. |
TGIFUnknownAppExtension | Implements a list of TGIFBlock objects. |
TGrayScaleLookup | Represents the class for color mapping to a uniform 256 shade palette. |
TGrayWindowsLookup | Represents the class for color mapping to a four shade palette. |
TMonochromeLookup | Represents the class for color mapping to a black-and-white palette. |
TNetscapeColorLookup | Represents the class for color mapping to the Netscape color cube. |
TSlowColorLookup | Represents the class for slow color mapping. |
CreateOptimizedPaletteFromManyBitmaps | Performs color quantization on several bitmaps. |
InternalGetDIB | Converts a bitmap to a DIB of a specified pixel format. |
InternalGetDIBSizes | Calculates the buffer sizes nescessary for converting a bitmap into a DIB of a specified pixel format. |
ReduceColors | Maps colors in a TBitmap to their nearest representation in a palette. |
Register | Adds design-time support of GIFs to TImage. |
WebPalette | Creates a 216 color uniform nondithering Netscape palette. |
BGRArray | BGRArray is an array of TRGBTriple elements. |
PalArray | PalArray is an array of TPaletteEntry elements. |
PBGRArray | PBGRArray is a pointer to a BGRArray. |
PInverseLookup | PInverseLookup is a pointer to a TInverseLookup. |
PPalArray | PPalArray is a pointer to a PalArray. |
PRGBQuadArray | PRGBQuadArray is a pointer to a TRGBQuadArray. |
TColorMap | TColorMap is an array of TGIFColor. |
TColormapHistogram | TColormapHistogram is used internally in the TGIFColorMap class. |
TColormapReverse | TColormapReverse is used internally in the TGIFColorMap class. |
TColorReduction | Specifies the available color reduction methods. |
TDisposalMethod | Specifies the disposal methods used when rendering GIF frames. |
TDitherMode | Specifies the available dithering algorithms. |
TGIFAnimationLoop | Specifies the animation loop behavior. |
TGIFApplicationRec | TGIFApplicationRec is used to store information about the application that contains the GIF image. |
TGIFAuthenticationCode | TGIFAuthenticationCode represents a code used to authenticate the application identifier. |
TGIFColor | A variable of type TGIFColor contains the representation of a color in RGB color model. |
TGIFDithering | Specifies the dithering behavior when using the Netscape 216 color palette. |
TGIFExtensionType | TGIFExtensionType is a numerical value that uniquely identifies the type of an extension. |
TGIFGCERec | TGIFGCERec is used to store information about the graphic control extension. |
TGIFIdentifierCode | TGIFIdentifierCode represents a code used to identify the application owning the application extension. |
TGIFOptimizeOption | Specifies the optimization options used in the Optimize method. |
TGIFOptimizeOptions | TGIFOptimizeOptions is a set of TGIFOptimizeOption. |
TGIFPlainTextExtensionRec | TGIFPlainTextExtensionRec is used to store information about the parameters necessary to render textual data as a graphic. |
TGIFSeverity | Specifies the severity level of the warnings generated when working with GIF images. |
TGIFVersion | Specifies the possible versions of a GIF image. |
TGIFVersionRec | TGIFVersionRec is the type of elements that specify the version of a GIF. |
TGIFWarning | TGIFWarning is the type of a warning event handler. |
TImageDescriptor | A variable of TImageDescriptor type contains information about an image. |
TInverseLookup | TInverseLookup is used internally in the TFastColorLookup class. |
TLogicalScreenDescriptor | A variable of type TLogicalScreenDescriptor contains information about the screen. |
TRGBQuadArray | TRGBQuadArray is an array of records that stores the colors in RGB model. |
TUsageCount | A variable of type TUsageCount contains histogram information about a GIF. |
BitmapAllocationThreshold | Specifies the bitmap pixel count limit at which a newly allocated bitmap is converted before being resized. |
CF_GIF | Represents a GIF clipboard format identifier. |
DoAutoDither | Enables or disables auto-dithering in your application. |
GIFClearOnLoop | Specifies whether the canvas should be cleared when a GIF animation loops. |
GIFDefaultDelay | Specifies the default GIF animation delay. |
GIFDefaultTransparentColor | Specifies the color used for transparency. |
GIFDelayExp | Specifies the factor by which to multiply the delay variables in order to obtain the effective GIF animation delay time. |
GIFFileBufferSize | Specifies the size of the read-ahead buffer for GIF decompression. |
GIFImageDefaultAnimate | Specifies the default value for the Animate property of a newly created TGIFImage object. |
GIFImageDefaultAnimationLoop | Specifies the default value for the AnimateLoop property of a newly created TGIFImage object. |
GIFImageDefaultAnimationSpeed | Specifies the default value for the AnimationSpeed property of a newly created TGIFImage object. |
GIFImageDefaultColorReduction | Specifies the default value for the ColorReduction property of a newly created TGIFImage object. |
GIFImageDefaultColorReductionBits | Specifies the default value for the ReductionBits property of a newly created TGIFImage object. |
GIFImageDefaultDithering | Specifies the default value for the Dithering property of a newly created TGIFImage object. |
GIFImageDefaultDitherMode | Specifies the default value for the DitherMode property of a newly created TGIFImage object. |
GIFImageDefaultTransparent | Specifies the default value for the Transparent property of a newly created TGIFImage object. |
GIFImageOptimizeOnStream | Specifies whether to optimize the GIF before it is streamed to the DFM file. |
GIFImageRenderOnLoad | Specifies whether to render the GIF frames as they are loaded, instead of rendering them on demand. |
GIFMaximumDelay | Specifies the maximum delay when the painter is running in the main thread. |
GIFMinimumDelay | Specifies the minimum delay when the painter is running in the main thread. |
GIFVersions | Contains the possible versions of the GIF format handled by this namespace. |
PaletteDevice | Specifies whether the desktop DC supports 256 colors or less. |
TGenericColorMapper | Specifies the color mapper to use when displaying GIF images. |
GIFMaxColors | GIFMaxColors: Integer = $100; |
GIFVersion | GIFVersion: Integer = $300; |
GIFVersionMajor | GIFVersionMajor: Integer = 3; |
GIFVersionMinor | GIFVersionMinor: Integer = 0; |
GIFVersionRelease | GIFVersionRelease: Integer = 7; |