Defines controls that mimic the Windows 10 behaviour. Among these controls are: TRelativePanel, TSplitView and TToggleSwitch.
Even though these controls are meant for Windows 10, they are compatible with all Windows versions.
Package | vclwinx.bpl |
ERelativePanelException | The exception type for TRelativePanel exceptions. |
TActivityIndicator | An animated rotating display indicating that the application is performing some activity. |
TCustomActivityIndicator | The base class for TActivityIndicator. |
TCustomRelativePanel | The base class for TRelativePanel. |
TCustomSplitView | The base class for TSplitView. |
TCustomToggleSwitch | The base class for TToggleSwitch. |
TRelativePanel | A container control that allows you to position child controls relative to the panel itself or relative to other child controls of this panel. |
TRelativePanelControlCollection | A collection of TRelativePanelControlItem. |
TRelativePanelControlItem | A reference to a child control of a relative panel. |
TSearchBox | An implementation of the Edit control with an embedded button. |
TSearchBoxStyleHook | Control message handler. |
TSplitView | A container for other controls that can be opened and closed.. |
TToggleSwitch | A clickable control that allows a user to toggle between an On state and an Off state. |
TToggleSwitchActionLink | Internal class used to connect an action to a TToggleSwitch. |
TToggleSwitchActionLinkClass | Class of TToggleSwitchActionLink. |
TToggleSwitchStateCaptions | The class that handles the caption text for a toggle switch. |
TActivityIndicatorColor | The color of the activity indicator. |
TActivityIndicatorSize | The size of the activity indicator. |
TActivityIndicatorType | The type of the activity indicator. |
TSearchBoxIndicator | The type of the icon that the search box uses. |
TSplitViewCloseStyle | The appearance of the control when closed. |
TSplitViewDisplayMode | Specifies how the split view appears when opened. |
TSplitViewPlacement | The position of the split view on the form. |
TSplitViewState | The current state of the split view. |
TToggleSwitchState | The state of a toggle switch. |
DefaultActivityIndicatorFrameDelay | DefaultActivityIndicatorFrameDelay: Integer = $32; |
DefaultSearchButtonWidth | DefaultSearchButtonWidth: Integer = $18; |
DefaultSplitViewAnimationDelay | DefaultSplitViewAnimationDelay: Integer = $F; |
DefaultSplitViewAnimationStep | DefaultSplitViewAnimationStep: Integer = $14; |
DefaultSplitViewCompactWidth | DefaultSplitViewCompactWidth: Integer = $32; |
DefaultSplitViewOpenedWidth | DefaultSplitViewOpenedWidth: Integer = $C8; |
DefaultSwitchHeight | DefaultSwitchHeight: Integer = $14; |
DefaultSwitchThumbWidth | DefaultSwitchThumbWidth: Integer = $F; |
DefaultSwitchWidth | DefaultSwitchWidth: Integer = $32; |
DefaultToggleSwitchDisabledColor | DefaultToggleSwitchDisabledColor: Integer = $FF000010; |
DefaultToggleSwitchFrameColor | DefaultToggleSwitchFrameColor: Integer = $FF000008; |
DefaultToggleSwitchHeight | DefaultToggleSwitchHeight: Integer = $32; |
DefaultToggleSwitchThumbColor | DefaultToggleSwitchThumbColor: Integer = $FF000008; |
DefaultToggleSwitchTrackColor | DefaultToggleSwitchTrackColor: Integer = $FF000005; |
DefaultToggleSwitchWidth | DefaultToggleSwitchWidth: Integer = $50; |