
Aus RAD Studio API Documentation
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  TRect = record
    function GetWidth: Integer;
    procedure SetWidth(const Value: Integer);
    function GetHeight: Integer;
    procedure SetHeight(const Value: Integer);
    function GetSize: TSize;
    procedure SetSize(const Value: TSize);
    function GetLocation: TPoint;
    constructor Create(const Origin: TPoint); overload;                              // empty rect at given origin
    constructor Create(const Origin: TPoint; Width, Height: Integer); overload;      // at TPoint of origin with width and height
    constructor Create(const Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Integer); overload;           // at x, y with width and height
    constructor Create(const P1, P2: TPoint; Normalize: Boolean = False); overload;  // with corners specified by p1 and p2
    constructor Create(const R: TRect; Normalize: Boolean = False); overload;
    class operator Equal(const Lhs, Rhs: TRect): Boolean;
    class operator NotEqual(const Lhs, Rhs: TRect): Boolean;
    class operator Add(const Lhs, Rhs: TRect): TRect;
    class operator Multiply(const Lhs, Rhs: TRect): TRect;
    class function Empty: TRect; inline; static;
    procedure NormalizeRect;
    function IsEmpty: Boolean;
    function Contains(const Pt: TPoint): Boolean; overload;
    function Contains(const R: TRect): Boolean; overload;
    function IntersectsWith(const R: TRect): Boolean;
    class function Intersect(const R1: TRect; const R2: TRect): TRect; overload; static;
    procedure Intersect(const R: TRect); overload;
    class function Union(const R1: TRect; const R2: TRect): TRect; overload; static;
    procedure Union(const R: TRect); overload;
    class function Union(const Points: Array of TPoint): TRect; overload; static;
    procedure Offset(const DX, DY: Integer); overload;
    procedure Offset(const Point: TPoint); overload;
    procedure SetLocation(const X, Y: Integer); overload;
    procedure SetLocation(const Point: TPoint); overload;
    procedure Inflate(const DX, DY: Integer); overload;
    procedure Inflate(const DL, DT, DR, DB: Integer); overload;
    function CenterPoint: TPoint;
    function SplitRect(SplitType: TSplitRectType; Size: Integer): TRect; overload;
    function SplitRect(SplitType: TSplitRectType; Percent: Double): TRect; overload;
    property Width: Integer read GetWidth write SetWidth;
    property Height: Integer read GetHeight write SetHeight;
    property Size: TSize read GetSize write SetSize;
    property Location: TPoint read GetLocation write SetLocation;
  case Integer of
    0: (Left, Top, Right, Bottom: FixedInt);
    1: (TopLeft, BottomRight: TPoint);


struct TRect: public RECT  {
  { init(0,0,0,0); }
  TRect(const TPoint& TL) _ALWAYS_INLINE {
    init(TL.x, TL.y, TL.x, TL.y);
  TRect(const TPoint& TL, int width, int height) _ALWAYS_INLINE {
    init (TL.x, TL.y, TL.x + width, TL.y + height);
  TRect(int l, int t, int r, int b) _ALWAYS_INLINE {
    init(l, t, r, b);
  TRect(const TPoint& TL, const TPoint& BR) _ALWAYS_INLINE {
    init(TL.x, TL.y, BR.x, BR.y);
  TRect(const RECT& r) _ALWAYS_INLINE {
    init(r.left,, r.right, r.bottom);
  void init(int l, int t, int r, int b) _ALWAYS_INLINE {
    left = l; top = t;
    right = r; bottom = b;
  TPoint& TopLeft() _ALWAYS_INLINE
  { return *((TPoint* )this); }
  TPoint& BottomRight() _ALWAYS_INLINE
  { return *((TPoint* )this+1); }
  const TPoint& TopLeft() const _ALWAYS_INLINE
  { return *((TPoint* )this); }
  const TPoint& BottomRight() const _ALWAYS_INLINE
  { return *((TPoint* )this+1); }
  int Width() const _ALWAYS_INLINE
  { return right  - left; }
  int Height() const _ALWAYS_INLINE
  { return bottom - top ; }
  static TRect Empty() _ALWAYS_INLINE
  { return TRect(); }
  void Normalize() _ALWAYS_INLINE {
    if (top > bottom) {
      top = top ^ bottom;
      bottom = top ^ bottom;
      top = top ^ bottom;
    if (left > right) {
      left = left ^ right;
      right = left ^ right;
      left = left ^ right;
  bool operator ==(const TRect& rc) const  {
     return left ==  rc.left  && &&
            right == rc.right && bottom==rc.bottom;
  bool operator !=(const TRect& rc) const {
    return !(rc==*this);
  bool IsEmpty() const _ALWAYS_INLINE {
    return (right == left) || (bottom == top);
  bool Contains(const TPoint& p) const _ALWAYS_INLINE {
    return ((p.x >= left) && (p.y >= top) && (p.x < right) && (p.y < bottom));
  bool PtInRect(const TPoint& p) const _ALWAYS_INLINE {
    return Contains(p);
  bool Contains(const TRect& r) const _ALWAYS_INLINE {
    return Contains(r.TopLeft()) && Contains(r.BottomRight());
  bool Overlaps(const TRect &r) const _ALWAYS_INLINE {
    return IntersectsWith(r);
  bool Intersects(const TRect &r) const _ALWAYS_INLINE {
    return IntersectsWith(r);
  bool IntersectsWith(const TRect &r) const _ALWAYS_INLINE {
    return !( (BottomRight().x < r.TopLeft().x) ||
              (BottomRight().y < r.TopLeft().y) ||
              (r.BottomRight().x < TopLeft().x) ||
              (r.BottomRight().y < TopLeft().y) );
  static TRect Intersect(const TRect &r1, const TRect &r2);
  void Intersect(const TRect &r);
  void Union(const TRect &r);
  static TRect Union(const TRect &r1, const TRect& r2);
  static TRect Union(const TPoint* points, int npoints) _ALWAYS_INLINE {
    TPoint tl, br;
    if (npoints > 0) {
      for (int i = npoints; --i > 0;) {
        if (points[i].x < tl.x)     tl.x = points[i].x;
        if (points[i].x > br.x)     br.x = points[i].x;
        if (points[i].y < tl.y)     tl.y = points[i].y;
        if (points[i].y > br.y)     br.y = points[i].y;
    return TRect(tl, br);
  bool  IntersectRect(const TRect &R1, const TRect &R2);
  bool  UnionRect(const TRect &R1, const TRect &R2);
  void Offset(int DX, int DY) _ALWAYS_INLINE {
    left   += DX;
    right  += DX;
    top    += DY;
    bottom += DY;
  void SetLocation(int X, int Y) _ALWAYS_INLINE {
      Offset(X - left, Y - top);
  void SetLocation(const TPoint& p) _ALWAYS_INLINE {
      Offset(p.x - left, p.y - top);
  void Inflate(int DX, int DY) _ALWAYS_INLINE {
    left   -= DX;
    right  += DX;
    top    -= DY;
    bottom += DY;
  void Inflate(int l, int t, int r, int b) _ALWAYS_INLINE {
    left   -= l;
    right  += r;
    top    -= t;
    bottom += b;
  void NormalizeRect() _ALWAYS_INLINE {
    int i;
    if (left > right)
      i = left;
      left = right;
      right = i;
    if (top > bottom)
      i = top;
      top = bottom;
      bottom = i;
  TPoint CenterPoint() const _ALWAYS_INLINE {
    return TPoint((left+right)/2, (top+bottom)/2);
  TRect CenteredRect(const TRect &CenteredRect) const _ALWAYS_INLINE {
    int w = CenteredRect.Width();
    int h = CenteredRect.Height();
    int x = (right + left)/2;
    int y = (top + bottom)/2;
    return TRect(x-w/2, y-h/2, x+(w+1)/2, y+(h+1)/2);
#if 0
  TRect SplitRect(TSplitRectType SplitType, int Size) const;
  TRect SplitRect(TSplitRectType SplitType, double Percent) const;
#if defined(_Windows)
  bool SubtractRect(const TRect &R1, const TRect &R2) _ALWAYS_INLINE {
    return ::SubtractRect(this, &R1, &R2) != 0;
  LONG GetWidth() const _ALWAYS_INLINE {
    return right - left;
  void SetWidth(LONG width) _ALWAYS_INLINE {
    right = left + width;
  LONG GetHeight() const _ALWAYS_INLINE {
    return bottom - top;
  void SetHeight(LONG height) _ALWAYS_INLINE {
    bottom = top + height;
  TSize GetSize() const _ALWAYS_INLINE {
    TSize r; = GetWidth(); = GetHeight();
    return r;
  void SetSize(const TSize& newSize) _ALWAYS_INLINE {
  TPoint GetLocation() const _ALWAYS_INLINE {
    return TPoint(left, top);
  __property LONG Left    = { read=left,   write=left   };
  __property LONG Top     = { read=top,    write=top    };
  __property LONG Right   = { read=right,  write=right  };
  __property LONG Bottom  = { read=bottom, write=bottom };
  __property TSize Size   = { read=GetSize, write=SetSize };
  __property TPoint Location = { read=GetLocation, write=SetLocation };


Typ Sichtbarkeit Quelle Unit Übergeordnet
System.Types System.Types


TRect definiert ein Rechteck.

TRect repräsentiert die Abmessungen eines Rechtecks. Die Koordinaten werden entweder als vier einzelne Integerwerte angegeben, die den linken, oberen, rechten und unteren Rand definieren, oder als zwei Punkte, die die Position der linken, oberen sowie der rechten, unteren Ecke angeben.

Normalerweise repräsentieren TRect-Werte Pixel-Positionen, wobei der Ursprung des Koordinatensystems in der oberen, linken Ecke des Bildschirms (Bildschirmkoordinaten) oder in der oberen, linken Ecke des Client-Bereichs (Client-Koordinaten) eines Steuerelements liegt. Wenn ein TRect-Wert ein Rechteck auf dem Bildschirm darstellt, liegen die oberen und die linken Ecken konventionsgemäß innerhalb des Rechtecks und die unteren und rechten Ecken außerhalb des Rechtecks. Durch diese Konvention kann die Breite des Rechtecks mit Right – Left und die Höhe mit Bottom – Top ermittelt werden.

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