IBX.IBQuery.TIBXParam Properties
AsAnsiString | public | |
AsBCD | public | Specifies the value of the parameter when it represents a binary-coded decimal (BCD) field with less than 4 decimal places or 20 significant digits. |
AsBlob | public | Specifies the value of the parameter when it represents a binary large object (BLOB) field. |
AsBoolean | public | Specifies the value of the parameter when it represents a boolean field. |
AsByte | public | |
AsBytes | public | |
AsCurrency | public | Specifies the value of the parameter when it represents a field of type Currency. |
AsDataSet | public | Used by TSqlServerMethod to access TDataSet parameters. |
AsDate | public | Specifies the value of the parameter when it represents a date field. |
AsDateTime | public | Specifies the value of the parameter when it represents a date-time field. |
AsFloat | public | Specifies the value of the parameter when it represents a float field. |
AsFMTBCD | public | Specifies the value of the parameter when it represents a binary-coded decimal (BCD) field with more than 4 decimal places or 20 significant digits |
AsGuid | public | |
AsInteger | public | Specifies the value of the parameter when it represents an integer field. |
AsLargeInt | public | |
AsLongWord | public | |
AsMemo | public | Specifies the value of the parameter when it represents a memo field. |
AsObject | public | Specifies the TObject stored by the TParam instance, provided that the instance stores this type of value. |
AsParams | public | Used by TSqlServerMethod to access TParams parameters. |
AsShortInt | public | |
AsSingle | public | |
AsSmallInt | public | Specifies the value of the parameter when it represents a small integer field. |
AsSQLTimeStamp | public | Specifies the value of the parameter when it represents an SQL timestamp field. |
AsSQLTimeStampOffset | public | |
AsStream | public | Used by TSqlServerMethod to access TStream parameters. |
AsString | public | Specifies the value of the parameter when it represents a string field. |
AsTime | public | Specifies the value of the parameter when it represents a time field. |
AsWideString | public | |
AsWord | public | Specifies the value of the parameter when it represents a word field. |
Bound | public | Indicates whether a value (NULL or otherwise) has been assigned to the parameter. |
Collection | public | Specifies the TCollection instance to which the TCollectionItem belongs. |
ColumnName | public | |
DataSet | protected | |
DataType | published | Indicates the type of field whose value the parameter represents. |
DataTypeName | published | |
DisplayName | public | The name displayed in the Collection editor. |
Disposed | protected | Disposed is a read-only property that shows the current state of this object. |
ID | public | A unique, permanent index for the item. |
Index | public | Returns the item's position in the Items array of TCollection. |
IsNull | public | Indicates whether the value assigned to the parameter is NULL (blank). |
Name | published | Specifies the name of the parameter. |
NativeStr | public | Indicates the value of the parameter as a string, using the character set of the database table. |
NumericScale | published | Specifies the number of decimal places for the parameter. |
ParamType | published | Indicates the type of the parameter the TParam represents. |
Precision | published | Specifies the number of digits allowed for a numeric parameter. |
RelationName | public | |
Size | published | Specifies the number of characters in a string-type parameter. |
Text | public | Represents the value of the parameter as a string. |
Value | published | Represents the value of the parameter as a Variant. |