EBindCompError | Exception class for all errors that might appear when using binding components. |
IBindActivate | This interface is implemented by binding components. |
IBindCheckBoxEditor | This interface is implemented by an editor for a check box control. |
IBindCompDesigner | This interface is used at design time to display and modify the expressions of a binding component. |
IBindCompFactory | This interface is used at design time during the course of creating new binding components. |
IBindCompFactoryContext | This interface is used at design time during the course of creating new binding components. |
IBindCompFactoryExecuteContext | This interface is used at design time during the course of creating new binding components. |
IBindControlValue | This interface is implemented by binding components that the observer control changes using the control value observer, such as TBindControlValue and TLinkControlToProperty. |
IBindDateTimeEditEditor | |
IBindFillControlMembers | This interface is implemented by all classes that need to extract information from a binding editor, such as to get member names and member expressions. |
IBindGridEditor | This interface is implemented by an editor for a grid control. |
IBindLayoutChanged | This interface is implemented by binding components. |
IBindLink | This interface is implemented by binding components. |
IBindLinkColumns | This interface is implemented by binding components. |
IBindListEditor | This interface is implemented by the editor of a list control. |
IBindListEditorCommon | This interface is implemented by the editor of a list control. |
IBindListEditorEvalShortcut | Interface that editors of list controls that provide support for evaluation shortcuts must implement. |
IBindListEditorItem | |
IBindListGroupEditor | |
IBindListItemIndexEditor | This interface is implemented by the editor of a list control to support the expression: ListItemIndex(Self) . |
IBindListLookupEditor | This interface is implemented by the editor of a list control that can support lookups. |
IBindListRecordVirtualEditor | |
IBindListRefresh | This interface is implemented by binding components. |
IBindListRefreshing | This interface is implemented by binding components. |
IBindListSynchEditor | |
IBindListUpdate | This interface is implemented by binding components. |
IBindListVirtualEditor | Represents an abstraction used by LiveBinding components to access a control that behaves as a virtual list. |
IBindListVirtualEditorScope | |
IBindMemberChange | Is an interface used by data sources to inform binding components that a member has been renamed or deleted. |
IBindNavigator | This interface is implemented by all binding navigators (FMX and VCL) in order to provide the prototypes of the functions that are used to access the data source attached to the binding navigator. |
IBindPosition | Is an interface implemented by all binding components that synchronize their position or current item with the position or current record of a data source. |
IBindTimeEditEditor | |
IBindTrack | |
IControlEditorName | This interface is implemented by classes that require to get the control editor name of an object by supplying a GUID. |
IDependencyList | |
IScopeActive | Is an interface implemented by data sources to provide the active state of the data source. |
IScopeBuffer | |
IScopeComponent | Is an interface implemented by data sources to provide a component as the evaluation context for expressions. |
IScopeCurrentRecord | Is an interface implemented by a data source to provide an evaluation context for the current record. |
IScopeEditLink | Is an interface implemented by data sources that can support linking a field in the data source to a control, such as a TEdit control. |
IScopeEditor | Is an interface implemented by data sources that can support linking a field in the data source to a control, such as a TEdit control. |
IScopeExpressions | Is an interface implemented by data sources so that they keep track of the binding components that are referencing the data source. |
IScopeGetRecord | Is an interface implemented by a data source. |
IScopeLocate | |
IScopeLocks | |
IScopeLookup | Is an interface implemented by data sources. |
IScopeMemberNames | Is an interface implemented by data sources. |
IScopeMemberScripting | Is an interface implemented by data sources. |
IScopeNavigator | Is an interface implemented by data sources that support navigation through records. |
IScopeNavigatorUpdates | This interface is implemented by binding navigators (FMX and VCL) that require the mechanism of manipulating the data contained by the attached data sources. |
IScopeRecordControlUpdator | |
IScopeRecordEnumerable | Is an interface implemented by data sources. |
IScopeRecordEnumerableBuffered | |
IScopeRecordEnumerator | This is the abstraction of a data source enumerator. |
IScopeRecordEnumeratorCount | Data source enumerators may implement this interface. |
IScopeRecordEnumeratorEvalShortcut | Interface that data source enumerators that provide support for evaluation shortcuts must implement. |
IScopeRecordEnumeratorStatus | This interface is implemented by classes that require to get information regarding the status (multiple record updating) of a scope record enumerator. |
IScopeState | This interface is implemented by data sources and is used by binding components to get the editing state of a data source, and also to monitor changes to the editing state. |
IScopeUnidirectional | |
TActivatedContainedBindComponent | Is the base class for binding components that can be activated. |
TBaseBindExpression | TBaseBindExpression implements a single managed or unmanaged binding expression. |
TBaseBindScopeComponent | Base class for the binding scope component. |
TBaseLinkingBindSource | Base class for the binding scope components that support linking. |
TBasicBindComponent | Base class for all contained binding components descending from it. |
TBindArtifactItem | Represents a binding artifact item in a collection of binding artifacts. |
TBindArtifacts | Represents a collection of bindings artifact items. |
TBindCompException | Is an alias for the EBindCompError exception. |
TBindCompExpressionCollection | Is an owned collection of binding expressions. |
TBindComponentDelegate | Is a binding component that wraps one or more other binding components. |
TBindControlValue | Implements functionality for updating component properties when a control is modified by user input. |
TBindEditorFactory | Is a factory class for the binding editor. |
TBindEditorFactoryClass | TBindEditorFactoryClass defines the metaclass for TBindEditorFactory. |
TBindEventList | Represents a list of binding events. |
TBindEventList1 | Represents a generic list of binding events. |
TBindEventListT | Represents the base class for the TBindEventList and TBindEventList1 lists of binding events. |
TBindExpression | Represents a binding expression. |
TBindExprItems | Represents a collection of managed binding expressions. |
TBindGridLink | Used when binding controls to grids. |
TBindGridList | Used when binding components to grids. |
TBindingsList | Implements the bindings list component. |
TBindingsListEnumerator | Is an enumerator of binding components. |
TBindLink | Used when creating bindings to the columns in the grid of a dataset. |
TBindList | Represents an expression used when binding components to lists. |
TBindListLink | Represents an expression used when binding columns in the grids of a dataset to a list. |
TBindPosition | Represents a binding expression used to keep a control in sync with another position-related control. |
TBindScope | Non-visual component that provides a way to make data contained by the specified component available to all components that want to access it, using LiveBindings. |
TCollectionEnumerator | Represents a collection enumerator. |
TColumnFormatExpressionItem | Describes the members and expression strings that a binding component will use to create binding expressions that format a column in a grid control. |
TColumnFormatExpressions | Represents a collection of formatted binding expressions. |
TColumnLinkExpressionItem | Describes the members and expression strings that a binding component will use to create binding expressions that operate on a grid column cell and a data source field value. |
TColumnLinkExpressions | Represents a collection of linking binding expressions. |
TCommonBindComponent | Base class for all binding components descending from it, such as TBindExpression, TBindExprItems, and so on. |
TContainedBindCompClass | TContainedBindCompClass defines the metaclass for TContainedBindComponent. |
TContainedBindComponent | Base class for all common binding components descending from it. |
TControlObserver | Implements an observer for various linking bindings. |
TControlObserverHelper | |
TCustomBindControlValue | Implements functionality for updating component properties when a control is modified by user input. |
TCustomBindExpression | Implements a binding expression. |
TCustomBindExprItems | Implements a collection of managed or unmanaged binding expressions. |
TCustomBindGridLink | Implements functionality to connect a grid or a list control to a data source. |
TCustomBindGridList | Implements functionality to fill a list control from a data source. |
TCustomBindGridListLink | Implements functionality to connect a grid or a list control to a data source, using binding expressions. |
TCustomBindGridListLookup | Implements functionality to fill a grid or a list control from a data source. |
TCustomBindingsList | Represents the base class for the binding list. |
TCustomBindLink | Implements a linking binding expression. |
TCustomBindList | Implements functionality to fill a list control from a data source. |
TCustomBindListLink | Implements functionality to connect a list control to a data source, using binding expressions. |
TCustomBindListLookup | Implements functionality to fill a list control from a data source. |
TCustomBindPosition | Implements functionality for keeping a position-related control (such as a scroll bar) in synchronization with the current row in a data source. |
TCustomBindScope | Base class for all binding scope components that provide a way to make data contained by the specified component available to all components that want to access it, using LiveBindings. |
TCustomLinkControlToField | Represents the base class for linking a control to a field. |
TCustomLinkControlToProperty | Represents the base class for binding a value of a control to a component property. |
TCustomLinkFillControlToField | Represents the base class for linking a control to a field and filling the control with possible values. |
TCustomLinkFillControlToProperty | Represents the base class for binding a value of a control to a component property. |
TCustomLinkListControlToField | Represents the base class for linking a list control to a field. |
TCustomLinkPropertyToField | Represents the base class for linking a property of a component to a field. |
TDependency | Describes the component property upon which a binding component depends. |
TDependencyList | Implements a list of dependencies on components and properties. |
TEvalEnumerator | Represents a value expression from a member of a data source enumerator that may be evaluated either using evaluation shortcuts or using the expression engine. |
TEvalEnumeratorToEditor | Represents an assignment expression from a member of a data source enumerator to a member of a list editor that may be evaluated either using evaluation shortcuts or using the expression engine. |
TEvalShortcutEnumerator | Base class for evaluators of TEvalEnumerator that implement evaluation shortcuts. |
TEvalShortcutEnumeratorToEditor | Base class for evaluators of TEvalEnumeratorToEditor that implement evaluation shortcuts. |
TEvalShortcutFactories | Singleton class for instantiating evaluators that use evaluation shortcuts (TEvalShortcutEnumerator or TEvalShortcutEnumeratorToEditor) using registered factories. |
TEvalShortcutFactory | Base class for factories that instantiate evaluators that use evaluation shortcuts (TEvalShortcutEnumerator or TEvalShortcutEnumeratorToEditor). |
TExpressionDirEnumerator | Is an enumerator of expressions that have a direction property. |
TExpressionItem | Is an item in a collection of expressions. |
TExpressionItemDir | Is an item (an expression with a direction property) in a collection of expression directions. |
TExpressions | Is an owned collection of binding expressions. |
TExpressionsBindComponent | |
TExpressionsDir | Is an owned collection of expression directions. |
TFillBreakGroupItem | |
TFillBreakGroups | |
TFormatExpressionItem | Is an item in a collection of formatting expressions. |
TFormatExpressions | Is an owned collection of formatting binding expressions. |
TLinkControlDelegate | Is a binding component that wraps another binding component and references a control. |
TLinkControlToField | Links a control to a field. |
TLinkControlToFieldDelegate | Is a binding component that wraps another binding component and references a control, data source, and field. |
TLinkControlToProperty | Links a value of a control to a component property. |
TLinkFillControlToField | Links a control to a field and fills the control with possible values. |
TLinkFillControlToProperty | Links a value of a control to a component property and fills the control with possible values. |
TLinkListControlToField | Links a list control to a field. |
TLinkPropertyToField | Links the property of a component to a field. |
TLinkPropertyToFieldDelegate | Is a binding component that wraps another binding component and references a component property, data source, and field name. |
TMethods | Is a collection of method identifiers that are included in or excluded from the evaluation context for the expressions. |
TOutputConverters | Is a collection of output converter identifiers that are included in or excluded from the evaluation context for expressions. |
TScopeMappingItem | Is an item in a collection of scope mappings. |
TScopeMappings | Is an owned collection of scope mappings. |
TScopeMappingsEnumerator | Is an enumerator of scope mappings. |