function GetBlockListXML(ContainerName, BlobName: string; BlockType: TAzureQueryIncludeBlockType = aqbtCommitted; const SnapShot: string = ''; const LeaseId: string = ''; ResponseInfo: TCloudResponseInfo = nil): string; overload; deprecated 'Use GetBlckList method instead';
System::UnicodeString __fastcall GetBlockListXML _DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE1("Use GetBlckList method instead") (System::UnicodeString ContainerName, System::UnicodeString BlobName, TAzureQueryIncludeBlockType BlockType = (TAzureQueryIncludeBlockType)(0x0), const System::UnicodeString SnapShot = System::UnicodeString(), const System::UnicodeString LeaseId = System::UnicodeString(), Data::Cloud::Cloudapi::TCloudResponseInfo* ResponseInfo = (Data::Cloud::Cloudapi::TCloudResponseInfo*)(0x0))/* overload */;
Type | Visibility | Source | Unit | Parent |
function | public | Data.Cloud.AzureAPI.pas Data.Cloud.AzureAPI.hpp |
Data.Cloud.AzureAPI | TAzureBlobService |
Warning: GetBlockListXML is deprecated. Please use GetBlockList.
Returns the block list for the given blob in XML representation.
GetBlockListXML returns the block list for the given blob in XML representation.
The following table describes the parameters:
Parameter | Description |
The name of the container the blob is in. |
The name of the block blob to get the block list for. |
The type of blocks to get (committed, uncommitted, or both). |
The snapshot ID if you want the list of a snapshot instead of the blob. |
The lease ID, required if the blob is locked. |
The optional class for storing response info into. |