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function ListBlobs(ContainerName: string; OptionalParams: TStrings = nil;  ResponseInfo: TCloudResponseInfo = nil): TList<TAzureBlob>; overload; deprecated 'Use overloaded method instead';
function ListBlobs(ContainerName: string; out NextMarker: string; OptionalParams: TStrings = nil;  ResponseInfo: TCloudResponseInfo = nil): TList<TAzureBlob>; overload; deprecated 'Use overloaded method instead';
function ListBlobs(const AContainerName: string; const APrefix: string; const ADelimiter: string;  const AMarker: string; AMaxResult: Integer; ADatasets: TAzureBlobDatasets; out ANextMarker: string; out ABlobPrefix: TArray<string>; out AResponseXML: string; const AResponseInfo: TCloudResponseInfo): TArray<TAzureBlobItem>; overload;


System::Generics::Collections::TList__1<TAzureBlob*>* __fastcall ListBlobs _DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE1("Use overloaded method instead") (System::UnicodeString ContainerName, System::Classes::TStrings* OptionalParams = (System::Classes::TStrings*)(0x0), Data::Cloud::Cloudapi::TCloudResponseInfo* ResponseInfo = (Data::Cloud::Cloudapi::TCloudResponseInfo*)(0x0))/* overload */;
System::Generics::Collections::TList__1<TAzureBlob*>* __fastcall ListBlobs _DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE1("Use overloaded method instead") (System::UnicodeString ContainerName, /* out */ System::UnicodeString &NextMarker, System::Classes::TStrings* OptionalParams = (System::Classes::TStrings*)(0x0), Data::Cloud::Cloudapi::TCloudResponseInfo* ResponseInfo = (Data::Cloud::Cloudapi::TCloudResponseInfo*)(0x0))/* overload */;
System::DynamicArray<TAzureBlobItem> __fastcall ListBlobs(const System::UnicodeString AContainerName, const System::UnicodeString APrefix, const System::UnicodeString ADelimiter, const System::UnicodeString AMarker, int AMaxResult, TAzureBlobDatasets ADatasets, /* out */ System::UnicodeString &ANextMarker, /* out */ System::DynamicArray<System::UnicodeString> &ABlobPrefix, /* out */ System::UnicodeString &AResponseXML, Data::Cloud::Cloudapi::TCloudResponseInfo* const AResponseInfo)/* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
Data.Cloud.AzureAPI TAzureBlobService


Returns the list of blobs for the given container.

ListBlobs is used to return the list of the container's blobs.

There are two ListBlobs overloaded methods. The following table describes the parameters:

Parameter Description


The container to get the blobs for, or $root for the root container.


The continuation token if not all the blobs were returned.


The optional parameter name/value pairs.


The optional class for storing response info into.

The following optional parameters are supported: prefix, delimiter, marker, maxresults, include={snapshots,metadata,uncommittedblobs}.

If prefix is specified, only blobs with names starting with the specified prefix are shown.

If delimiter is specified, then any blob with a name (after the prefix string) containing the delimiter string will be grouped into a 'BlobPrefix' node, as appropriate. The grouping provides a way to view the blobs with a virtual directory structure, where you can then take the values of the returned 'BlobPrefix' name nodes, and use those as prefix values for subsequent calls.

If marker is specified, it is used as a continuation token to retrieve more blobs from where a previous invocation left off when it was not able to return all the blobs.

If maxresults is specified, then it is treated as an integer representing the maximum number of blobs to return. The default (and maximum) is 5000. If more blobs exist than maxresults allows, then NextMarker in the XML will be populated, and you can use this as the value of marker in a future call.

If include is specified, it can have a comma-separated values (CSV) string of one or more of the following:

  • snapshots—include blob snapshots in the response (ordered oldest to newest).
  • metadata—include each blob's metadata in the response.
  • uncommittedblobs—include blobs with uncommitted sections in the response.

Warning: Note that blobs under the $root container cannot have a slash in their name.

See Also