property Transliterate: Boolean read FTransliterate write FTransliterate default 1;
__property Transliterate = {default=1};
Type | Visibility | Source | Unit | Parent |
property | published | Data.DB.pas Data.DB.hpp |
Data.DB | TMemoField |
Determines whether any text in the BLOB field should be converted to and from the character set identified by the dataset.
Data.DB.TMemoField.Transliterate inherits from Data.DB.TBlobField.Transliterate. All content below this line refers to Data.DB.TBlobField.Transliterate.
Determines whether any text in the BLOB field should be converted to and from the character set identified by the dataset.
Use Transliterate when the physical database table identified by the dataset does not use an ANSI language driver and the data may contain extended ASCII characters and the BLOB field contains text.
When Transliterate is True, BLOB fields call the dataset's Translate method to translate ANSI UTF-8 characters to the character set used by the dataset when the value is changed using the Value property, the AsString property, or the AsVariant property. When these properties are read to obtain the value of the BLOB field, the Translate method translates the characters in the database table to the UTF-8 (Linux) or ANSI (Windows) character set.
For example, for TMemoField, Transliterate indicates whether the memo field text must be converted to and from the character set identified by the dataset. The default value of the Transliterate property is True.
Note: BLOB streams (returned by the dataset's CreateBlobStream method) also check the Transliterate property when reading from or writing to a BLOB field.
See Also