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typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TAfterUpdateRecordEvent)(System::TObject* Sender, Data::Db::TDataSet* SourceDS, Datasnap::Dbclient::TCustomClientDataSet* DeltaDS, Data::Db::TUpdateKind UpdateKind);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
typedef public Datasnap.Provider.hpp Datasnap.Provider Datasnap.Provider


TAfterUpdateRecordEvent represents the type of events that occur when the associated resolver has just updated a record.

Call TAfterUpdateRecordEvent to provide special processing immediately after a record has been successfully updated. For example, you can use an object of the TAfterUpdateRecordEvent type to maintain a log of successful updates.

The Sender parameter identifies the provider that is applying updates.

The SourceDS parameter is the dataset from which the data originated. If there is no source dataset, this value is nil (Delphi) or NULL (C++). The source dataset may not be active when the event occurs: you may need to set its Active property to true before accessing its data.

The DeltaDS parameter is a client dataset whose current record is the update that was just applied.

The UpdateKind parameter indicates whether this update was the modification of an existing record (ukModify), a new record that was inserted (ukInsert), or a record that was deleted (ukDelete).

See Also