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typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TProviderDataEvent)(System::TObject* Sender, Datasnap::Dbclient::TCustomClientDataSet* DataSet);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
typedef public Datasnap.Provider.hpp Datasnap.Provider Datasnap.Provider


Represents the procedure type for the events that occur when the provider applies updates or retrieves data.

A variable of TProviderDataEvent type references an event that occurs either when the provider begins to apply updates or when the provider retrieves data.

The Sender parameter identifies the provider that is about to send DataSet to a client or about to apply the updates in DataSet.

The DataSet parameter is a data packet that the provider just received from or is about to send to a client. It can be an update packet containing the updated, deleted, and inserted records from a client, or it can be a data packet of records to be sent to the client.

See Also