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function CreateRequestContent(const AJSON: TJSONValue): IEMSResourceRequestContent; overload;
function CreateRequestContent(const AContentType: string; const AStream: TStream): IEMSResourceRequestContent; overload;
function CreateRequestContent(const AContentType: string; const ABytes: TBytes): IEMSResourceRequestContent; overload;


virtual _di_IEMSResourceRequestContent __fastcall CreateRequestContent(System::Json::TJSONValue* const AJSON) = 0 /* overload */;
virtual _di_IEMSResourceRequestContent __fastcall CreateRequestContent(const System::UnicodeString AContentType, System::Classes::TStream* const AStream) = 0 /* overload */;
virtual _di_IEMSResourceRequestContent __fastcall CreateRequestContent(const System::UnicodeString AContentType, const System::DynamicArray<System::Byte> ABytes) = 0 /* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
EMS.Services IEMSResourceRequest


Creates the payload content of an EMS Resource request.

The CreateRequestContent method is overloaded:

  • The first overloaded method creates the payload for the request from a JSON object AJSON. The content type of this request is application/json.
  • The second overloaded method creates the payload for the request from the stream AStream. Indicate the content type (AContentType) of the payload.
  • The third overloaded method creates the payload for the request from the byte array ABytes. Indicate the content type (AContentType) of the payload.

CreateRequestContent returns an IEMSResourceRequestContent to read the response from the resource.

See Also