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function FindStyleResource(const AStyleLookup: string; const Clone: Boolean = False): TFmxObject; overload; override;
function FindStyleResource<T: TFmxObject>(const AStyleLookup: string; var AResource: T): Boolean; overload;


virtual Fmx::Types::TFmxObject* __fastcall FindStyleResource(const System::UnicodeString AStyleLookup, const bool Clone = false)/* overload */;
template<typename T> HIDESBASE bool __fastcall FindStyleResource(const System::UnicodeString AStyleLookup, T &AResource)/* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
FMX.Controls TStyledControl


Finds the linked resource object for the style specified by name.

The AStyleLookup parameter specifies the name of the style.

If AStyleLookup is empty, FindStyleResource returns nil. If no resource object is linked directly to the control, FindStyleResource looks to the styles of the control's children. If no resource object is found, it returns nil.

Clone determines whether the returned style resource object should be the original style object (False) or a copy of the original (True).

See Also

Code Examples