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TAnimationType = (&In, Out, InOut);


enum class DECLSPEC_DENUM TAnimationType : unsigned int { In, Out, InOut };


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
enum public
FMX.Types FMX.Types


The type of the AnimationType property of an animation.

Determines how the interpolation of an animation is applied. Use TAnimationType to specify how the value of a property changes from its starting value to its ending value (StopValue). Imagine the graph of the quadratic function: y = x**2. The slope of the graph is zero at x = 0. That means that y changes very slowly near x = 0. As x increases, the slope gets steeper and steeper, meaning that y is changing faster and faster. x represents time in the animation, and y is the value of the property being animated.

With a TAnimationType of In and a TInterpolationType of Quadratic, the value of the property that this animation is applied to (PropertyName) changes slowly near the starting point (equivalent to the quadradic function at x = 0). With a TAnimationType of Out, change is slow near the endpoint. For a TAnimationType of InOut, change is slow at both ends. The curve is mirrored about the center point and meets in the middle.

For a visual demonstration, see the AttachTAnimation (Delphi) code example.

TAnimationType can take one of the following values:

Value Meaning


The curve that applies to the TInterpolationType for this animation starts at the starting value of the property animated.


The curve that applies to the TInterpolationType for this animation starts at the ending value of the property animated and proceeds backwards to the starting value.


The curve that applies to the TInterpolationType for this animation starts at both the starting value and the ending value of the property animated and meets at the center point.

See Also

Code Examples