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property Options: TFDBatchMoveOptions read FOptions write FOptions  default [poIdentityInsert, poCreateDest, poSkipUnmatchedDestFields, poUseTransactions];


__property TFDBatchMoveOptions Options = {read=FOptions, write=FOptions, default=60};


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property published
FireDAC.Comp.BatchMove TFDBatchMove


Specifies the data movement options.

The Options property is set to [poIdentityInsert, poCreateDest, poSkipUnmatchedDestFields, poUseTransactions] by default.

Select one or more Options:

Name Description
poClearDest Deletes the content of the destination table before data movement, performing a transactional operation like SQL DELETE command.
poClearDestNoUndo Deletes the content of the destination table before data movement, performing a non-transactional fast operation like SQL TRUNCATE command.
poIdentityInsert When this option is selected, then insert/update of the destination identity columns is enabled.
poCreateDest Creates the destination table before data movement, if it does not exist. FireDAC will use the data reader provided in the field definitions.
poSkipUnmatchedDestFields When this option is selected, then unmatched by name destination fields will be excluded from movement.
poUseTransactions When this option is selected, then batch movement of each CommitCount records will be surrounded by StartTransaction/Commit

See Also