property UpdateTransaction: TFDCustomTransaction read FUpdateTransaction write SetUpdateTransaction;
__property TFDCustomTransaction* UpdateTransaction = {read=FUpdateTransaction, write=SetUpdateTransaction};
Type | Visibility | Source | Unit | Parent |
property | public | FireDAC.Comp.Client.pas FireDAC.Comp.Client.hpp |
FireDAC.Comp.Client | TFDCustomConnection |
The reference to the TFDCustomTransaction object, which will be used to post changes to the database.
The UpdateTransaction property gets or sets the reference to the transaction object, which will be default for all the associated datasets without the UpdateTransaction property explicitly assigned. This transaction is used by datasets to post changes to the database.
If UpdateTransaction is not assigned, but Transaction is assigned, the Transaction object is used instead of UpdateTransaction.
Note: At the moment, this behavior only applies for InterBase and Firebird connections.