FireDAC.Comp.DataSet.TFDSQLTimeIntervalField Properties
Alignment | published | Determines how the data of the field is displayed within a data-aware control. |
AsAnsiString | public | Represents the field's value as an AnsiString. |
AsBCD | public | Represents the field's value as a TBcd value. |
AsBoolean | public | Represents the field's value as a boolean value. |
AsBytes | public | Represents the value of the field as an array of bytes. |
AsCurrency | public | Represents the field's value as a Currency value. |
AsDateTime | public | Represents the value of the field as a TDateTime value. |
AsExtended | public | Represents the field's value as a high-precision floating-point number. |
AsFloat | public | Represents the field's value as a double value. |
AsGuid | public | Represents the value of the field as a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID). |
AsInteger | public | Represents the field's value as a 32-bit integer. |
AsLargeInt | public | Represents the field value as a large integer. |
AsLongWord | public | |
AsSingle | public | Represents the field's value as a Single floating-point number. |
AsSQLTimeInterval | public | Returns the time interval field value. |
AsSQLTimeStamp | public | Represents the field's value as a TSQLTimeStamp. |
AsSQLTimeStampOffset | public | Represents the field's value as a highly accurate date-time value. |
AsString | public | Represents the field's value as a string (Delphi) or an AnsiString (C++). |
AsVariant | public | Represents the Value of the field as a Variant. |
AsWideString | public | Represents the field's value as a WideString. |
AttributeSet | public | Specifies the name of an attribute set in the data dictionary to apply to the field component. |
AutoGenerateValue | published | Indicates whether the field values can be generated by the server rather than entered by the user. |
Calculated | public | Determines whether the value of the field is calculated by the OnCalcFields event handler of its dataset. |
CanModify | public | Specifies whether a field can be modified. |
ComObject | public | Specifies the interface reference implemented by the component. |
ComponentCount | public | Indicates the number of components owned by the component. |
ComponentIndex | public | Indicates the position of the component in its owner's Components property array. |
Components | public | Lists all components owned by the component. |
ComponentState | public | Describes the current state of the component, indicating when a component needs to avoid certain actions. |
ComponentStyle | public | Governs the behavior of the component. |
ConstraintErrorMessage | published | Specifies a customized error message that appears when the user tries to set a value that violates the data constraints of the field. |
CurValue | public | Represents the current value of the field component including changes made by other users of the database. |
CustomConstraint | published | Specifies an SQL string the enforces any application-specific constraints on the field's value. |
DataSet | public | Identifies the dataset to which a field component belongs. |
DataSize | public | Indicates the amount of memory needed to store a field component's value. |
DataType | public | Identifies the data type of the field component. |
DefaultExpression | published | Specifies an SQL expression that is assigned to the field if the user does not provide a value. |
DesignInfo | public | Contains information used by the Form designer. |
DisplayLabel | published | Contains the text to display in the corresponding column heading of a data grid. |
DisplayName | public | Represents the name of the field for display purposes. |
DisplayText | public | Represents the field's value as it is displayed in a data-aware control. |
DisplayWidth | published | Specifies the number of characters that should be used to display a field's value by a cooperating data-aware control. |
Disposed | protected | Disposed is a read-only property that shows the current state of this object. |
EditMask | public | Contains a mask that restricts the data that can be entered into a data field. |
EditMaskPtr | public | Provides read-only access to the EditMask property. |
FieldKind | published | Indicates whether a field represents a column in a dataset, a calculated field, or a lookup field. |
FieldName | published | Indicates the name of the physical column in the underlying table or query result to which a field component is bound. |
FieldNo | public | Indicates the ordinal position of the field's column in the underlying table or query result. |
FullName | public | Indicates the field name qualified by the full name of the parent field, if any. |
HasConstraints | published | Indicates whether field values are constrained. |
ImportedConstraint | published | Represents an SQL clause that enforces constraints stored on the server. |
Index | published | Specifies the field component's index in the Fields property of the dataset. |
IntervalKind | public | Returns the time interval kind. |
IsIndexField | public | Indicates whether a field is an index field. |
IsNull | public | Indicates whether the field has a value assigned to it. |
KeyFields | published | Identifies the field or fields in the dataset that must be matched in a lookup dataset when doing a lookup. |
LifeCycle | public | Specifies whether the field is automatic or persistent. |
Lookup | public | Determines whether the field is specified as a lookup field. |
LookupCache | published | Determines whether the values of a lookup field are cached or looked up dynamically every time the current record in the dataset changes. |
LookupDataSet | published | Identifies the dataset used to look up field values. |
LookupKeyFields | published | Identifies the field or fields in the lookup dataset to match when doing a lookup. |
LookupList | public | Indicates a cache of values from the LookupDataSet indexed by a set of values from the KeyFields property. |
LookupResultField | published | Identifies the field from the lookup dataset whose value becomes the Value property of the field component. |
Name | published | Specifies the name of the component as referenced in code. |
NewValue | public | Represents the current value of the field component including pending cached updates. |
Observers | public | Indicates the TObservers object added to the TComponent. |
Offset | public | Indicates the number of bytes added to the end of the current record buffer in the dataset for storing cached values (for calculated fields or BLOB fields). |
OldValue | public | Represents the original value of the field (as a Variant). |
Origin | published | Indicates the name of the field in its original database table. |
Owner | public | Indicates the component that is responsible for streaming and freeing this component. |
ParentField | public | Specifies the TObjectField object from which this field is derived. |
ProviderFlags | published | Specifies how a provider uses the field value when applying updates. |
ReadOnly | published | Determines whether the field can be modified. |
Required | published | Specifies whether a nonblank value for a field is required. |
Size | public | Indicates the size used in the definition of the physical database field for data types that support different sizes. |
Tag | published | Stores a NativeInt integral value as a part of a component. |
Text | public | Contains the string to display in a data-aware control when the field is in edit mode. |
Validating | public | |
ValidChars | public | Specifies the characters that can be included in the text representation of the field's value. |
Value | public | Represents the data in a field component. |
VCLComObject | public | Represents information used internally by components that support COM. |
Visible | published | Determines whether the field appears in a data grid. |