Package | rtl270.bpl |
EConversionError | EConversionError is the exception class for measurement conversion errors. |
TConvTypeFactor | TConvTypeFactor describes a single registered conversion type (measurement unit) that differs from its family's base units by a simple conversion factor. |
TConvTypeInfo | TConvTypeInfo describes a single registered conversion type (measurement unit). |
TConvTypeProcs | TConvTypeProcs describes a single registered conversion type (measurement unit) that is registered by supplying conversion methods. |
CompatibleConversionType | Indicates whether a specified conversion type is registered with a specified conversion family. |
CompatibleConversionTypes | Indicates whether the Convert function can convert between two specified conversion types. |
Convert | Converts a measurement from one set of units to another. |
ConvertFrom | Converts a measurement from the specified units to the base units of its conversion family. |
ConvertTo | Converts a measurement from the base units of a conversion family into a specified conversion type. |
ConvFamilyToDescription | Returns the string description of what a conversion family measures. |
ConvTypeToDescription | Returns the string description of a conversion type (measurement unit). |
ConvTypeToFamily | Returns the identifier for the conversion family with which a conversion type or pair of types is registered. |
ConvUnitAdd | Adds two measurements and returns the result using a specified unit of measurement. |
ConvUnitCompareValue | Indicates the relationship between two measurements. |
ConvUnitDec | Decrements a specified measurement by a specified amount. |
ConvUnitDiff | Subtracts one measurement from another and returns the result using a specified unit of measurement. |
ConvUnitInc | Increments a specified measurement by a specified amount. |
ConvUnitSameValue | Indicates whether two measurements are equivalent. |
ConvUnitToStr | Formats a measurement and its conversion unit into a human-readable string. |
ConvUnitWithinNext | Indicates whether a specified measurement exceeds another measurement by at most a specified amount. |
ConvUnitWithinPrevious | Indicates whether a specified measurement is at most a specified amount less than another measurement. |
DescriptionToConvFamily | Retrieves the identifier for a conversion family given its name. |
DescriptionToConvType | Retrieves the identifier for a conversion type given its name and family. |
GetConvFamilies | Returns a list of all registered conversion families. |
GetConvTypes | Returns a list of all registered conversion types in a specified conversion family. |
RaiseConversionError | Raises an EConversionError exception. |
RaiseConversionRegError | |
RegisterConversionFamily | Registers a new conversion family and returns its identifier. |
RegisterConversionType | Registers a new conversion type and returns its identifier. |
StrToConvUnit | Parses a string into a value and conversion type. |
TryConvTypeToFamily | Retrieves the identifier for the conversion family with which a conversion type or pair of types is registered. |
TryStrToConvUnit | Parses a string into a value and conversion type. |
UnregisterConversionFamily | Unregisters a conversion family previously registered using RegisterConversionFamily. |
UnregisterConversionType | Unregisters a conversion type previously registered using RegisterConversionType. |
TConversionProc | |
TConvFamily | |
TConvFamilyArray | TConvFamilyArray represents a dynamic array of conversion families. |
TConvType | |
TConvTypeArray | TConvTypeArray represents a dynamic array of conversion types (measurement units). |
TConvTypeList |
CIllegalConvFamily | |
CIllegalConvType | |
GConvUnitToStrFmt |