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function SameTime(const A, B: TDateTime): Boolean;


extern DELPHI_PACKAGE bool __fastcall SameTime(const System::TDateTime A, const System::TDateTime B);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
System.DateUtils System.DateUtils


Indicates whether two TDateTime values represent the same time of day, ignoring the date portion.

Call SameTime to determine whether the two TDateTime values specified by A and B represent the same time of day, ignoring the date portion. SameTime returns True if the two specified values occur on the same hour, minute, second, and millisecond, False otherwise.

Note: It is possible to create two TDateTime values whose time portions differ numerically when viewed as floating point types, but which represent the same hour, minute, second, and millisecond. SameTime allows applications to determine when two TDateTime values represent the same time, even when the fractional parts of the values differ.

See Also

Code Examples