Package | rtl270.bpl |
EHelpSystemException | EHelpSystemException is the class for errors raised by the RTL Help System. |
ICustomHelpViewer | Help Viewer that provides access to the Help System. Its methods display a table of contents and Help topics specified by keywords. |
IExtendedHelpViewer | The Help Viewer provides methods to display Help topics specified by numeric context identifiers and by topic names. |
IExtendedHelpViewer2 | Help Viewer with ability to open Index and Search panes, as well as open Topics with Anchors. |
IFilteredHelpViewer | Help Viewer with ability to Set and Get help filters. |
IHelpManager | IHelpManager provides access to the Help System for a Help Viewer. |
IHelpSelector | Interface for Help Selector object. |
IHelpSelector2 | Interface that extends IHelpSelector. |
IHelpSystem | Application Help System that supports multiple Help Viewers. |
IHelpSystem2 | Application Help System that supports multiple Help Viewers. |
IHelpSystem3 | Application Help System that supports multiple Help Viewers. |
IHelpSystemFlags | Interface for setting a default topic. |
ISpecialWinHelpViewer | Help Viewer that supports special Windows Help requests. |
GetHelpSystem | Retrieves the Help System object. |
RegisterViewer | Registers the Help Viewer to receive Help requests. |