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CelsiusToFahrenheitConverts a temperature expressed in degrees Celsius to the corresponding temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.
FahrenheitToCelsiusConverts a temperature expressed in degrees Fahrenheit to the corresponding temperature in degrees Celsius.
InitStdConvsInitialize conversion variables for C++ program.


auAcresThe auAcres variable represents the conversion type for square acres.
auAresThe auAres variable represents the conversion type for square ares.
auCentaresThe auCentares variable represents the conversion type for centares.
auHectaresThe auHectares variable represents the conversion type for hectares.
auSquareCentimetersThe auSquareCentimeters variable represents the conversion type for square centimeters.
auSquareDecametersThe auSquareDecameters variable represents the conversion type for square decameters.
auSquareDecimetersThe auSquareDecimeters variable represents the conversion type for square decimeters.
auSquareFeetThe auSquareFeet variable represents the conversion type for square feet.
auSquareHectometersThe auSquareHectometers variable represents the conversion type for square hectometers.
auSquareInchesThe auSquareInches variable represents the conversion type for square inches.
auSquareKilometersThe auSquareKilometers variable represents the conversion type for square kilometers.
auSquareMetersThe auSquareMeters variable represents the conversion type for square meters.
auSquareMilesThe auSquareMiles variable represents the conversion type for square miles.
auSquareMillimetersThe auSquareMillimeters variable represents the conversion type for square millimeters.
auSquareRodsThe auSquareRods variable represents the conversion type for square rods.
auSquareYardsThe auSquareYards variable represents the conversion type for square yards.
cbAreaThe cbArea variable designates units that measure area.
cbDistanceThe cbDistance variable designates units that measure Distance.
cbMassThe cbMass variable designates units that measure mass.
cbTemperatureThe cbTemperature variable designates units that measure temperature.
cbTimeThe cbTime variable designates units that measure time.
cbVolumeThe cbVolume variable designates units that measure volume.
duAngstromsThe duAngstroms variable represents the conversion type for angstroms.
duAstronomicalUnitsThe duAstronomicalUnits variable represents the conversion type for astronomical units.
duCentimetersThe duCentimeters variable represents the conversion type for centimeters.
duChainsThe duChains variable represents the conversion type for chains.
duCubitsThe duCubits variable represents the conversion type for cubits.
duDecametersThe duDecameters variable represents the conversion type for decameters.
duDecimetersThe duDecimeters variable represents the conversion type for decimeters.
duFathomsThe duFathoms variable represents the conversion type for fathoms.
duFeetThe duFeet variable represents the conversion type for feet.
duFurlongsThe duFurlongs variable represents the conversion type for furlongs.
duGigametersThe duGigameters variable represents the conversion type for gigameters.
duHandsThe duHands variable represents the conversion type for hands.
duHectometersThe duHectometers variable represents the conversion type for hectometers.
duInchesThe duInches variable represents the conversion type for inches.
duKilometersThe duKilometers variable represents the conversion type for kilometers.
duLightYearsThe duLightYears variable represents the conversion type for light years.
duLinksThe duLinks variable represents the conversion type for links.
duMegametersThe duMegameters variable represents the conversion type for megameters.
duMetersThe duMeters variable represents the conversion type for meters.
duMicromicronsThe duMicromicrons variable represents the conversion type for micromicrons.
duMicronsThe duMicrons variable represents the conversion type for microns.
duMilesThe duMiles variable represents the conversion type for miles.
duMillimetersThe duMillimeters variable represents the conversion type for millimeters.
duMillimicronsThe duMillimicrons variable represents the conversion type for millimicrons.
duNauticalMilesThe duNauticalMiles variable represents the conversion type for nautical miles.
duPacesThe duPaces variable represents the conversion type for paces.
duParsecsThe duParsecs variable represents the conversion type for parsecs.
duPicasThe duPicas variable represents the conversion type for picas.
duPointsThe duPoints variable represents the conversion type for points.
duRodsThe duRodsvariable represents the conversion type for rods.
duYardsThe duYards variable represents the conversion type for yards.
muCentigramsThe muCentigrams variable represents the conversion type for centigrams.
muDecagramsThe muDecagrams variable represents the conversion type for decagrams.
muDecigramsThe muDecigrams variable represents the conversion type for decigrams.
muDramsThe muDrams variable represents the conversion type for drams.
muGrainsThe muGrains variable represents the conversion type for grains.
muGramsThe muGrams variable represents the conversion type for grams.
muHectogramsThe muHectograms variable represents the conversion type for hectograms.
muKilogramsThe muKilograms variable represents the conversion type for kilograms.
muLongTonsThe muLongTons variable represents the conversion type for long tons.
muMetricTonsThe muMetricTons variable represents the conversion type for metric tons.
muMicrogramsThe muMicrograms variable represents the conversion type for micrograms.
muMilligramsThe muMilligrams variable represents the conversion type for milligrams.
muNanogramsThe muNanograms variable represents the conversion type for nanograms.
muOuncesThe muOunces variable represents the conversion type for ounces.
muPoundsthe muPounds variable represents the conversion type for pounds.
muStonesThe muStones variable represents the conversion type for stones.
muTonsThe muTons variable represents the conversion type for tons.
tuCelsiusThe tuCelsius variable represents the conversion type for Celsius.
tuCenturiesThe tuCenturies variable represents the conversion type for centuries.
tuDateTimeThe tuDateTime variable represents the conversion type for date time.
tuDaysThe tuDays variable represents the conversion type for days.
tuDecadesThe tuDecades variable represents the conversion type for decades.
tuFahrenheitThe tuFahrenheit variable represents the conversion type for Fahrenheit.
tuFortnightsThe tuFortnights variable represents the conversion type for fortnights.
tuHoursThe tuHours variable represents the conversion type for hours.
tuJulianDateThe tuJulianDate variable represents the conversion type for Julian date.
tuKelvinThe tuKelvin variable represents the conversion type for Kelvin.
tuMillenniaThe tuMillennia variable represents the conversion type for millennia.
tuMilliSecondsThe tuMilliSeconds variable represents the conversion type for milliseconds.
tuMinutesThe tuMinutes variable represents the conversion type for minutes.
tuModifiedJulianDateThe tuModifiedJulianDate variable represents the conversion type for modified Julian date.
tuMonthsThe tuMonths variable represents the conversion type for months.
tuRankineThe tuRankine variable represents the conversion type for Rankine.
tuReaumurThe tuReaumur variable represents the conversion type for Reaumur.
tuSecondsThe tuSeconds variable represents the conversion type for seconds.
tuWeeksThe tuWeeks variable represents the conversion type for weeks.
tuYearsThe tuYears variable represents the conversion type for years.
vuAcreFeetThe vuAcreFeet variable represents the conversion type for acre feet.
vuAcreInchesThe vuAcreInches variable represents the conversion type for acre inches.
vuCentiLitersThe vuCentiLiters variable represents the conversion type for centiliters.
vuCordFeetThe vuCordFeet variable represents the conversion type for cord feet.
vuCordsThe vuCords variable represents the conversion type for cords.
vuCubicCentimetersThe vuCubicCentimeters variable represents the conversion type for cubic centimeters.
vuCubicDecametersThe vuCubicDecameters variable represents the conversion type for cubic decameters.
vuCubicDecimetersThe vuCubicDecimeters variable represents the conversion type for cubic decimeters.
vuCubicFeetThe vuCubicFeet variable represents the conversion type for cubic feet.
vuCubicHectometersThe vuCubicHectometers variable represents the conversion type for cubic hectometers.
vuCubicInchesThe vuCubicInches variable represents the conversion type for cubic inches.
vuCubicKilometersThe vuCubicKilometers variable represents the conversion type for cubic kilometers.
vuCubicMetersThe vuCubicMeters variable represents the conversion type for cubic meters.
vuCubicMilesThe vuCubicMiles variable represents the conversion type for cubic miles.
vuCubicMillimetersThe vuCubicMillimeters variable represents the conversion type for cubic millimeters.
vuCubicYardsThe vuCubicYards variable represents the conversion type for cubic yards.
vuDecaLitersThe vuDecaLiters variable represents the conversion type for decaliters.
vuDecasteresThe vuDecasteres variable represents the conversion type for decasteres.
vuDeciLitersThe vuDeciLiters variable represents the conversion type for deciliters.
vuDecisteresThe vuDecisteres variable represents the conversion type for decisteres.
vuDryBucketsThe vuDryBuckets variable represents the conversion type for dry buckets.
vuDryBushelsThe vuDryBushels variable represents the conversion type for dry bushels.
vuDryGallonsThe vuDryGallons variable represents the conversion type for dry gallons.
vuDryPecksThe vuDryPecks variable represents the conversion type for dry pecks.
vuDryPintsThe vuDryPints variable represents the conversion type for dry pints.
vuDryQuartsThe vuDryQuarts variable represents the conversion type for dry quarts.
vuFluidCupsThe vuFluidCups variable represents the conversion type for fluid cups.
vuFluidGallonsThe vuFluidGallons variable represents the conversion type for fluid gallons.
vuFluidGillsThe vuFluidGills variable represents the conversion type for fluid gills.
vuFluidOuncesThe vuFluidOunces variable represents the conversion type for fluid ounces.
vuFluidPintsThe vuFluidPints variable represents the conversion type for fluid pints.
vuFluidQuartsThe vuFluidQuarts variable represents the conversion type for fluid quarts.
vuFluidTablespoonsThe vuFluidTablespoons variable represents the conversion type for fluid tablespoons.
vuFluidTeaspoonsThe vuFluidTeaspoons variable represents the conversion type for fluid teaspoons.
vuHectoLitersThe vuHectoLiters variable represents the conversion type for hectoliters.
vuKiloLitersThe vuKiloLiters variable represents the conversion type for kiltoliters.
vuLitersThe vuLiters variable represents the conversion type for liters.
vuMilliLitersThe vuMilliLiters variable represents the conversion type for milliliters.
vuSteresThe vuSteres variable represents the conversion type for steres.
vuUKBushelsThe vuUKBushels variable represents the conversion type for U.K. bushels.
vuUKGallonsThe vuUKGallons variable represents the conversion type for U.K. gallons.
vuUKGillsThe vuUKGills variable represents the conversion type for U.K. gills.
vuUKOuncesThe vuUKOunces variable represents the conversion type for U.K. ounces.
vuUKPecksThe vuUKPecks variable represents the conversion type for U.K. pecks.
vuUKPintsThe vuUKPints variable represents the conversion type for U.K. pints.
vuUKPottlesThe vuUKPottles variable represents the conversion type for U.K. pottles.
vuUKQuartsThe vuUKQuarts variable represents the conversion type for U.K. quarts.


CubicMetersPerAcreFootCubicMetersPerAcreFoot: Extended = 1233;
CubicMetersPerAcreInchCubicMetersPerAcreInch: Extended = 102.8;
CubicMetersPerCordCubicMetersPerCord: Extended = 3.625;
CubicMetersPerCordFootCubicMetersPerCordFoot: Extended = 0.4531;
CubicMetersPerCubicFootCubicMetersPerCubicFoot: Extended = 0.02832;
CubicMetersPerCubicInchCubicMetersPerCubicInch: Comp = 1.639e-05;
CubicMetersPerCubicMileCubicMetersPerCubicMile: Extended = 4.168e+09;
CubicMetersPerCubicYardCubicMetersPerCubicYard: Extended = 0.7646;
CubicMetersPerUKBucketCubicMetersPerUKBucket: Extended = 0.01818;
CubicMetersPerUKBushelCubicMetersPerUKBushel: Extended = 0.03637;
CubicMetersPerUKGallonCubicMetersPerUKGallon: Extended = 0.004546;
CubicMetersPerUKGillCubicMetersPerUKGill: Extended = 0.0001421;
CubicMetersPerUKOunceCubicMetersPerUKOunce: Extended = 2.841e-05;
CubicMetersPerUKPeckCubicMetersPerUKPeck: Extended = 0.009092;
CubicMetersPerUKPintCubicMetersPerUKPint: Extended = 0.0005683;
CubicMetersPerUKPottleCubicMetersPerUKPottle: Extended = 0.002273;
CubicMetersPerUKQuartCubicMetersPerUKQuart: Extended = 0.001137;
CubicMetersPerUSDryBucketCubicMetersPerUSDryBucket: Extended = 0.01762;
CubicMetersPerUSDryBushelCubicMetersPerUSDryBushel: Extended = 0.03524;
CubicMetersPerUSDryGallonCubicMetersPerUSDryGallon: Comp = 0.004405;
CubicMetersPerUSDryPeckCubicMetersPerUSDryPeck: Extended = 0.00881;
CubicMetersPerUSDryPintCubicMetersPerUSDryPint: Extended = 0.0005506;
CubicMetersPerUSDryQuartCubicMetersPerUSDryQuart: Extended = 0.001101;
CubicMetersPerUSFluidCupCubicMetersPerUSFluidCup: Extended = 0.0002366;
CubicMetersPerUSFluidGallonCubicMetersPerUSFluidGallon: Extended = 0.003785;
CubicMetersPerUSFluidGillCubicMetersPerUSFluidGill: Extended = 0.0001183;
CubicMetersPerUSFluidOunceCubicMetersPerUSFluidOunce: Extended = 2.957e-05;
CubicMetersPerUSFluidPintCubicMetersPerUSFluidPint: Extended = 0.0004732;
CubicMetersPerUSFluidQuartCubicMetersPerUSFluidQuart: Extended = 0.0009464;
CubicMetersPerUSFluidTablespoonCubicMetersPerUSFluidTablespoon: Extended = 1.479e-05;
CubicMetersPerUSFluidTeaspoonCubicMetersPerUSFluidTeaspoon: Extended = 4.929e-06;
GramsPerDramsGramsPerDrams: Extended = 1.772;
GramsPerGrainsGramsPerGrains: Extended = 0.0648;
GramsPerLongTonsGramsPerLongTons: Extended = 1.016e+06;
GramsPerOuncesGramsPerOunces: Extended = 28.35;
GramsPerPoundGramsPerPound: Extended = 453.6;
GramsPerStonesGramsPerStones: Extended = 6350;
GramsPerTonsGramsPerTons: Extended = 9.072e+05;
MetersPerAstronomicalUnitMetersPerAstronomicalUnit: Extended = 1.496e+11;
MetersPerChainMetersPerChain: Extended = 20.12;
MetersPerCubitMetersPerCubit: Comp = 0.4572;
MetersPerFathomMetersPerFathom: Extended = 1.829;
MetersPerFootMetersPerFoot: Extended = 0.3048;
MetersPerFurlongMetersPerFurlong: Extended = 201.2;
MetersPerHandMetersPerHand: Extended = 0.1016;
MetersPerInchMetersPerInch: Comp = 0.0254;
MetersPerLightSecondMetersPerLightSecond: Extended = 2.998e+08;
MetersPerLightYearMetersPerLightYear: Extended = 9.461e+15;
MetersPerLinkMetersPerLink: Extended = 0.2012;
MetersPerMileMetersPerMile: Extended = 1609;
MetersPerNauticalMilesMetersPerNauticalMiles: Integer = $73C;
MetersPerPaceMetersPerPace: Extended = 0.762;
MetersPerParsecMetersPerParsec: Extended = 3.086e+16;
MetersPerPicaMetersPerPica: Extended = 0.004218;
MetersPerPointMetersPerPoint: Extended = 0.0003515;
MetersPerRodMetersPerRod: Extended = 5.029;
MetersPerYardMetersPerYard: Extended = 0.9144;
SquareMetersPerAcreSquareMetersPerAcre: Extended = 4047;
SquareMetersPerSquareFootSquareMetersPerSquareFoot: Extended = 0.0929;
SquareMetersPerSquareInchSquareMetersPerSquareInch: Comp = 0.0006452;
SquareMetersPerSquareMileSquareMetersPerSquareMile: Extended = 2.59e+06;
SquareMetersPerSquareRodSquareMetersPerSquareRod: Extended = 25.29;
SquareMetersPerSquareYardSquareMetersPerSquareYard: Extended = 0.8361;