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Members for creating and managing a COM server.


TComServerTComServer is the class type of the ComServ variable that is declared and instantiated in the ComServ unit.
TCppActiveXModuleDefines the terminator of a local COM server using the C++ standard library.


DllCanUnloadNowTells Windows whether it can unload the in-process server exporting this function.
DllGetClassObjectObtains a class factory for an ActiveX object when the ActiveX object resides in an in-process ActiveX server (DLL).
DllInstallTries to register a dll.
DllRegisterServerRegisters an in-process ActiveX server in the current module within the system registry.
DllUnregisterServerUnregisters an OLE automation server in the current module with the system registry.
GetComServerReturns a ComServer object.
LoadTypeLibraryLoads a type library with the specified name.


TLastReleaseEventType of event handler for the TComServer.OnLastRelease event.
TStartModeStart mode that indicates how or why an application started.


ComServerProvides class and registry information about server objects.