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Members to define and manage sockets and client-server connections.

Package rtl270.bpl


ESocketErrorESocketError is the exception class for failures that occur when trying to create, use, or shut down Windows socket objects.
TAbstractSocketTAbstractSocket is the abstract base class for all socket components.
TClientSocketTClientSocket manages socket connections for a TCP/IP client.
TClientWinSocketTClientWinSocket describes the client endpoint of a Windows socket connection.
TCustomServerSocketTCustomServerSocket is the base class for all server socket components.
TCustomSocketTCustomSocket is the base class for socket components.
TCustomWinSocketTCustomWinSocket is the base class for all Windows socket objects.
TServerAcceptThreadTServerAcceptThread is used to poll the listening socket for incoming client connections.
TServerClientThreadTServerClientThread is an execution thread used for a single connection to a client socket accepted by a Windows server socket.
TServerClientWinSocketTServerClientWinSocket describes the server endpoint of a socket connection to a client socket.
TServerSocketTServerSocket manages server socket connections for a TCP/IP server.
TServerWinSocketTServerWinSocket describes the endpoint of a listening server socket connection.
TWinSocketStreamTWinSocketStream is a stream that provides services which allow applications to read from or write to socket connections.


SetErrorProcReplaces the exception handler for error messages that are received from a Windows socket connection.


TAsyncStyleDetermines which asynchronous events the socket can receive.
TAsyncStylesA set of TAsyncStyle elements.
TClientTypeDescribes whether the client is blocking or unblocking.
TCMLookupCompleteIs used internally.
TCMSocketMessageIs used internally.
TErrorEventRepresents the error type.
TGetSocketEventThe type for event handlers that respond to events during the expected course of forming or using a socket connection.
TGetThreadEventThe type for event handlers that respond to events during the execution of threads that handle individual client connections.
TLookupStateIndicates any asynchronous activities occurring while opening a connection.
TServerTypeDescribes whether the server is blocking or thread blocking.
TSocketErrorEventTSocketErrorEvent is the type for event handlers that respond when a Windows socket reports an error.
TSocketErrorProcThe type that represents the exception handler for error messages that are received from a Windows socket connection.
TSocketEventTSocketEvent identifies the operation that a socket is performing.
TSocketEventEventThe type for event handlers that notify that an event has occurred to a socket connection and also to the operation it is currently performing.
TSocketNotifyEventThe type for event handlers that notify that an event has occurred to a certain socket connection.
TThreadNotifyEventThe type for event handlers that notify that an event has occurred to a TServerClientThread.
