Defines Vcl.ActnMan.TActionManager and related classes used by the Action Manager, such as Vcl.ActnMan.TActionBars.
Package | vclactnband270.bpl |
IActionBarDesigner | |
TActionBarItem | TActionBarItem objects are used by the action manager to represent all of the action bars connected to the action manager in an application. |
TActionBarItemClass | |
TActionBars | TActionBars is a collection of TActionBarItem objects used internally by the action manager to represent all of the action bars connected to the action manager in an application. |
TActionBarsClass | |
TActionBarStyle | TActionBarStyle is the base class for styles in ActionManager. |
TActionBarStyleList | Represents a list of action bar style names associated with the corresponding pointers to TActionBarStyle. |
TActionClient | TActionClient is the ancestor for TActionBarItem and TActionClientItem classes. |
TActionClientClass | |
TActionClientItem | TActionClientItem is a streamable wrapper that represents an action or category of actions in the action manager. |
TActionClientItemClass | |
TActionClientLink | |
TActionClientLinkClass | |
TActionClients | TActionClients is a container for TActionClient objects. |
TActionClientsClass | |
TActionClientsCollection | TActionClientsCollection is a collection of action clients that maintains information about the action manager that owns the collection. |
TActionDragBaseClass | TActionDragBaseClass is a base class used for managing drag operations. |
TActionDragObject | |
TActionItemDragObject | |
TActionListCollection | TActionListCollection is a collection that maintains information about action lists and their captions. |
TActionListItem | TActionListItem represents an item in a action list collection. |
TActionManager | TActionManager provides a mechanism to manage and display all actions contained in an application. |
TButtonProperties | TButtonProperties contains properties applicable to action client items that have the CommandStyle property set to csButton. |
TCategoryDragObject | |
TCheckBoxProperties | TCheckBoxProperties contains properties applicable to action client items that have the CommandStyle property set to csCheckBox. |
TComboBoxProperties | TComboBoxProperties contains properties applicable to action client items that have the CommandStyle property set to csComboBox. |
TCommandProperties | TCommandProperties is a base for all classes used to control the properties of action client items. |
TCommandPropertiesClass | TCommandPropertiesClass defines the metaclass for TCommandProperties. |
TControlProperties | TControlProperties contains properties applicable to action client items that have the CommandStyle property set to csControl. |
TCustomActionBar | TCustomActionBar is the base class for all action bands. |
TCustomActionBarClass | |
TCustomActionBarColorMap | TCustomActionBarColorMap is the base class for the action band colormaps that controls the color of the action band and the items that appear on it. |
TCustomActionClass | |
TCustomActionControl | TCustomActionControl is the base class for ActionBand custom controls. |
TCustomActionControlClass | |
TCustomActionManager | TCustomActionManager is the base class for the TActionManager component. |
TCustomColorMapClass | |
TGalleryProperties | TGalleryProperties contains properties applicable to the action client items that have the CommandStyle property set to csGallery. |
TMenuProperties | TMenuProperties contains properties applicable to action client items that have the CommandStyle property set to csMenu. |
TTextProperties | TTextProperties contains properties applicable to action client items that have the CommandStyle property set to csText. |
TXToolDockForm |
NotifyDesigner |
TActionProc | |
TBackgroundLayout | |
TBarEdge | |
TBarOrientation | |
TBarOrientations | |
TCaptionOptions | |
TChangesAllowed | |
TChangesAllowedSet | |
TCMItemMsg | |
TColorMapUpdateProc | |
TCommandStyle | TCommandStyle enumerates the possible styles for a command. |
TControlCreatedEvent | |
TGalleryResize | TGalleryResize enumerates the possible resizing options for a gallery. |
TGetBarItemClassEvent | |
TGetBarsClassEvent | |
TGetClientItemClassEvent | |
TGetClientsClassEvent | |
TGetCommandPropertiesClassEvent | Event handler for OnGetCommandPropertiesClass event. |
TGetControlClassEvent | |
TMergeRange | |
TStyleChanged |
ActionBarDesigner | |
ActionBarStyles | Represents the action bar styles available at run time. |
cDefaultSchedule | |
ControlDragMode | |
DefaultActnBarStyle |
caAllChanges | caAllChanges: Set = [caModify..caDelete]; |
CM_ITEMKEYED | CM_ITEMKEYED: Integer = $917; |
CM_RESETBAR | CM_RESETBAR: Integer = $91C; |