Vcl.Controls.TMargins Properties
Bottom | published | Specifies the bottom edge of the margin. |
Control | protected | Specifies the control for which the margins apply. |
ControlHeight | public | Sets the height of the control. |
ControlLeft | public | Sets the starting point for the left side of the control. |
ControlTop | public | Sets the starting point of the top of the control. |
ControlWidth | public | Sets the width of the control. |
Disposed | protected | Disposed is a read-only property that shows the current state of this object. |
ExplicitHeight | public | Specifies the height for the control. |
ExplicitLeft | public | Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the left edge of a control, relative to its parent. |
ExplicitTop | public | Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left corner of a control relative to its parent. |
ExplicitWidth | public | Specifies the width for the control. |
Left | published | Specifies the left edge of the margin. |
Right | published | Specifies the right edge of the margin. |
Top | published | Specifies the top edge of the margin. |