property GestureManager: TCustomGestureManager read FGestureManager write SetGestureManager;
__property GestureManager;
Type | Visibility | Source | Unit | Parent |
property | published | Vcl.Controls.pas Vcl.Controls.hpp |
Vcl.Controls | TTouchManager |
Specifies the gesture manager associated with this TCustomTouchManager instance.
Vcl.Controls.TTouchManager.GestureManager inherits from Vcl.Controls.TCustomTouchManager.GestureManager. All content below this line refers to Vcl.Controls.TCustomTouchManager.GestureManager.
Specifies the gesture manager associated with this TCustomTouchManager instance.
All TCustomTouchManager instances contain a reference to the gesture manager used to keep track of available gestures. Use GestureManager to obtain the reference to the gesture manager component.
GestureManager must be set to a valid gesture manager before you can manage this TCustomTouchManager instance. A nil value means that there is no gesture manager associated, resulting in a nonfunctional gesturing support.