function CanResize(var NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer): Boolean; override;
virtual bool __fastcall CanResize(int &NewWidth, int &NewHeight);
Type | Visibility | Source | Unit | Parent |
function | protected | Vcl.Controls.pas Vcl.Controls.hpp |
Vcl.Controls | TWinControl |
Indicates how the control can respond to a resize attempt.
CanResize is called automatically when an attempt is made to resize the control. The NewWidth and NewHeight parameters specify the attempted new values for the control's height and width. CanResize returns true if the control can be resized to the returned values of NewWidth and NewHeight. CanResize returns false if the control can't be resized.
CanResize generates an OnCanResize event. An OnCanResize event handler may change the values of NewHeight and NewWidth.