Package | vcldb270.bpl |
TCustomDBLookupComboBox | TCustomDBLookupComboBox is the base class for TDBLookupComboBox. |
TDataSourceLink | TDataSourceLink helps manage the link to the data source for a TDBLookupControl object. |
TDBCheckBox | TDBCheckBox is a data-aware control that allows the user to select or deselect a single value. |
TDBComboBox | TDBComboBox represents a data-aware combo box control. |
TDBEdit | TDBEdit represents a single-line edit control that can display and edit a field in a dataset. |
TDBImage | TDBImage represents a graphic image from a BLOB (binary large object) field of the current record of a dataset. |
TDBListBox | TDBListBox represents a data-aware list box that allows users to change field values by selecting an item from a list. |
TDBLookupComboBox | TDBLookupComboBox represents a combo box that identifies a set of field values in one dataset with a corresponding set of values from another dataset. |
TDBLookupControl | TDBLookupControl is the base class for controls that provide the user with a list of lookup items for filling in fields that require data from another dataset. |
TDBLookupListBox | TDBLookupListBox provides a list of lookup items for filling in fields that require data from another dataset. |
TDBMemo | TDBMemo represents a multiline edit control that can display and edit a field in a dataset. |
TDBNavigator | TDBNavigator (the database navigator) is used to move through the data in a dataset and perform operations on the data, such as inserting a blank record or posting a record. |
TDBRadioGroup | TDBRadioGroup represents a group of radio buttons connected to a database. |
TDBRichEdit | TDBRichEdit represents a multiline edit control that can display and edit a rich text memo field in a dataset. |
TDBText | TDBText represents a data-aware control that displays the value of a field on a form. |
TFieldDataLink | TFieldDataLink helps a data-aware windowed control manage its link to a TField object and respond to data events. |
TListSourceLink | TListSourceLink helps manage the link to the ListSource of a TDBLookupControl object. |
TNavButton | |
TNavDataLink | TNavDataLink helps manage the link to the dataset for a TDBNavigator object. |
TPaintControl | TPaintControl draws data aware controls that are replicated in a data control grid. |
TPopupDataList |
DBUseRightToLeftAlignment | Indicates whether a data-aware control's alignment is reversed to a right-to-left mode. |
OkToChangeFieldAlignment |
ENavClick | |
TDBNavigatorKind | TDBNavigatorKind indicates the orientation of the TDBNavigator. |
TDropDownAlign | TDropDownAlign indicates the relative alignment of a drop-down list to the edit portion of a DB lookup combo box. |
TLoadPictureEvent | |
TNavButtonSet | TNavButtonSet is a set of TNavigateBtn values. |
TNavButtonStyle | |
TNavGlyph | |
TNavigateBtn | TNavigateBtn defines values identifying different possible buttons on a TDBNavigator object. |
Vcl_Dbctrls__11 |
InitRepeatPause | InitRepeatPause: Integer = $190; |
RepeatPause | RepeatPause: Integer = $64; |
SpaceSize | SpaceSize: Integer = 5; |