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typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TPaintPageEvent)(System::TObject* Sender, Vcl::Graphics::TCanvas* Canvas, const System::Types::TRect &PageRect, bool &DoneDrawing);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
typedef public Vcl.Dialogs.hpp Vcl.Dialogs Vcl.Dialogs


TPageSetupBeforePaintEvent defines the class method called by various TPageSetupDialog events.

The TPaintPageEvent class method is called by a number of events that are involved in the painting of the Page Setup Dialog illustrative page image.

Sender is a reference to the calling TPageSetupDialog instance.

Canvas is a reference to the Page Setup Dialog canvas.

PageRect gives the bounds of the item being drawn that resulted in the event.

Set DoneDrawing to true to disable further painting. This results in a blank sample page, with none of the other event handlers being called.

See Also