Vcl.Imaging.GIFImg.TGIFImage Properties
Animate | public | Specifies whether the GIF should be animated. |
AnimateLoop | public | Specifies whether the GIF animation should loop. |
AnimationSpeed | public | Specifies the GIF animation speed. |
AspectRatio | public | Specifies the aspect ratio to use when displaying the GIF images. |
BackgroundColor | public | Specifies the background color to use when displaying the GIF images. |
BackgroundColorIndex | public | Specifies the index of the background color to use when displaying the GIF images. |
Bitmap | public | Represents the bitmap associated with the first GIF image. |
BitsPerPixel | public | Specifies the number of bits per pixel of the GIF images. |
ColorReduction | public | Specifies the color reduction method to use when importing bitmaps. |
ColorResolution | public | Specifies the color resolution of the GIF images. |
Disposed | protected | Disposed is a read-only property that shows the current state of this object. |
Dithering | public | Specifies the dithering behavior when displaying the GIF images. |
DitherMode | public | Specifies the dithering algorithm to use when displaying the GIF images. |
DrawBackgroundColor | public | Specifies the Windows background color to use when displaying the GIF images. |
Empty | public | Indicates whether the graphics object contains a graphic. |
GlobalColorMap | public | Specifies the global color map of the GIF images. |
Height | public | Specifies the vertical size of the graphic in pixels. |
Images | public | Specifies the list of GIF images stored in the TGIFImage instance. |
IsTransparent | public | Specifies whether at least one of the GIF images is transparent. |
Modified | public | Indicates whether the graphics object has been changed or edited. |
Palette | public | Indicates the color palette of the graphical image. |
PaletteModified | public | Indicates whether the palette has changed. |
ReductionBits | public | Specifies the number of bits per pixel to use when the reduction method is rmQuantize. |
ScaledDrawer | public | |
ShouldDither | public | Specifies whether dithering is enabled when displaying the GIF images. |
SupportsPartialTransparency | public | Indicate whether graphic supports partial transparency or an alpha channel. |
Transparent | public | Indicates whether the image covers its rectangular area. |
Version | public | Specifies the version of the GIF images. |
Width | public | Determines the maximum width of the graphics object in pixels. |