function GetDocBinding(const TagName: DOMString; DocNodeClass: TClass; NamespaceURI: DOMString = ''): IXMLNode;
Xml::Xmlintf::_di_IXMLNode __fastcall GetDocBinding(const System::UnicodeString TagName, System::TClass DocNodeClass, System::UnicodeString NamespaceURI = System::UnicodeString());
Type | Visibility | Source | Unit | Parent |
function | public | Xml.XMLDoc.pas Xml.XMLDoc.hpp |
Xml.XMLDoc | TXMLDocument |
Replaces the document element with an instance of a specified implementation class.
Call GetDocBinding to specify the implementation class and tag name for the document element. After replacing the specified node with an instance of the specified class, GetDocBinding returns the interface of the document element.
TagName is the tag name of the child node to be replaced. Typically, this identifies the document element.
DocNodeClass is the implementation class to use for all child nodes with the specified tag name.
NamespaceURI is the URI of the namespace in which TagName is defined.