
De RAD Studio API Documentation
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dliNotification = (
dliStartProcessing,            { used to bypass or note helper only     }
dliNoteStartProcessing = dliStartProcessing,
dliNotePreLoadLibrary,         { called just before LoadLibrary, can    }
{  override w/ new HMODULE return val    }
dliNotePreGetProcAddress,      { called just before GetProcAddress, can }
{  override w/ new Proc address return   }
{  value                                 }
dliFailLoadLibrary,            { failed to load library, fix it by      }
{  returning a valid HMODULE             }
dliFailGetProcAddress,         { failed to get proc address, fix it by  }
{  returning a valid Proc address        }
dliNoteEndProcessing           { called after all processing is done,   }
{  no bypass possible at this point      }
{  except by raise, or
RaiseException.                       }


Type Visibilité  Source Unité  Parent
enum public SysInit.pas SysInit SysInit


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