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function ApplyUpdates(const AKey: string; const ASelectCommand: TFDCustomCommand; AMaxErrors: Integer = -1): Integer; overload;
function ApplyUpdates(const Index: Integer; const ASelectCommand: TFDCustomCommand; AMaxErrors: Integer = -1): Integer; overload;
function ApplyUpdates(const AKey: string; const AAdapter: TFDTableAdapter; AMaxErrors: Integer = -1): Integer; overload;
function ApplyUpdates(const Index: Integer; const AAdapter: TFDTableAdapter; AMaxErrors: Integer = -1): Integer; overload;


virtual int __fastcall ApplyUpdates(const System::UnicodeString AKey, Firedac::Comp::Client::TFDCustomCommand* const ASelectCommand, int AMaxErrors = 0xffffffff) = 0 /* overload */;
virtual int __fastcall ApplyUpdates(const int Index, Firedac::Comp::Client::TFDCustomCommand* const ASelectCommand, int AMaxErrors = 0xffffffff) = 0 /* overload */;
virtual int __fastcall ApplyUpdates(const System::UnicodeString AKey, Firedac::Comp::Client::TFDTableAdapter* const AAdapter, int AMaxErrors = 0xffffffff) = 0 /* overload */;
virtual int __fastcall ApplyUpdates(const int Index, Firedac::Comp::Client::TFDTableAdapter* const AAdapter, int AMaxErrors = 0xffffffff) = 0 /* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
Data.FireDACJSONReflect IFDJSONDeltasApplyUpdatesMax


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