function CreateTransport: ITransport; virtual;
virtual _di_ITransport __fastcall CreateTransport(void);
Type | Visibility | Source | Unit | Parent |
function | protected | Datasnap.Win.SConnect.pas Datasnap.Win.SConnect.hpp |
Datasnap.Win.SConnect | TStreamedConnection |
Provides the backstop for a method that obtains an ITransport interface.
Streamed connection components use an ITransport interface to connect to and communicate with the application server. As implemented in TStreamedConnection, CreateTransport always returns nil (Delphi) or NULL (C++).
Descendants of TStreamedConnection override CreateTransport to obtain an ITransport interface that connects to and communicates with the application server.
Component writers wanting to create connection components for specialized transport protocols need only override CreateTransport. Once the streamed connection has a working ITransport interface, all other functions of the connection component are handled automatically.