FireMonkey Style Designer

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Go Up to Customizing FireMonkey Applications with Styles

The FireMonkey Style Designer window, in combination with the Structure view and the Object Inspector, helps you create, edit, and test FireMonkey styles.

Opening the FireMonkey Style Designer

  • To work with Custom styles, use the following commands of the shortcut menu displayed when you right-clicked a styled component:
    • Edit Default Style:
      Opens a new FireMonkey Style Designer window in which you can modify the style for the component class. For example, if you right-clicked a button, you can modify the "buttonStyle" object (a default style for the TButton class) .
    • Edit Custom Style:
      Opens a new FireMonkey Style Designer window in which you can modify the selected control style. For example, if you right-clicked a button, you can modify the "button1Style" object (a style for this button only).


The FireMonkey Style Designer window is made of:

  • An object design area on the left-hand side where you can modify objects of your style visually.
  • A preview on the right-hand side that shows your style rendered with an example control.
  • A toolbar on top of both.


The FireMonkey Style Designer toolbar contains the following buttons:

Item Description

New Style

Creates a new, empty FireMonkey style.

Note: If you have not saved your progress on the current style, a dialog box gives you the chance to save your changes.


Opens a dialog box where you can select a FireMonkey style to load.

RAD Studio provides some FireMonkey styles. You can find them in C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\22.0\Redist\styles\Fmx.

Note: If you have not saved your progress on the current style, a dialog box gives you the chance to save your changes.

Merge style

Opens a dialog box where you can select a FireMonkey style to add all of its style objects to your current style.

Save Style

Saves the current FireMonkey style into a .style file.

Zoom controls

You can use the - and + buttons to adjust the zoom of the object design area. Supported zoom levels are multiples of 100% between 100% and 1000%.

Platform combo box

Selects a target platform to edit.

Add Platform

Opens a dialog box to select a platform to add to the Platform combo box.

Remove Platform

Removes the currently selected platform from the Platform combo box.

Transparency Grid

Use a transparency grid as background for the object design area.

White Background

Use a white background for the object design area.

Black Background

Use a black background for the object design area.

Generate new custom style

The arrow head of this button lists style items of the style that do not exist for the selected Platform but are available for other platforms of the current style.

Click a style item on the list to add a copy to the current platform of the style.

See Also