C++ Compilers

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RAD Studio provides compilers for all supported target platforms.

Each compiler belongs to one of the following generations of compilers:

  • Previous-generation compilers, which are the original C++Builder 32-bit Windows compiler, BCC32, and compilers with a similar code base.
  • Clang-enhanced compilers, which are compilers that are based on the Clang compiler.

RAD Studio provides the following C++ compilers:

Platform Compiler Generation
32-bit Windows BCC32C Clang
BCC32X Clang
BCC32 Previous
64-bit Windows BCC64 Clang
BCC64X Clang
64-bit iOS BCCIOSARM64 Clang
Android BCCAARM Clang
Attention: When using the 32-bit Windows compilers for more than one C++ Project dependent on one other, the code compiled by one compiler cannot be static linked to by code built with a different compiler because they are not ABI compatible. To use two different compilers the code must be in a separate DLL and expose a flat c interface, otherwise, you can choose only one of the compilers to have a successful compilation process.

See Also