Color Constants

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This topic lists a few color constants that can be used within VCL. These constants are individually described at Graphics Constants.

Color constants (available in Object Inspector)
Constant Description
cl3DDkShadow Represents the dark shadow of 3D components.
cl3DLight Represents the light part of 3D components.
clActiveBorder Represents the default border color of an active window.
clActiveCaption Represents the default color of the title bar of an active window.
lAppWorkSpace Represents the default Application WorkSpace color.
clAqua Represents the color Aqua.
clBackground Represents the default Windows background color.
clBlack Represents the color black.
clBlue Represents the color blue.
clBtnFace Represents the color of the face of a button.
clBtnHighlight Represents the color of the highlighting on a button.
clBtnShadow Represents the color of the shadow cast by a button.
clBtnText Represents the default color of the text on a button.
clCaptionText Represents the default color of the text on the title bar of an active window.
clCream Represents the color cream.
clDefault Specifies the default color of a component.
clDkGray Represents the color dark gray.
clFuchsia Represents the color fuchsia.
clGradientActiveCaption Right side color in the color gradient of an active window's title bar.
clGradientInactiveCaption Right side color in the color gradient of an inactive window's title bar.
clGray Represents the color gray.
clGrayText Represents the color of text that is dimmed.
clGreen Represents the color green.
clHighlight Represents the color of the background of a block of selected text.
clHighlightText Represents the color of selected text.
clInactiveBorder Represents the default border color of an inactive window.
clInactiveCaption Represents the default color of the title bar of an inactive window.
clInactiveCaptionText Represents the default color of the title text in an inactive window.
clInfoBk Represents the color of the background of a tool tip.
clInfoText Represents the color of tool tip text.
clLime Represents the color lime.
clLtGray Represents the color light gray.
clMaroon Represents the color maroon.
clMedGray Represents the color medium gray.
clMenu Represents the color of the background of an unselected menu subitem.
clMenuBar Represents the color of the background of an unselected main menu item.
clMenuHighlight Represents the color of the background of a selected menu item.
clMenuText Represents the default menu text color.
clMoneyGreen Represents the color money green.
clNavy Represents the color navy.
clNone Represents no selected color.
clOlive Represents the color olive.
clPurple Represents the color purple.
clRed Represents the color red.
clSilver Represents the color silver.
clSkyBlue Represents the color sky blue.
clSystemColor Is a mask used to identify the set of system colors.
clTeal Represents the color teal.
clWhite Represents the color white.
clWindow Represents the default Window background color.
clWindowFrame Represents the default Window frame background color.
clWindowText Represents the default Window text color.
clYellow Represents the color yellow.

See Also