Color Constants
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This topic lists a few color constants that can be used within VCL. These constants are individually described at Graphics Constants.
Constant | Description |
cl3DDkShadow | Represents the dark shadow of 3D components. |
cl3DLight | Represents the light part of 3D components. |
clActiveBorder | Represents the default border color of an active window. |
clActiveCaption | Represents the default color of the title bar of an active window. |
lAppWorkSpace | Represents the default Application WorkSpace color. |
clAqua | Represents the color Aqua. |
clBackground | Represents the default Windows background color. |
clBlack | Represents the color black. |
clBlue | Represents the color blue. |
clBtnFace | Represents the color of the face of a button. |
clBtnHighlight | Represents the color of the highlighting on a button. |
clBtnShadow | Represents the color of the shadow cast by a button. |
clBtnText | Represents the default color of the text on a button. |
clCaptionText | Represents the default color of the text on the title bar of an active window. |
clCream | Represents the color cream. |
clDefault | Specifies the default color of a component. |
clDkGray | Represents the color dark gray. |
clFuchsia | Represents the color fuchsia. |
clGradientActiveCaption | Right side color in the color gradient of an active window's title bar. |
clGradientInactiveCaption | Right side color in the color gradient of an inactive window's title bar. |
clGray | Represents the color gray. |
clGrayText | Represents the color of text that is dimmed. |
clGreen | Represents the color green. |
clHighlight | Represents the color of the background of a block of selected text. |
clHighlightText | Represents the color of selected text. |
clInactiveBorder | Represents the default border color of an inactive window. |
clInactiveCaption | Represents the default color of the title bar of an inactive window. |
clInactiveCaptionText | Represents the default color of the title text in an inactive window. |
clInfoBk | Represents the color of the background of a tool tip. |
clInfoText | Represents the color of tool tip text. |
clLime | Represents the color lime. |
clLtGray | Represents the color light gray. |
clMaroon | Represents the color maroon. |
clMedGray | Represents the color medium gray. |
clMenu | Represents the color of the background of an unselected menu subitem. |
clMenuBar | Represents the color of the background of an unselected main menu item. |
clMenuHighlight | Represents the color of the background of a selected menu item. |
clMenuText | Represents the default menu text color. |
clMoneyGreen | Represents the color money green. |
clNavy | Represents the color navy. |
clNone | Represents no selected color. |
clOlive | Represents the color olive. |
clPurple | Represents the color purple. |
clRed | Represents the color red. |
clSilver | Represents the color silver. |
clSkyBlue | Represents the color sky blue. |
clSystemColor | Is a mask used to identify the set of system colors. |
clTeal | Represents the color teal. |
clWhite | Represents the color white. |
clWindow | Represents the default Window background color. |
clWindowFrame | Represents the default Window frame background color. |
clWindowText | Represents the default Window text color. |
clYellow | Represents the color yellow. |