Creating an Inner Classifier
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The UML elements that can have instances are called classifiers. Such elements are classes, association classes, structures (Delphi and C++), and unions (C++). Some of them can include inner classifiers. For example, classes and association classes can contain inner classes, structures, and unions. See the Inner classifiers section in the Class Diagram Elements topic.
On class diagrams in the Diagram View or Model View, you can add inner classifiers to classifier elements. You can add inner classifiers to classifier elements using the context menu for the classifier element, dragging the inner classifier elements, or you can use the Tool Palette icons of the inner classifier elements.
- In the Diagram View or Model View, right-click the target container element.
- Choose Add > Inner_classifier_type, where Inner_classifer_type is described in the Inner classifiers section in the Class Diagram Elements.
- Result: The inner classifier is created in the target container element.
To create an inner classifier using the copy and paste operations
- In the Diagram View or Model View, right-click (or select) an existing classifier (or inner classifier).
- On the context menu select either Cut (CTRL+X) or Copy (CTRL+C) to move or copy an existing classifier onto the clipboard.
- Right-click (or select) the target container element.
- On the context menu select Paste (CTRL+V) to paste the classifier, stored on the clipboard, into the target container element.
- Result: The selected classifier (or inner classifier) are mover (copy) into the target container element.
- Tip: If you move (copy) an inner classifier onto the diagram background, then the inner classifier becomes the classifier.
To move a classifier using drag operations
- Select with the mouse an existing classifier (or inner classifier) in the Diagram View.
- Keeping the mouse button pressed, drag the classifier to the target container. A blue border highlights the location that the Modeling recognizes as a valid destination for dropping the classifier.
- Drop the classifier.
- Result: The selected classifier (or inner classifier) is moved (copied -- if the CTRL button is pressed) into the target container element.
- Tip: If you move (copy) an inner classifier onto the diagram background, then the inner classifier becomes the classifier.