Designing a UML 1.5 Statechart Diagram
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Following are tips and techniques that you can use when working with UML 1.5 Statechart Diagram.
To design a UML 1.5 Statechart Diagram, follow this general procedure:
- Create Start and End points.
- Create main states and substates.
Tip: You can create nested states.
- Create transitions.
- Create history nodes.
- You can optionally create shortcuts to related elements of other diagrams.
To create entry and exit actions:
- Create an internal transition in the desired state.
- Double-click the internal transition to enable in-place editing.
- Rename using the following syntax: stereotype/actionName(argument)For example: exit/setState(idle)
Alternatively, create an internal transition and set the event name, event arguments, and action expression properties using the Object Inspector for the internal transition.