New features and customer reported issues fixed in RAD Studio 11.2

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RAD Studio™️ is the ultimate RAD environment for quickly building high-performance native cross-platform applications in Delphi and modern C++ using integrated toolchains loved by developers.


RAD Studio 11.2 strongly focuses on quality improvements. Key quality focus areas include:

  • iOS Simulator for Delphi
  • Markdown support
  • VCL, FMX, and RTL Quality
  • RTL Performance
  • Delphi Code Insight (DelphiLSP)
  • C++ Code Insight (cquery)
  • IDE High DPI, VCL form designer, and Quality
  • GetIt
  • Android Target API
  • FireDAC, including FDMonitor and FDExplorer
  • Delphi and C++ Toolchain Quality
  • Debugger Quality
  • RAD Server

For a detailed list of new features, please visit the 11 Alexandria - Release 2 page.

Publicly reported bugs fixed in 11.2

RAD Studio 11.2 Athens release includes over 400 quality and performance enhancements for publicly reported bugs.

Summary Component/s ExternalID
FMX under Linux raise a ERangeError with a Viewport3D 3rd Party RSP-37531
COM Classes gets incorrectly registered with short filenames if a Space is in the path ActiveX RSP-35500
IDE does not pass data alignment option to bcc32c Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-21613
DDOS crash-test for WIN64 DATASNAP is collapse, but WIN32 is good Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\BCC, Data, Data\DataSnap RSP-16444
IDE|Code Completion] CodeInsight stopped working Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG, Compiler\C++\CLANG\IDE Interaction, IDE\Code Insight RSP-22875
Command Line Batch to buiild SQLite OBJs with C++Builder for FireDAC static binding Compiler, Compiler\C++, Data RSP-34654
ShowFullScreenIcon ignored on OSX 10.12.6, green zoom icon is always enabled Compiler, Compiler\C++, FireMonkey RSP-20685
C++ Builder - VCL SOAP Server Application - Problems compiling with Clang Compiler, Compiler\C++, IDE RSP-38021
Code completion for C++ not work in a larger project Compiler, Compiler\C++, IDE\Code Insight RSP-32802
C++ Buiilder - AV when creating DLL form in VCL application using 64 bit target platform Compiler, Compiler\C++, Linker RSP-34902
64bit packets in c++ containing delphi code do not run Compiler, Compiler\C++, RTL\C++, VCL RSP-35040
Invalid class typecast exception on Mocking Interface into Runtime Packages Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-27647
F2084 Internal Error: AV0B13B1A2(0B050000)-R00000048-0 Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-32369
Vast numbers of W1048 warnings when using generics Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-29750
AtomicCmpExchange is broken Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-36303
Invalid address generated in BASM Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-34010
Wrong code generated for assembly instructions in x64 mode Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-33638
"set of" - linux Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-37068
Unsafe Typecast with Generics Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-30211
Compiler fails with internal error DBG3599 Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-30488
hpp from Delphi creates uncompileable c++ line on operators using array arguments Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-35663
Compiler Optimization Bug with x64 Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-34668
64 Bit Compiler Bug Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-35893
bug in function that use Inline function Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-34066
compile leads to F2084 Internal Error: AV12F22492(12EB0000)-R00000210-0 Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-34869
Is it posssible to enable addresses higher than 80000000h for Image Base without automatic defaulting to 400000h? Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-36924
[win32 Realease] av on call function with out parameter Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-31607
Memory leak: inline Interfaces captured by for-in loop are not released Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-32203
Regular enumerator-based for-in loop detected as E1048 unsafe typecast Compiler, Compiler\Delphi, Help and Doc RSP-28790
F2084 Internal Error: D33566 Compiler, Compiler\Delphi, IDE RSP-37631
Unable to deploy project to iOS Simulator Compiler, Compiler\Delphi, Linker RSP-32602
ShortString const params get copied to the stack Compiler, Compiler\Delphi, RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-34238
Security Vulnerablity:Zlib Compiler, RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-38241
Firedac Explorer : better integrate in IDE and allow generation of the INI file. Data RSP-30735
FDMonitor improvements Data RSP-34391
FireDAC support for new Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server Data RSP-37731
setting TADOCOmmand Prepared property to true causes runtime exception Data, Data\ADO RSP-19240
Huge performance problem with Firehose cursor ODBC queries Data, Data\ADO RSP-38496
Azure Blob Service with Storage Emulator produces Authorization error Data, Data\Cloud RSP-23481
TCloudResponseInfo destructor contains unecessary try..except block Data, Data\Cloud RSP-38396
Data.Cloud.CloudAPI.TCloudSHA256Authentication.GetStreamToHashSHA256Hex return a wrong SHA256 on huge file Data, Data\Cloud RSP-38661
datasnap rest-- Return picture stream, memory cannot be free Data, Data\DataSnap RSP-37768
TDSRestClientCallback destructor contains unnecessary try..except block Data, Data\DataSnap RSP-38397
REST/DSServer. New error message text is ignored (onError) Data, Data\DataSnap RSP-37040
TDBGrid inserts a blank line at the bottom of the grid. Data, Data\DBCtrls RSP-36036
Component TDBRichEdit does not dispatch the event OnSetText Data, Data\DBCtrls RSP-38610
TDBRichEdit scrollbar Data, Data\DBCtrls RSP-38120
TDBGrid High DPI Data, Data\DBCtrls RSP-38883
DBGrid not scale columns that you change the property of the column font Data, Data\DBCtrls, VCL RSP-37831
TDBRichEdit doesn't sometimes show embeded images Data, Data\DBCtrls, VCL RSP-35611
Incorrect recognized value of Size-property of TWideStringField in FireDAC Data, Data\DBRtl, Data\FireDAC RSP-36972
FIREDAC MSSQL SERVER 2019 Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-37314
[REGRESSION][IDE] TFDQuery on a form throw an error when connecting to a datamodule TFDConnection Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-34489
FireDAC SQLite driver raise "Expression expected but '/' found" error if string field contain single quote character Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-37161
this bug for FireDAC.DatS 10.3.3 Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-38504
Macro CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() does not return localtime with SQLite Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-38540
TIMESTAMPDIFF does not work a expected with PostgreSQL Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-38812
FireDAC error on update record if there is a timestamp field in the record being updated (PostgreSQL) Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-34013
Error connecting to MongoDB database in Rad Studio 11.1 Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-38666
Rad server package will not return fractions of a second from a mysql database Data, Data\FireDAC, Data\MEAP RSP-30565
Calling TDataSetProvider.Data destroys the DataSet when DataSet is a TFDDataSet Data, Data\FireDAC, Data\Midas RSP-33730
Firedac Connection editor opens outside visible screen Data, Data\FireDAC, IDE RSP-38210
Enabling multilines expressions in Live Bindings link editor breaks the display Data, Data\LiveBindings, IDE RSP-38545
Big performance hit from aggregate in a detail dataset Data, Data\Midas RSP-37863
in Delphi version 10.3.3, images do not load in DataSnap when "fetch blobs on demand" is true Data, Data\Midas RSP-31061
TCustomRESTRequest.ResetToDefaults sets SynchronizedEvents to TRUE which hangs REST Components on Execute if the Main Thread is busy. Data, Data\REST RSP-38055
In TRestRequest, ContentTypeStr property, there is no "multipart/form-data" Data, Data\REST RSP-37904
TJson do not Marshal and unmarshal between Json and Object when object have prefix 'F' fields Data, Data\REST RSP-14993
Error in Delphi Rest Library Delphi 10.1 - Downloading image Data, Data\REST RSP-38586
Proxy detection under Windows does not work Data, Data\REST, RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-38236
REST request failed: Mime type cannot be empty Data, Data\REST, RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-38221
Please, Implement auth token/session expiration for EMS (RAD Server) Data\MEAP RSP-37828
"AllowAnonymousTenant" not working in RADServer 10.3.3 Data\MEAP RSP-35475
Error, Limitation of registered users on the RAD SERVER! Data\MEAP RSP-38731
RTTI "TCustomAttribute" EMS (RadServer) Data\MEAP RSP-37817
RAD Server Lite limitations LicensedMaxUsers=2 Data\MEAP RSP-37891
List function TEMSFileResource still not working Data\MEAP RSP-33855
Unable to Attach to Process... on Windows 11 [for Windows service] Debugger RSP-38074
Wrong display of currency type in watches Debugger RSP-37366
Can't debug iOS Debugger RSP-37880
C++64 debugger will not stop in the breakpoint of the body of the inline function Debugger RSP-34778
C++64: Debugger fatal error: debug kernel not responding. The debug process willl be terminated. Debugger RSP-37400
Array display in Android debugger is bad Debugger RSP-37482
Thread Switch | Side Effect] Debugger RSP-37966
PAServer connect Debugger RSP-34220
Parnassus Bookmarks, Parnassus Debugger Debugger, IDE RSP-37856
Add an option that allows you to switch the syntax of the displayed assembly code (Intel or AT&T) in the debugger. Debugger, IDE RSP-36489
[Regression from XE8] OnMouseUp prematurely invoked on FMX against iOS FireMonkey RSP-12434
MacOS-iOS-METAL problem with displaying first drawn Canvas on Image FireMonkey RSP-38000
FMX not all keyboard modifier combinations work TActionList FireMonkey RSP-33842
SystemStatusBar.BackgroundColor works as Unexpected FireMonkey RSP-17720
THTTPNetClient doesn't check SSL-certificate under Android FireMonkey RSP-36960
Not giving focus control back to the creator form after closing a showmodal form when a stylebook is applied and active FireMonkey RSP-33687
FMX.Types.GlobalUseGPUCanvas not working with Windows GroupBoxes FireMonkey RSP-38671
TMemo.CheckSpelling causes crashes for common editing tasks FireMonkey RSP-33780
iOS, Metal, Bitmaps, RGB becomes BGR? FireMonkey RSP-36836
Metal on iOS has unreliable TBitmap.Canvas FireMonkey RSP-37414
Issue with Styles and Multiview FireMonkey RSP-38594
New windows privacy setting causes exceptions with TVideoCaptureDevice FireMonkey RSP-21145
FMX.Graphics.TBitmap.ClearRect is calling the wrong map call. FireMonkey RSP-28010
FMX.Memo ACCESS_VIOLATION when entering emoji on windows FireMonkey RSP-38078
Entire FMX form moves when resizing from left or top edge on a high-DPI monitor on Windows FireMonkey RSP-36672
FMX TListBox Shift+Click to select range FireMonkey RSP-36643
InputQuery result problem on iOS FireMonkey RSP-37702
Colors not respected with METAL on macOS - PaintTo() FireMonkey RSP-37991
TBitmap and TCanvas issues FireMonkey RSP-17706
Stylebook contents not available in Win64 FireMonkey RSP-18735
Timer is not released in TCustomTimeEdit destructor FireMonkey RSP-38382
FMX TDateEdit keyboard input FireMonkey RSP-36763
TComboBox drop down list is not updated when inserting new item FireMonkey RSP-36165
GridPanelLayout on form memory leaks on end app -- same if not used at all FireMonkey RSP-37690
TVertexBuffer.Assign FireMonkey RSP-33771
TPath and TPathData "Extra M0,0" and "16777xxx" FireMonkey RSP-16058
TOpenDialog and TSaveDialog don't update FilterIndex after Execute FireMonkey RSP-35999
FMX TFontGlyphManager's UnInitialize not called in finalization FireMonkey RSP-37596
ExcludeClipRect() has different behavior between TCanvasGPU and TCanvasGDIPlus FireMonkey RSP-20596
Memory leak in FMX.Ani.pas FireMonkey RSP-37260
Scale=0 make Scale property not work anymore with other values FireMonkey RSP-36253
TBufferedLayout does not update styles of contained controls FireMonkey RSP-37155
StyleBook causes exception in OnCloseQuery FireMonkey RSP-21517
Listview can't inherited with DynamicAppearance FireMonkey RSP-37997
OpenGL is not working anymore in background thread FireMonkey RSP-33169
Can't open project with Delphi 11.1 that was working with Delphi 11 FireMonkey RSP-37961
Form outside of screen OwnerFormCenter FireMonkey RSP-37118
iOS statusbar with dark icons FireMonkey RSP-37729
FMX TEdit : missing check when pasting from clipboard FireMonkey RSP-26546
in FMX.Context.GLES.Android their is no need to create an on-screen EGL window surface for background context FireMonkey RSP-34482
FMX.Types.DelAmp wrong result FireMonkey RSP-38480
TPathData, bezier commands (Q,q,T,t) bad transformation FireMonkey RSP-27211
FMX Android TMemo CharCase ecUppercase write Backwords FireMonkey RSP-38553
TMemo cursor does not move after typing when charcase property is set to uppercase. FireMonkey RSP-38178
TPathData bugs FireMonkey RSP-34413
TPathData, conversion errors FireMonkey RSP-27163
TPathData, arc command repetition FireMonkey RSP-27164
TPathData dosen't work with quadratic Bézier curve commands FireMonkey RSP-17890
Metal form doesn't fit on screen FireMonkey RSP-37935
AV in TCustomContextOpenGL.DoCopyToBits FireMonkey RSP-36957
AV in TContextMetal.DoCopyToBits FireMonkey RSP-37147
BitmapToUIImage/BitmapSurfaceToUIImage are ignoring the source pixel format FireMonkey RSP-37651
UIImageToBitmap is ignoring the PixelFormat of bitmap FireMonkey RSP-37660
Metal Effects/Filters not working properly FireMonkey RSP-37829
FMX TWebBrowser FireMonkey RSP-38696
IDE Access Violation when Inheriting from a Form with a TListView in DynamicAppearance. FireMonkey RSP-37733
Error reading TAppearanceObjectItem.Appearance.Font.Size:Invalid property path FireMonkey RSP-38076
The width of the last column in the grid is not correct FireMonkey RSP-31124
TCustomForm.Realign is called even between beginupdate/endupdate FireMonkey RSP-36653
TMemo - java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException error when > 5000 chars FireMonkey RSP-33986
FMX: Resource leak in menu item FireMonkey RSP-33743
FMX TListBox double-click triggered by RMB (right mouse button, secondary mouse button) FireMonkey RSP-36666
Free'ing a TCameraComponent doesn't de-activate the camera FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Components RSP-37746
TWebBrowser failed to create istance of Edge Browser if Form has no border or Full Screen FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Components RSP-36029
Delphi IOS Iphone TWebbrowser (Wkwebview) setAllowsInlineMediaPlayback(true) does not work FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Runtime RSP-37088
Camerasettings cannot be changed under Windows FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Runtime RSP-27528
LiveBinding error FireMonkey, RTL RSP-28034
FMX.Dialogs.iOS changed order of mrOK and mrCancel button, Failure with InputQuery FMX RSP-37864
internal error docwiki Help and Doc RSP-38213 reveals internal structures on failure Help and Doc RSP-38590
Japanese translation is not correct in docwiki Help and Doc RSP-37780
Missing 3rd party offline Help files Help and Doc RSP-37759
Offline installer and documentation do not mention that installing Android SDK requires network connection Help and Doc, Install RSP-37918
In Welcome screen add 'Open Welcome screen when close all project' IDE RSP-38675
hint texts on buttons for style conceptor window IDE RSP-38527
Add option "Open Welcome screen when all projects are closed" IDE RSP-36371
ios simulator not working IDE RSP-33264
Please make the "X" (close) button on editor tabs optional IDE RSP-22390
Problem with iOS or iPad Simulator IDE RSP-34990
[Welcome Page] "create Delphi or C++" title in a panel and clickable is bad UX IDE RSP-34759
Loaded projects should be added to the recent projects list when opened IDE RSP-11311
IDE default button indication too subtle IDE RSP-38189
Mark special tabs somehow IDE RSP-22361
add TDataModule in the Add New file to an open project on project manager IDE RSP-31455
XMLDOC: comments for params suppress type output IDE RSP-16476
Provide a standalone commandline application similar to vswhere. IDE RSP-35303
Support Markdown file as load page of a project IDE RSP-38263
IDE changes font size on certain tool windows when working on 2 monitor system with different DPI settings IDE RSP-37770
Checkboxes and Radiobuttons are too large in Low DPI design mode IDE RSP-35153
Error on IDE start [LivePreview] IDE RSP-28440
Search bar in New items wizard not drawn correctly IDE RSP-37393
Toolbar customization is not saved IDE RSP-38246
"Protect from changes"-action not works on systems with high dpi monitor IDE RSP-31473
File -> New -> Other -> Inheritable Items is unsorted which makes it very difficult to find the wanted item IDE RSP-28063
IDE crash when using -> in C++ Builder IDE RSP-28684
Icon not shown scaled in project/options IDE RSP-17945
Default Toolbar Configuration is Very Sloppy IDE RSP-22009
Mission Dark-Theming-Support on Message-Dlg when Remove package in IDE IDE RSP-21699
[High DPI IDE] after switching from RDP (120%) to Local monitor (150%) IDE RSP-35186
Bad user experience when switching Windows scaling back to 100% while IDE is open IDE RSP-35159
[C++ LSP] Codeinsight invoke by "." doesnt work inside matrix brackets [] IDE RSP-28617
Welcome page recent and favorite items design IDE RSP-34803
Missing check in generated data binding IDE RSP-34633
wrong position of buttons in Library - Directories (DPI problem) IDE RSP-35855
Component toolbar icons painting glitch IDE RSP-35178
Find in files dialog has a HiDPI button issue IDE RSP-38202
Tools/Options/../Editor-Options/Language... contains truncated German text IDE RSP-38314
Project Manager toolbar button oddness IDE RSP-37676
FR text truncated for new thread wizard IDE RSP-37802
Double-click on project to activate, collapses project IDE RSP-29932
Alias Info for generated Android keystore mentions about security risk IDE RSP-38229
HelpInsight.xsl modifications not working anymore IDE RSP-38318
ToolButtons disappear IDE RSP-34850
non-visual component moves by debug when screen resolution is not 100% IDE RSP-37608
Toolbar buttons are not remembered in the High DPI version of Delphi IDE RSP-37622
Strange behavior of RTTI in IDE leads to AV IDE RSP-37518
[Options Dialog] Auto Recover Save interval speed buttons not working IDE RSP-35698
Read-only mode for units does not work when auto-save project dekstop option is activated IDE RSP-27256
Install VCL Component dialog not updated to new looks IDE RSP-22229
Menu drop down is drawn left of main menu entry IDE RSP-31126
IDE crashes if custom theme is applied IDE RSP-38574
Some components are missing icons IDE RSP-34836
Default height of Message panel is too small IDE RSP-35009
IDE Fatal Crash [in FMX form designer] IDE RSP-37834
Incorrect behaviour of Build dialog IDE RSP-38301
File limit backup component from Options IDE RSP-35724
Problems with Read Only item in editor context menu IDE RSP-32764
Some comboboxes displays truncated in High DPI (125%) IDE RSP-35755
Search control in component toolbar does not support high dpi correctly IDE RSP-35972
Incorectly positioned IDE toolbars IDE RSP-25741
Format Project Sources disappeared from Project menu IDE RSP-37837
TClientDataSet icon not visible at design time IDE RSP-37697
Some file type images in project manager are not transparent IDE RSP-37503
Cannot debug in iOS Simulator under iOS 10.3. Disconnected Session IDE RSP-31983
Custom IDE theme SpeedSetting was automatically reset IDE RSP-22236
Dark Theme is still broken IDE RSP-21624
Code Insight ("Classic" & CLang compiler): does not show members of classes and structures; Ctrl + Shift + Space shows parameters only for functions implemented in the active source. IDE RSP-37680
IDE Read Only function inoperative IDE RSP-29865
sometimes a white area appears IDE RSP-28424
Confirmation dialog for overwriting a desktop is not themed IDE RSP-21897
PAServer ships with Python 2.7 dependencies - which are no longer available in macOS 12.3 IDE RSP-37609
Delphi 11 patch 1 - form designer - No image on component icon on designed form IDE RSP-36158
Close other pages closes all pages IDE RSP-37610
const missing from string parameter from generated data binding IDE RSP-28026
Tabs of Messages tool window disappearing after second "search in files" IDE RSP-37960
Ctrl-Click to navigate to method do not work properly for C++Builder IDE RSP-28673
Ctrl-LeftClick don't work for C++Builder to find declaration IDE RSP-28385
Dragging IDE from one screen to another changes size and gets stuck IDE RSP-37976
Build Groups in Delphi do not work in 11.1 IDE RSP-38122
Issues with context menu in the IDE when styles are enabled in the VCL designer IDE RSP-36476
Crash report wizard contains unscaled image IDE RSP-35014
Red squiggle not scaled IDE RSP-37419
Exception after installing GetIt packages IDE RSP-38739
Dialog to small (Buttons are not visible) IDE RSP-38645
Double-clicking a file in the project manager also expands the node IDE RSP-32460
Connecting to opened Delphi with Remote Desktop leads to bizarre scaling IDE RSP-37568
Desktop configuration is not saved IDE RSP-37959
Navigation Toolbar unreadable IDE RSP-34105
"out of bounds" exception when moving editor tab when showing a unit .h IDE RSP-38413
When closing a Project, it is saved to the Registry ONLY AFTER closing the IDE IDE RSP-38315
The tab no longer appears in the messages window IDE RSP-37706
Unable to scroll HelpInsight Window IDE RSP-33121
XML Documentation Comments not work correct IDE RSP-31603
'Debugger Exception Notification' dialog mess IDE RSP-37730
Code completion not working in standard c++ compiler IDE RSP-38046
Welcome page lagging IDE RSP-37086
IDE ALWAYS CRASH when recompile installed packages. IDE RSP-18600
Using TRttiObject.GetAttributes in package causes AV in IDE IDE RSP-21430
In Build Groups panel in Project Manager no longer can change configurations and platforms IDE RSP-37629
PAServer not working with Linux ubuntu 21.10 and ubuntu 22.04 IDE RSP-38116
HighDPI - Too big form titlebar in designer IDE RSP-34687
IDEImageResources.hpp is missing IDE RSP-37320
F9 Moves Nonvisual Component IDE RSP-38393
Combos in the Toolbar do not scale correctly IDE RSP-38348
Default.Personality is not supported IDE RSP-37975
IDE hangs/freeze/crash [German locale, Create New in Welcome Page] IDE RSP-37641
Find Declaration can disable the Enter key IDE RSP-38682
App store upload error using Associated Domains option in provisioning certificate IDE, IDE\Build System RSP-31487
[11.0 regression] Cannot fit requested classes in a single dex file (# methods: 71471 > 65536) IDE, IDE\Build System RSP-37667
Unable to compile a jar file IDE, IDE\Build System RSP-37995
Add syntax highlighting for graying out conditional code IDE, IDE\Code Editor RSP-10562
XMLDOC failing IDE, IDE\Code Editor RSP-14561
New XML Comment DisplayWrong with Japanese/Chinese IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-35510
Classes.dex location not sought in the correct place by PACLIENT IDE, IDE\Deployment RSP-38414
Create welcome page section for "Available GetIt updates" IDE, IDE\GetIt RSP-35820
GetIt package descriptions sometimes truncated IDE, IDE\GetIt RSP-30736
GetIt icons sometimes not loaded IDE, IDE\GetIt RSP-37434
Cannot change base address of executables with high value IDE, IDE\Project Manager RSP-34294
Design-time components containing attributes results into an AV IDE, RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-36066
Non-Visual components visibility change, changes form size. IDE, VCL RSP-35707
Using ImageList causes IDE to crash IDE, VCL RSP-37760
Creating new action causes AV IDE, VCL RSP-37752
[High DPI IDE] Adding a button by dragging it to the desired size makes it twice as big IDE, VCL RSP-37563 My Download shows empty when re-entering. Install RSP-36809
Progress bar not reflecting percentage shown via label Install RSP-37428
Installer not showing EULA contents of Java, Android SDK etc. Install RSP-37664
ilink64 embedding COFF symbol data in Release build Linker RSP-11738
Android\Debug\ mmap: failed to allocate 2217771028 bytes for output file: Not enough space Linker RSP-13785
OlePropertySet isn't working any more Linker RSP-38105
Warning: LINN32: Last line 0 (0h) is less than or equal to first line 0 (0h) for symbol "Base::_raise()" in module File6.cpp Linker RSP-34744
64 bit Release Builds contain the COFF symbol table and expose SENSITIVE data (DRM etc.) Linker RSP-38511
Support address space layout randomization (ASLR) not working Linker RSP-38073
Linker bug with static libraries for iOS that are built recently Linker RSP-32019
Apache DLL module without framework selection (Linker error) RTL, RTL\C++ RSP-19286
[ilink64 Error] Error: Unresolved external 'std::locale::id::id(unsigned long long)' error in 64-bit release build RTL, RTL\C++, RTL\C++\STL RSP-29221
Expose procedure TPerlRegEx.Study in the TRegEx record. RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-22381
Expose more PCRE options in System.RegularExpressions RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-22372
[ZLibEx] ZLib is very slow when writing small Data packages RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-33925
Make it possible to use TEMSFireDACClient.PostUpdates with a session token RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-36599
Compile PCRE with JIT enabled RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-21733
ZCompress and ZCompress2 for TBytes uses buggy code RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-38029
EnsurePoolToken in System.Rtti is not thread-safe RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-38281
Error in TVirtualInterface if the function uses the pascal conversion RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-26390
Function System.SysUtils.StrToFloatDef improperly changes the numerical exception mask RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-38181
Segmentation fault in System.RTTI RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-38427
Several syntax errors in conditional expression in System.pas RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-38555
Inefficient string manipulation code in TStringHelper and SysUtils RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-32360
TStrings.LoadFromFile should use LoadFromFile with Encoding parameter RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-38725
Change System.Win. ComServ to get aware of long path names RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-18766
Error when using Attributes via Rtti with Run-Time-Packages. RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-23583
TEvent.Create does no error checking. RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-23289
TLocationSensor TimeStamp is not valid RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-37756
Segmentation Fault(11) in SysUtils.Pop on Android64 RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-37662
The System.Zip library doesn't preserve symlink in Linux RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-38089
InternalUniqueStringA and InternalUniqueStringU contain superflous assignement RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-21565
Optimization of TStream.CopyFrom is wrong RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-37620
Invalid class typecast error when using DUnit and System.Rtti in application built with runtime packages RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-37847
StrUtils.SearchBuf + soWholeWord word not found at second character when first non space RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-20731
TVirtualInterface returning wrong float values when invoking methods (iOSDevice64) RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-20004
Setting the value of a TWideMemoField to an empty string causes the TClientDatSet to insert a null value instead. RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-37827
SetPropValue (TBytes) memory leak RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-23478
IDE crashes when rebuilding a project group that contains a component with customattribute RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-11620
SysUtils.Format: Invalid EConvertError RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-23849
TStringHash is incredibly slower RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-34288
InternalFloatToTextFmt must have the same implementation in system.sysUtils and in system.ansiStrings RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-19751
Memory Leak RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-38559
Winapi.EdgeUtils.IsEdgeAvailable checks for the wrong OS Version. RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-38885
EIntOverflow in TJSONByteReader.FlushString RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-37786
Better System._UStrCmp and System.SysUtils.CompareStr RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-38530
THTTPRIO - certificate based authentication from file not usable RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-34451
StrToTime can't handle constant string in LongTimeFormat since Delphi 11 RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-38734
System.ZLib.ZDecompressStream loops infinitely if given truncated zlib data RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-35482
Read of file in zip file with CompressionMethod zcStored=0 returns a stream with wrong content RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-19936
Please revert attempted preallocation optimisation in TStream.CopyFrom introduced in 11.0/11.1 RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-38470
Iso8601ToDate cannot handle certain valid date formats RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Date/Time RSP-34087
TDirectory hides copy failures RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\I/O RSP-20944
Bug to in managment of Comment in ZipFile RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Other RSP-37093
TZipFile.Read returned ZipFile image when archive file commpression type stored. RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Other RSP-34171
IOTAAboutBoxServices120 AddProductInfo does not show product info in About Box RTL, RTL\Delphi, Tools API RSP-38618
Network tethering listening only on the first network adapter RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-37714 Domain specific configurations require that hostname aware checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-37130
Welcome page might not show most recent project and doesn't stay opened. VCL RSP-37204
Consistent behaviour for @runtime created forms VCL RSP-27889
DBNavigator not scaling correctly when move between monitors with different scale VCL RSP-37670
DBGrid inside of Pagecontrol does not scale correctly using ScaleBy VCL RSP-15878
VCL ComboBox loses Text if handle is recreated VCL RSP-38634
EInvalidGraphicOperation exception after upgrading to RAD Studio 11.0. VCL RSP-35790
TEdgeBrowser.CloseWebView leaves BrowserControlState unchanged. VCL RSP-36078
TCardPanel - Delete Property ActiveCard raises access violation VCL RSP-36831
Notification Center (TNotification) Access Violation VCL RSP-38358
Swapped parameters VCL RSP-37922
TListView doesn't show overlays when OwnerData is True VCL RSP-37941
Welcome page hints shown in an unexpected and unhelpful manner VCL RSP-38007
SetBounds sets WindowState back to wsMaximized VCL RSP-37420
Styled hidden TMemo, Scrollbars become visible after textchange VCL RSP-35625
TButton with bsSplitButton does not update PopupComponent property of the popupmenu VCL RSP-36655
TImageCollection.Draw, wrong resolution selected VCL RSP-34500
TToolButton always drawn disabled when EnableDropDown set to True VCL RSP-34665
TTabControl.GetImageIndex out of sequence VCL RSP-21036
Treeitem text drawn in wrong color VCL RSP-17640
CardPanel is broken inside a frame VCL RSP-36486
Ttreeview / CustomDrawItem / Node.AbsoluteIndex freezes the application VCL RSP-29952
The disabled RichEdit aspect is inappropriate (style bug) VCL RSP-35868
RichEdit not showing all the text VCL RSP-36938
TNumberBox Not Accepting Input VCL RSP-33992
64-bit Windows build has icons missing from Common Dialog VCL RSP-38464
Setting the format in a TDateTimePicker creats bad results VCL RSP-37272
Creating a form with custom titlebar will change the Application.ActiveForm VCL RSP-36863
Scaling issue VCL RSP-36083
TLabeledEdit->EditLabel->Layout does not function VCL RSP-36093
Cannot Ctrl+A the new `TNumberBox` if `AcceptExpressions = False` and the caret is before the unary minus sign VCL RSP-33650
GetCoreWebView2BrowserVersionString not working VCL RSP-37077
TNumberBox- can not input a number VCL RSP-33809
Menu image transparency when disabled VCL RSP-34510
TWebBrowser with the Edge engine fails if the executable is in a folder with restricted rights VCL RSP-37006
VCL: TScrollBox.OnMouseWheel is never called VCL RSP-35333
TBalloonHint is completely broken VCL RSP-19100
callout position of TBallonHint is not as expected VCL RSP-35977
Using "with" in VCL causes "use after free" bugs VCL, VCL\Core RSP-38694
TButtonStyleHook.DrawButton doesn't correctly handle the BS_XY Flags VCL, VCL\Styles/Themes RSP-38523
Wrong text positioning for TButton with custom style and BS_CENTER VCL, VCL\Styles/Themes RSP-31912

See Also