Setting the Appearance of the Cool Bar
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The cool bar component offers several useful configuration options. The table below lists some actions you can set to change a tool button's appearance:
Setting a cool button's appearance :
To make the cool bar: | Set the toolbar's: |
Resize automatically to accommodate the bands it contains |
AutoSize property to |
Bands maintain a uniform height |
FixedSize property to |
Reorient to vertical rather than horizontal |
Vertical property to |
Prevent the Text properties of the bands from displaying at run time |
ShowText property to |
Remove the border around the bar |
BandBorderStyle to bsNone. |
Keep users from changing the bands' order at run time. (The user can still move and resize the bands.) |
FixedOrder to |
Create a background image for the cool bar |
Bitmap property to TBitmap object. |
Choose a list of images to appear on the left of any band |
Images property to TImageList object. |
To assign images to individual bands, select the cool bar and double-click on the Bands property in the Object Inspector. Then select a band and assign a value to its ImageIndex property.