Talk:Static Runtime Libraries

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For instance, the \LIB directory contains the following LIBs that are not documented:

1. cbqtintf150.lib Import library to entry-points exposed by the qtintf150.dll. To be used by C++ UCL applications.
2. dclintraweb_110_150.lib (DO NOT DOCUMENT - Design-time)
3. intrawebdb_110_150.lib (DO NOT DOCUMENT)
4. intraweb_110_150.lib (DO NOT DOCUMENT)

the \LIB\RELEASE directory contains the following LIBs that are not documented:

1. adortl.lib Static library for the "ADO DB Components" package.
2. bcboffice2k.lib Static library for the "C++Builder Office 2000 Servers" package.
3. bcbofficexp.lib Static library for the "C++Builder Office XP Servers" package.
4. bdertl.lib Static library for the "BDE DB components" package.
5. dbrtl.lib Static library for the "Database Components" package.
6. dbxadapter.lib Import library for the SQLObjects dbx adapter 32-bit DLL
7. dclib.lib (DO NOT DOCUMENT - Design-time)
8. dclribbon.lib (DO NOT DOCUMENT - Design-time)
9. dcltouch.lib (DO NOT DOCUMENT - Design-time)
10. dsnap.lib Static library for the "DataSnap Components" package
11. dsnapcon.lib Static library for the "DataSnap Connection Components" package
12. ibxpress.lib Static library for the InterBase Express Components package.
13. IndyCore.lib Static library for the "Indy Core" package
14. IndyProtocols.lib Static library for the "Indy Protocols" package
15. IndySystem.lib Static library for the "Indy System" package
16. inet.lib Static library for the "Internet Components" package
17. inetdb.lib Static library for the "DBWeb Components" package. (Includes components such as TDataSetProducer, TDSTableProducer, etc)
18. inetdbbde.lib Static library for the "DBBdeWeb Components" package. (With TQueryTableProducer)
19. inetdbxpress.lib Static library for the Interbase Express Components package. Includes the TSQLQueryTableProducer component.
20. midas.lib Library for C++ applications using the MIDAS library.
21. rtl.lib Static library for the Delphi Runtime Library package
22. soaprtl.lib Static library for the "SOAP Runtime Library" package
23. ucl.lib Static library for the "UCL" Package. (NOTE: Update to whatever UCL is named).
24. vclactnband.lib Static library for the Action Band package
25. vcldb.lib Static library for the Database Components package. Includes TDBEdit, TDBMemo, etc.
26. vcldbx.lib Static library for the Database Compatibility Components. Includes TDBLookupCombo, TPopupGrid, etc.
27. vcle.lib Library for C++ Application using VCL types (such as UnicodeString, Variant, etc)
28. vclib.lib Static library for the Visual Component Library. Includes TButton, TForm, etc.
29. vclie.lib Static library for the Internet Explorer Components package. Includes TWebBrowser.
30. vclimg.lib Static library for the VCL Image Components package. Includes TJPEGImage and TPNGImage.
31. vclnp.LIB This is an obsolete library provided now strictly for backward compatibility. Previously this library contained components that were not in packages.
32. vclribbon.lib Static library for the VCL Ribbon Components package. (Includes TRibbon, TRibbonPage, TRibbonGroup, etc)
33. vclsmp.lib Static library for the C++ VCL Sample Components package. The sample components include TCCalendar, TCColorGrid, TCDirectoryOutline, TCGauge, TCSpinButton and TCSpinEdit.
34. vcltouch.lib Static library for the VCL Touch Components package.
35. vclx.lib Static library for the Extended VCL Components such as TMediaPlayer, TFileListBox, TCheckListBox, TTabbedNotebook, etc.
36. webdsnap.lib Static library for more WebSnap VCL Components such as TXMLTransformProvider and TPriorButton, TInsertButton, etc.
37. websnap.lib Static library for the WebSnap VCL Components such as TXSLPageProducer, TPageAdapter, etc.
38. xmlrtl.lib Static library for the XML Components package. (Includes TXMLDocument