Using 9-patch Images in Android

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This topic describes how to use 9-patch images for the splash screen of your Android applications.

Android may stretch the image when displaying the splash screen; use 9-patch images to define how these images should be stretched.

About 9-patch

A 9-patch image is a stretchable bitmap image with .9.png file extension. You can create a 9-patch image to configure how the image can be stretched when it needs to be resized. 9-patch images are standard .png images that add 1 extra pixel frame to the image in order to configure:

  • Stretchable area: defines how the image can be stretched. This is defined in the top and left one-pixel wide guides of the 9-patch image.
  • Padding box: defines the drawable area of the image. This is defined in the bottom and right one-pixel wide guides of the 9-patch image.

To indicate the stretchable area or the padding box part of the image, in the corresponding one-pixel wide guide, paint in solid black the pixels that define the stretchable or drawable areas, the rest of the pixels define the non-stretchable or non-drawable area and should be fully transparent or white.

You may check Android 9-patch documentation for further information 9-patch images.

Creating a 9-patch Image

To create a 9-patch image, you can use the draw9patch tool available in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\23.0\CatalogRepository\AndroidSDK-<Version>\tools\lib. You can use standard .png images and convert them to .9.png. To create a 9-patch image for the splash screen of your Android application follow these steps:

  1. Open draw9patch tool available in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\23.0\CatalogRepository\AndroidSDK-<Version>\tools\lib.
  2. Load a standard .png image, using File > Open 9-patch... or drag and drop the image.
    Note: Converting a .png to a .9.png adds an extra pixel perimeter so .png images will be saved with 4 extra pixels (2 horizontally and 2 vertically). Keep this in mind when preparing the .png images to be converted to 9-patch. Loading .9.png images does not add any extra pixels, these remain as they are.
  3. When the image is loaded on the draw9patch tool, the left pane is the drawable area and displays the image you are editing, the right pane displays a preview of how the image looks once it is stretched.
  4. To define the Stretchable area click on the one-pixel wide top and left lines and paint the pixels where the image can be stretched.
  5. To define the Padding box in RAD Studio it is important that you paint the entire one-pixel wide bottom and right lines to indicate that the entire area is drawable.
    Warning: Ensure you fill the entire one-pixel wide bottom and right lines when creating the 9-patch image. Otherwise, the form of your application may not display correctly.
  6. Once you define the Stretchable area and the Padding box, click on File > Save 9-patch... to save your 9-patch image that is saved with .9.png file extension.

The below image illustrates an example of a 9-patch image to be used as Android splash screen:


For further information about creating a 9-patch image, see Android Draw 9-patch documentation.

Adding 9-patch Images to your Android Splash Screen

You can use 9-patch images in the Splash Screens of your Android applications. To include 9-patch splash images in your Android applications follow these steps:

  1. In your multi-device application, go to Project > Options > Application to open the Application Options.
  2. In the Target, select All configurations – Android platform.
  3. In the Artwork tab, change all the splash images for the 9-patch images with .9.png file extension.
  4. Ensure that the option Include splash image is checked.
  5. Build your project for Android if it has not been built yet. Select Android as target platform in the Projects Window to build the project for Android platform.
  6. Go to Project > Deployment to open the Deployment Manager.
  7. In the Deployment Manager select Debug configuration – Android platform.
  8. Disable splash_image_def.xml from the Deployment Manager
    Note: The splash_image_def.xml indicates Android how to place the Splash image based on Splash the tile mode and Splash gravity options set in the Android Project Options. By disabling splash_image_def.xml, these options are ignored, and the image is displayed filling the screen.

From this step onwards there are two different ways to add 9-patch splash images to your Android application:

Method 1

This method consists in disabling the splash_image_def.xml file.

After following all the previous steps:

  1. Change the Remote Name of all the splash images from splash_image.png to splash_image_def.9.png.
  2. You can now run the project on your Android device or simulator to see the splash 9-patch image working.

Method 2

This method consists in creating a new splash_image_def.xml file.

After following all the previous steps:

  1. Change the Remote Name of all the splash images from splash_image.png to splash_image.9.png.
  2. Create a new XML file with the below content:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    Note: Ensure the EOL (End of Line) Conversion of the XML document is set to UNIX/OSX Format. The EOL should be only LF (Line Feed, '\n') and not CR LF (Carriage Return, Line Feed, '\r\n').
  3. Add the XML document to the Deployment Manager (click DMgrAddFiles.png).
  4. In the newly added XML document, change the Remote Name to splash_image_def.xml and the Remote Path to res\drawable\.
  5. You can now run the project on your Android device or simulator to see the splash 9-patch image working.

See Also