Assigning the 'Provided Interface' or 'Required Interface' Relationships - UML 2.0

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This topic explains how to assign the Provided Interface or Required Interface relationships between classes and interfaces on UML 2.0 Class Diagrams. See Relationships Among Elements of Class Diagrams.

To assign a Provided Interface relationship

  • Using the Tool Palette:
  1. Open a proper UML 2.0 class diagram in the Diagram View. Notice that the Tool Palette shows the UML Class Diagram 2.0 group of commands.
  2. On the Tool Palette, click the Provided Interface icon Provided Interface button; it becomes highlighted as active.
  3. Move the mouse cursor into the class diagram. (Notice that the mouse cursor obtains the cross shape.) Hover the mouse cursor over some class (or association class) to which you need to assign a Provided Interface relationship. This client class obtains the activation frame. Click inside this activation frame and draw the line:
    • To the target interface.
      The pointed target interface becomes linked with the selected client class by the Provided Interface relationship link.
    • To some unoccupied position and release the mouse button. The pop-up menu containing the Interface item opens; click this Interface item.
      These operations create the Provided Interface relationship link between the client class and the (created) target interface.
  • Using the DV OutputLinkIcon.png output link icon:
  1. Open a proper UML 2.0 class diagram in the Diagram View. Move the mouse cursor into the class diagram. Hover the mouse cursor over some client class (or association class) to which you need to assign a Provided Interface relationship. The DV OutputLinkIcon.png pop-up tool icon appears near that side of the class node close to which the mouse cursor is hovering.
  2. Click the DV OutputLinkIcon.png output link icon.
    • Draw the line to the target interface node. When the destination interface becomes highlighted with the selection frame, release the mouse button. The pop-up menu containing the Provided Interface item opens. Click this Provided Interface item.
      The pointed target interface becomes linked with the selected client class by the Provided Interface relationship link.
    • Draw the line to some unoccupied position and release the mouse button. The pop-up menu containing the Provided Interface item opens. Click this Provided Interface item to open the pop-up menu containing the Interface item. Click this Interface item.
      These operations create the Provided Interface relationship link between the client class and the (created) target interface.
  • Using the DV InputLinkIcon.png input link icon.
  1. Open a proper UML 2.0 class diagram in the Diagram View. Move the mouse cursor into the class diagram. Hover the mouse cursor over some interface to which you need to assign a Provided Interface relationship. The DV InputLinkIcon.png pop-up tool icon appears near that side of the interface node close to which the mouse cursor is hovering.
  2. Click the DV InputLinkIcon.png input link icon.
    • Draw the line to the client class (or association class) node. When the client class becomes highlighted with the selection frame, release the mouse button. The pop-up menu containing the Provided Interface item opens. Click this Provided Interface item.
      The pointed target interface becomes linked with the selected client class by the Provided Interface relationship link.
    • Draw the line to some unoccupied position and release the mouse button. The pop-up menu containing the Provided Interface item opens. Click this Provided Interface item to open the pop-up menu containing the Class and Association Class items. Click one of these items. (The class or association class will be created.)
      These operations create the Provided Interface relationship link between the interface and the (created) client class (or association class).

To assign a Required Interface relationship

  • Using the Tool Palette:
  1. Open a proper UML 2.0 class diagram in the Diagram View. Notice that the Tool Palette shows the UML Class Diagram 2.0 group of commands.
  2. On the Tool Palette, click the Required Interface icon Required Interface button; it becomes highlighted as active.
  3. Move the mouse cursor into the class diagram. (Notice that the mouse cursor obtains the cross shape.) Hover the mouse cursor over some class (or association class) to which you need to assign a Required Interface relationship. This client class obtains the activation frame. Click inside this activation frame and draw the line:
    • To the target interface, class or association class.
      The pointed target element (interface, class, or association class) becomes linked with the selected client class (association class) by the Required Interface relationship link.
    • To some unoccupied position and release the mouse button. The pop-up menu containing the Interface, Class, and Association Class items opens; click one of these items.
      These operations create the Required Interface relationship link between the client class (association class) and the created target element (interface, class, or association class).
  • Using the DV OutputLinkIcon.png output link icon:
  1. Open a proper UML 2.0 class diagram in the Diagram View. Move the mouse cursor into the class diagram. Hover the mouse cursor over some client class (or association class) to which you need to assign a Required Interface relationship. The DV OutputLinkIcon.png pop-up tool icon appears near that side of the class node close to which the mouse cursor is hovering.
  2. Click the DV OutputLinkIcon.png output link icon.
    • Draw the line to the target interface, class, or association class element. When the destination element becomes highlighted with the selection frame, release the mouse button. The pop-up menu containing the Required Interface item opens. Click this Required Interface item.
      The pointed target element (interface, class, or association class) becomes linked with the selected client class (association class) by the Required Interface relationship link.
    • Draw the line to some unoccupied position and release the mouse button. The pop-up menu containing the Required Interface item opens. Click this Required Interface item to open the pop-up menu containing the Interface, Class, and Association Class items; click one of these items.
      These operations create the Required Interface relationship link between the client class (association class) and the created target element (interface, class or association class).
  • Using the DV InputLinkIcon.png input link icon:
  1. Open a proper UML 2.0 class diagram in the Diagram View. Move the mouse cursor into the class diagram. Hover the mouse cursor over some interface, class or association class to which you need to assign a Required Interface relationship. The DV InputLinkIcon.png pop-up tool icon appears near that side of the selected element close to which the mouse cursor is hovering.
  2. Click the DV InputLinkIcon.png input link icon.
    • Draw the line to the client class (or association class) node. When the client class becomes highlighted with the selection frame, release the mouse button. The pop-up menu containing the Required Interface item opens. Click this Required Interface item.
      The pointed target element (class or association class) becomes linked with the selected interface, class, or association class by the Required Interface relationship link.
    • Draw the line to some unoccupied position and release the mouse button. The pop-up menu containing the Required Interface item opens. Click this Required Interface item to open the pop-up menu containing the Class and Association Class items. Click one of these items. (The class or association class will be created.)
      The pointed target element (class or association class) becomes linked with the selected interface, class, or association class by the Required Interface relationship link.

See Also