RAD Studio 10.4.1 における新機能と修正された顧客から報告された問題

提供: RAD Studio
移動先: 案内検索

RAD Studio™ は、高性能のネイティブ クロスプラットフォーム アプリケーションを、Delphi や最新の C++ で迅速に構築するための、究極の RAD 環境であり、開発者に愛好家の多い、統合ツールチェーンを使用しています。

RAD Studio 10.4.1 は、特に品質向上にフォーカスを置いて進められました。 鍵となる品質向上の対象領域には、次があります:

  • IDE
  • Delphi 支援機能(LSP)
  • 並列ライブラリ
  • SOAP & XML
  • C++ ツールチェイン
  • FireMonkey
  • Vcl
  • Delphi コンパイラ
  • iOS のデプロイメント
  • 数百の品質およびパフォーマンスの向上

RAD Studio 10.4.1 には、10.4 パッチ 1、パッチ 2、パッチ 3 からのすべての修正が含まれています。

新機能の詳細リストについては、10.4 Sydney - リリース 1 のページを参照してください。

10.4.1 で修正された公式報告バグ

RAD Studio 10.4.1 Athens リリースでは、公式に報告された不具合に対して 500 以上の品質改善およびパフォーマンスの強化が行われています。

Summary Component/s ExternalID
Exception catch program runs incorrectly with 32-bit compiler Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-27904
Abnormal program termination Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-27875
License TwineCompile And Ship It With C++Builder Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-27168
ICE: Internal compiler error: 0 @ 00000000 Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-25543
Clang compiler generates wrong class member addresses Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-23819
fmxdae.a is missing on win64 architecture Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-23340
__property UnicodeString namespace .... -> Declaration terminated incorrectly Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-20365
Error "Property and method <MethodName> are not compatible" in Object Inspector Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG, Compiler\C++\CLANG\Delphi interop RSP-29734
Cannot override Delphi's DYNAMIC methods in template classes Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG, Compiler\C++\CLANG\Delphi interop RSP-27859
IDE|Code Completion] CodeInsight stopped working Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG, Compiler\C++\CLANG\IDE Interaction, IDE\Code Insight RSP-22875
Can't debug 64 bits packages Compiler, Compiler\C++, Debugger, IDE RSP-23970
C++ Builder 10.3.3 Android Exceptions Compiler, Compiler\C++, FireMonkey RSP-27268
linker problem with boost 1.68 and 1.70 and bcc64 Compiler, Compiler\C++, Linker RSP-29695
[ilink32 Warning] Warning: Public symbol '_methsig' defined in both module xxx.OBJ and yyy.OBJ Compiler, Compiler\C++, Linker RSP-29316
[Bcc32c] Calling extern "C" __stdcall function causes AV if function name starts with uppercase 'L'. Compiler, Compiler\C++, Linker, RTL\C++ RSP-30181
VCL Package linker error (file not found) Compiler, Compiler\C++, Linker, RTL\C++, VCL RSB-2567
BUG Report Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-4339
Getting Type parameter 'T' must be non-null value type after patch update Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-30288
Delphi LSP causes Hyperviser VM to "lock up" Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-4258
F2063 Could not compile used unit 'Mitov.Types.pas' Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-30214
F2084 Internal Error: AV0A1692A2(0A110000)-R00000000-0 Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-4246
In some cases, Custom Managed Records is not initialized Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-30204
Regression: Internal error F2804 Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-4232
Relase a stable version. No any NEW FEATURE Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-30179
Broken Default() for record, broken code competition for inline records Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-30093
[Regression] Compiler Optimization drops Result-Assignment Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-30088
(Regression) Generic record constraints broken in Update 2 Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-30073
[PATCH2 REGRESSION] F2084 Internal Error: C24243 Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-30072
inline member functions in records expanded incorrectly Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-30014
'IDETheme.ActnCtrls' Not found Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-29934
AsCurrency reports 0.0001 when data shows 0.0000 Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-29785
MacOS does not report the reason for the failed compilation. Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-29456
Compiler generates incorrect code for if-then Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-29412
Corrupted stack for TThing<T>.Proc<A>(X: A) when A is Integer Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-29379
[dcc32 Fatal Error] F2084 Internal Error: L891 Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-29317
[dcc32 Fatal Error] F2084 Internal Error: C2612 Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-29315
Internal error L891 when linking because of complex types based on records with class var Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-29310
CODEGEN bug in managed fields initialization, associated with new management operators. Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-29299
Compiler generates wrong code for template function Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-29256
Incorrect property value obtained from the record Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-29227
Access violation with working code under 10.2 Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-29226
GoTo statements not working Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-29142
Compiler internal error if you ignore the result of a function that returns a generic record Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-29127
ICE E1812 Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-29124
[Regression] Bad codegen in function returning generic type Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-4150
Build a project is very slow without IDE Fix Pack Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-4141
[BadCG] In the absence of Initialize, finalisation is not guaranteed for local variables Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-4138
Default(T) generates bad code for managed record Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-4121
[BadCG] Operator Assign is not always invoked for fields Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-4065
Compiler error when inlining new Bit Counting Standard Functions Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-4053
[BadCG] Operator Assign should not allow non-default calling conventions Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-4042
Compilation error with TIdFTP Internet Direct(Indy) Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-28703
Managed Records: Cast Operators cause Internal Errors Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-4001
Managed Records Causing Internal Compiler Error Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-3999
RVO for M-records: assignment to local variables Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-3987
RVO for M-records: initialisation of local variables Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-3975
[REGRESSION] E2154 Type 'T' needs finalization - not allowed in variant record Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-3881
[BadCG] Value M-record parameters: improper AddRefRecord Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-3777
Poor code generation for local managed record variables Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-3651
Delphi Package fails to compile Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-3631
[dcc32 Fatal Error] F2084 Internal Error: L891 Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-3616
Goto allows skipping of implicit finally blocks Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-27752
Compiler deadlock Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-27623
Internal error when trying to inline with optimization on Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-27251
Type mismatch in generic when parameter types are reordered Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-26397
[REGRESSION] E2604 Recursive use of generic type Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-26143
IDE reports incorrect hint Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-25932
Compiler directive doesn't work if added on the top line Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-24273
Package version is broken Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-24079
Build of linux 64 error Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-23403
Record helper class constructor gives senseless compiler warning Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-23024
Internal error URW1224 when type alias is defined in generic record Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-21754
Pointer type check missed when object field is a dynarray Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-2770
Compiler generates incorrect code for parameterized record type Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-21554
Const dynamic array unexpectedly contains uninitialized data Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-21248
Interface Implements with bad return address Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-20871
Compiler error when using nested generic record in compound type Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-20388
A generic "reference to function" will only match the first of several overloaded functions Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-20372
Win32 compiler - Memory corruption with array helpers Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-19714
AV in TList<T>.Remove (64-bit compiler only) Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-18148
Calling backtrace function on Linux causes Segmentation fault Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-1791
EJNIFatal Compiler, Compiler\Delphi, FireMonkey RSP-29489
crash compiling a projet to iOS Compiler, Compiler\Delphi, IDE RSP-29486
IDE or compiler error Compiler, Compiler\Delphi, IDE RSP-24143
Linker Error when linking android app Compiler, Compiler\Delphi, Linker RSP-26411
Returning record with only one field of managed type from function causes non optimized code Compiler\Delphi RSP-29895
Internal Compiler Error: NI19689 Compiler\Delphi RSP-29554
Internal Compiler Error: F2084 Internal Error: I8085 Compiler\Delphi, RTL\Delphi RSP-29668
Firedac explorer uses the OS language settings instead of the Delphi interface language Data RSB-4242
Firedac Explorer : Employee Tables causes Access Violation Data RSB-4241
FireDAC CloneCursor changes the state of Source DataSet !! Data RSP-29987
10.4 Sydney BDE Installer Data RSP-29184
Trying to use the TAmazonStorageService::GetObject method produces an Unresolved external linker error about not finding GetObjectW Data, Data\Cloud RSP-27704
DataSnap cpu activity on idle connections Data, Data\DataSnap RSP-29681
DataSnap Server ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR Data, Data\DataSnap RSP-29219
Datasnap: Very slow when moving File (>2.1 GB) from Client to Server compared to opposit direction Data, Data\DataSnap RSP-28179
DataSnap: unsigned types not supported Data, Data\DataSnap RSP-28128
Datasnap Filter - Abstract Error Data, Data\DataSnap RSP-28067
onValidateCertificate not working on OSX and IOS Data, Data\DataSnap RSP-27983
REST: base64.js issue Data, Data\DataSnap RSP-26081
TLS 1.2 support for Datasnap standalone or windows service server Data, Data\DataSnap RSP-21524
Datasnap: ServerMethod Parameter AnsiString wrong generated by ProxyGenerator Data, Data\DataSnap, IDE RSP-28166
Memory overflow on DataSnap server compiled as Apache module on Windows + IE Data, Data\DataSnap, Internet RSP-27871
Incorrect error message Data, Data\DBCtrls RSP-12673
10.4 BDE Field.AsBoolean Error through change in Assembler-Code Data, Data\DBRtl RSP-29638
DataSnap Server Crash with Win64 and Firebird 3.0 Data, Data\DBX RSP-30342
FDLocalSQL without 'IncludeHiddenFields' Add a FDMemtable raise a error Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-30294
FDLocalSQL Add a FDMemtable With a Lookup Field raise a error Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-30291
Firedac Doesn't Retrieve Sql Server Function Parameters Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-30001
TFDMemTable incorrect FindFirst with IndexFieldNames Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-29997
TFDTable PostgreSQL multicolumn index incorrect field order Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-29956
[FireDAC][Phys][SQLite][sqlite3]-303. Capability is not supported'. Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-29783
Program crashes using MEMO Fields with content > 1084 characters Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-29425
ThousandSeparator Problem while reading CSV files in FireDAC.Comp.BatchMove.Text: TFDBatchMoveTextReader.ReadRecord Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-29298
Can't load libsqlite.so on Android Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-29223
FireDAC-PostgreSQL incorrectly parses QuoteTag (FInStr3) inside strings (FInStr1) Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-28238
FireDAC range-based master/detail may close and open detail datasets when scrolling master Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-27393
FireDac master-detail Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-25992
[FireDAC][Phys][IBLite]-314. Cannot load vendor library [libibtogo.dylib] Data, Data\FireDAC, Install RSP-29134
[DCC Fatal Error] dmDS_u.pas(13): F2613 Unit 'System.WideStrings' not found. Data, Data\FireDAC, RTL\Delphi RSP-30139
TLinkPropertyToField.ComponentProperty assignment Data, Data\LiveBindings RSP-29183
problem with listview and live bindings Data, Data\LiveBindings, Data\Midas, FireMonkey RSP-29521
Exception Visual binding Data, Data\LiveBindings, FireMonkey RSP-20666
BCD Overflow - Client DataSet with datetime and bcdfield (n,2) in database Data, Data\Midas RSP-30213
AccessViolation when applying updates of TDataSetProvider Data, Data\Midas RSP-29831
[TClientDataSet] Exception when a ftWideMemo is set to an empty string with LogChanges=True Data, Data\Midas RSP-29431
DataSetProvider options on Linux Data, Data\Midas RSP-28305
Win64 project with MidasLib incorretly load WideMemo field Data Data, Data\Midas RSP-27377
ClientDataSet - Null or not null, that's the question Data, Data\Midas RSP-27175
Access Violation executing TClientDataset.LoadFromFile if file contains Optional Params and MidasLib is statically linked with 64 bits compiler Data, Data\Midas RSP-26304
TClientDataSet.ApplyRange fail to work with multiple indexes set Data, Data\Midas RSP-26240
Clone a TClientDataset instance with IndexFieldNames of more than 16 fields cause Invalid Parameters Data, Data\Midas RSP-26216
ClientDataSet Memory Leak!!!! Data, Data\Midas RSP-23477
Delphi XE8/10.2 - 64-bit Midas/MidasLib Issue Data, Data\Midas RSP-21283
Aggregate totals can become incorrect with 64 bit TClientDataSet Data, Data\Midas RSP-20391
64 bit MidasLib does not calculate aggregate totals correctly for negative numbers Data, Data\Midas RSP-20390
TClientDataSet.DisableStringTrim = False fail to work for ftWideString field Data, Data\Midas RSP-19886
Editing A ClientDataset when Logchanges is False and a filter with NULL expression has been applied Data, Data\Midas RSP-19401
DataSetProvider "Invalid pointer operation" on 64bit Data, Data\Midas RSP-19247
ClientDataset open cds file Chinese FiledName display garbled code Data, Data\Midas RSP-18838
TClientDataSet.SaveToFile produces different XML when using midas.dll and midaslib Data, Data\Midas RSP-18641
TClientDataSet A/V with XML, TWideMemoField, MidasLib, x64 Data, Data\Midas RSP-18263
MidasLib issue Data, Data\Midas RSP-17696
DataSnap 64 bit client abnormal program termination Data, Data\Midas RSP-16351
TAggregrateField not sum up BCD amount correctly for TClientDataSet in Win64 platform Data, Data\Midas RSP-15094
Problem with MidasLib in Delphi XE7 SP1 Data, Data\Midas RSP-12991
TAggregateField not handling negative amounts in 64-bit TClientDataSet Data, Data\Midas RSP-12516
Delphi 10.4 ListView, TClientDataSet bug in Android 10 Data, Data\Midas, FireMonkey RSP-29482
BCD convert error Data, Data\Midas, RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-29719
Complex object JSON does not load Delphi 10.4 Data, Data\REST RSP-29769
Rest debugger create wrong code. Data, Data\REST RSP-27048
TRESTClient and Negotiate (Kerberos) Authentication Data, Data\REST, RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-15455
Precision loss on a floating point number sporadically Data, RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-26568
Exception occurs in RadServer management console is the port of the profil is set to the one of the RadServer Development Console Data\MEAP RSP-27300
It is possible to login to ExtJS Web Console for Rad Server without entering credentials Data\MEAP RSP-27248
Debugger regression Debugger RSP-30262
Unable to create process Debugger RSP-29884
Debugger does not start Debugger RSP-29239
can't debug win64 at all Debugger RSP-29206
C++Builder 64 bit Debugger alters the default working directory from the app executable directory Debugger RSP-29145
New Windows 64 bit debugger freezes and does not stop on exceptions Debugger RSP-29125
Debugger for C++ Win64 application shows wrong values for members Debugger RSP-27084
No permission for file access to file in Catalina in Documents folder when run from debugger Debugger RSB-3484
Debugger error Debugger RSP-18923
bcceval64] Embarcadero Debugger Kernal has stopped working - STEPS NEEDED Debugger RSP-11570
Simulator's devices with version 11.3 doesn't work Debugger, FireMonkey RSP-20589
Starting DUnit test run via F9 executes it two times Debugger, VCL RSB-4114
The included demo's have wrong line endings Demos RSP-28326
Build Error Unit "Androidapi.JNI.PlayServices.Tasks' not found. when I build Android. File Delivery, Install\GetIt RSB-4074
Roate text is not show on mobile devices FireMonkey RSP-30348
Can't turn on camera function FireMonkey RSP-30273
Double Click on TStringGrid FireMonkey RSP-29863
Setting Parent to nil for a frame that has a TMemo causes a crash FireMonkey RSP-29798
Issue with deploying apps to AppStoreConnect FireMonkey RSP-29692
FMX: An error occurs when undoing twice after pasting a string to Memo control FireMonkey RSP-29633
Metal backend does not support 8-bit textures FireMonkey RSP-29563
FMX TMediaPlayer.Duration nonsense value on Android FireMonkey RSP-29561
Display rotated text, some angles cannot be displayed FireMonkey RSP-29170
iOS App simply crashes with a TWebBrowser on it. FireMonkey RSP-29129
Metal is slow compare to the old quartz canvas under macos FireMonkey RSB-4208
Crash with TRadiantPathShape with metal under macos FireMonkey RSB-4207
Crash with TReflectionEffect with metal under macos FireMonkey RSB-4206
FMXTee.Canvas not compilable due to FreeAndNil change FireMonkey RSP-28780
FMX.DAE.Schema.MathTypes and FMX.DAE.Schema.GLES are missing FireMonkey RSB-4098
TabOrder information lost on parent change FireMonkey RSB-4081
TBitmap.Canvas does not work properly on Metal macOS FireMonkey RSB-4019
Windows listview font bigger at first time FireMonkey RSB-3859
TWebBrowser losing focus on EvaluateJavaScript (Android) FireMonkey RSP-27622
iOS dark mode messes up buttons with glyphs FireMonkey RSP-27620
The use of webBrowser and BannerAd on the same form makes bannerAd invisible FireMonkey RSP-27406
Edit controls appear focused when they should not FireMonkey RSP-27378
TMapview with zoom error in Delphi 10.3.3 Android FireMonkey RSP-27261
Assigning a transparent TBitmapSurface does not make it transparent FireMonkey RSP-27111
OnKeyUp does not work well on Mac FireMonkey RSP-27066
Unable to press button after iOS virtual keyboard is entered #2 FireMonkey RSB-3473
ClientArea painting problem when MainMenu wraps or unwraps. FireMonkey RSP-26601
Unable to press button after returning from suspend. FireMonkey RSB-3431
TDateEdit.ClosePicker method fails on Android FireMonkey RSP-26301
Accelerators also trigger on Ctrl, not just Alt FireMonkey RSP-26074
Dismissing TDialogService.MessageDialog causes access violation FireMonkey RSP-26009
Changing TGrid.RowCount from code makes the size adjustment strange FireMonkey RSP-25677
EvaluateJavaSript procedure causes browser flickering on Android app FireMonkey RSP-25660
TMemo - some weird issues - flickering and incorrect srollbar FireMonkey RSP-24744
TGeocoder is not returning Locality field with city name FireMonkey RSP-24431
Accessibility Package does not compile FireMonkey RSP-24082
TWebBrowser only loads PDF first time on Mac OSX FireMonkey RSP-23976
TEdit readonly property if ControlType=Platform has no effect FireMonkey RSP-23870
FMX.ListView.OnChange fires even if item doesn't change FireMonkey RSP-23188
TMemo crashes when system time changed FireMonkey RSP-23148
Memoryleak in TControl3D FireMonkey RSP-21549
TViewport3D align errors with TTabControl on Android and iOS FireMonkey RSP-21471
TFlowLayout problems FireMonkey RSP-21442
TMemo performance problem with big data FireMonkey RSP-21376
TListView onChange called twice FireMonkey RSP-20828
Live Bindings does not work on TSpinBox and TNumberBox controls FireMonkey RSP-20661
TMemo bug FireMonkey RSP-20576
TTreeview.Clear don't clear Selected node FireMonkey RSP-20299
[FMX] In TMemo the cursor does not correspond to the alignment of the text. FireMonkey RSP-19843
Tmemo Problem - CharCase ecUppercase or ecLowerCase FireMonkey RSP-19203
Tmemo not realign it's content when vkback is puched FireMonkey RSP-19119
Android App Crash Tedit segmentation error 11 FireMonkey RSP-18757
TCustomForm.RecalcControlsUpdateRect; bad source code FireMonkey RSP-18200
FMX-TMemo Undo-Bug FireMonkey RSP-17870
TPrintDialog.Copies: property value doesn't set in the print dialog FireMonkey RSP-16274
[FMX]TWebBrowser.LoadFromStrings win and Phone need different charset FireMonkey RSP-15686
Regression in TModel3D - Load MeshCollection FireMonkey, FireMonkey\3D Components RSB-2295
TModel3D generiates error when loading DAE file that works with10.2.2 FireMonkey, FireMonkey\3D Components RSB-2225
Design time issue when working with TGridPanelLayout FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Components RSB-1911
missing test on FMX.WebBrowser destroy (extra call of destructor) FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Components RSP-14724
FMX Memo Scrolling Bug FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Components RSP-12137
iOS camera needs permission FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Components, FireMonkey\Runtime RSP-29813
iOS Push notifications doesn't working FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Runtime RSP-29793
TCameraComponent ignores set resolution on Re-Activate FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Runtime RSP-27734
FMX TFrame owned components property TabOrder values being lost. (VCL side is ok) FireMonkey, IDE RSP-29552
SDK API-Level Location folder empty after install Sydney FireMonkey, IDE RSP-29547
Default TabOrder= -1 for FMX [REGRESSION] FireMonkey, IDE RSB-3944
[macOS 64] Failure to draw a pattern on a canvas when GlobalUseMetal = true FireMonkey, RTL, RTL\Delphi RSB-3552
TCustomContextOpenGL.BuildShader crash if acode contain non-preprocessor tokens FireMonkey, RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-16829
OnCellDblClick FireMonkey\Components\Grid RSP-29247
"10.3" in all the page titles in the Feature Matrix pdf Help and Doc RSP-29163
EdgeBrowser needs properties methods documentation on Help in C++ Builder Help and Doc RSB-4086
FMX.StdCtrls.TCustomTrack.MouseDown translated parameter name Help and Doc RSP-19259
FMX TGridOption topic AutoDisplacement text in German has an issue Help and Doc RSP-16893
Bad text color in bookmarks tool window IDE RSB-4371
Exception when opening form IDE RSB-4367
Cannot install different version of Indy IDE RSB-4362
Pressing Enter key in Project Manager does nothing (Update#1-Regression) IDE RSB-4348
DelphiLSP uses all Memory - till VM Dies IDE RSB-4344
Keyboard and mouse navigation issues with GetIt progress window IDE RSB-4338
IDE Insight edit does not properly redraw IDE RSB-4330
FireMonkey grab and resize not always working IDE RSB-4316
Delphi IDE crash while using nested forms IDE RSP-30341
Delphi LSP fails with "E2226 Compilation terminated; too many errors" in compiling project IDE RSB-4306
Delphi LSP out of memory IDE RSB-4297
It is not possible to deploy iOS apps IDE RSB-4296
OI broken on High DPI IDE RSB-4283
cannot find TBindScope in the Palette IDE RSP-30298
Title bar does not reflect the selected unit IDE RSB-4272
Repaint problem IDE RSP-30279
Access Violation on the Form Designer IDE RSB-4266
Save Desktop can't save to new desktop layout name IDE RSB-4265
Scrollwheel does not work in Options and Project Options IDE RSP-30264
IDE Color Theme with transparent menu options IDE RSP-30249
Build Groups show Platforms incorrect IDE RSP-30248
read of address 0 IDE RSP-30216
Add To-Do Item Dialog does not add To-Do item IDE RSP-30141
QA Audit Results Context Menu Missing Text IDE RSP-30123
code completion not working in 10.4 IDE RSP-30101
[DelphiLSP] CodeInsight Sort by Name entering wrong text IDE RSP-30066
Moving between New Edit Window and designer moves objects or select text IDE RSP-30057
New Edit Window ugly and it is HUGE after project change IDE RSP-30051
TMemo gives Access Violation trying to edit the lines in the Code Editor IDE RSP-30048
Drag and drop within the IDE IDE RSP-30034
Floating IDE Windows don't follow Dark Theme IDE RSP-30032
Tooltip symbol insight VERY, VERY, VERY SLOW IDE RSP-30021
Editor insert point of new event implementation creates syntax errors IDE RSP-30009
AV when closing project IDE RSP-29984
EOSError IDE RSP-29971
Error message in execution and close file IDE RSP-29970
IDE window moves across the screen when starting/stopping debugging IDE RSP-29919
Error after install components IDE RSP-29898
Autocomplete in Delphi 10.4 IDE not working the same as in 10.3 IDE RSP-29879
"New Edit Window" menu item missing from editor context menu IDE RSP-29866
When switching between implementation and interface Cursor will be invisible IDE RSP-29810
CRTL+Clic or got to declaration IDE crash IDE RSP-29805
IDE Reports Access Violation while using the form designer IDE RSP-29781
Navigator plugin for 10.4 generates problems on 10.3 IDE RSP-29666
There is no manifest in DelphiLSP.exe IDE RSP-29646
RAD Studio crashed IDE RSP-29595
Structure Panel still not Working correctly IDE RSP-29589
CodeInsight stops working IDE RSP-29584
AV when clicking navigation bar in New Edit Window IDE RSP-29571
Code insight shows error incorrectly IDE RSP-29568
New "vanilla"-IDE-Update IDE RSP-29556
Projects Window checkboxes missing for some menu items IDE RSP-29526
Debug crash o Rad Studio IDE RSP-29505
Record in a record breaks ctrl+arrow navigation IDE RSP-29494
When the IDE theme is turned on, the state of the menu cannot be determined. IDE RSP-29461
Strange marking of errors IDE RSP-29460
Dark theme has light theme in "Events Window" IDE RSP-29459
Tooltip Symbol Insight make cursor busy and busy IDE RSP-29457
Trying to associate a grid column with a field collapses IDE. IDE RSP-29454
Delphi IDE Crash IDE RSP-29448
Error Insight: variabile declaration with type inference marked as error IDE RSP-29406
[DelphiLSP] IDE Crashes when view form as text is selected and running LSP server IDE RSP-29347
Message appears at launching de IDE IDE RSP-29332
[LSP] Error Insight responds very slowly IDE RSP-29300
LSP disabled Error Insight occasionally shows red squiggly lines in code editor IDE RSP-29260
AV when clicking on Code Editor of String List Editor dialog IDE RSP-29220
Editing TFDQuery.SQL property contents in source editor causes Access Violations IDE RSP-29207
Konopka VCL controls not available [test] IDE RSP-29188
Dialog constantly pops up during debugging IDE RSP-29136
readme of packages in getit IDE RSP-29107
XMLDOC not shown for specific code IDE RSB-4157
code insight, wrong replacement of code IDE RSB-4117
code insight turns comments into links IDE RSB-4116
[regression] VCL Form color not applied in design mode. IDE RSB-4096
[regression] Bind visually on TDBGRID kills the IDE IDE RSB-4092
Loading splash screen is flickering IDE RSB-4087
IDE menu flickering IDE RSB-4061
Model View's context menu not showing items IDE RSB-4054
[REGRESSION] Project Options drop down for configuration selection shows only platform IDE RSB-4008
Connection Editor not visualizing on screen with code editor IDE RSB-3974
Error Insight correctly identifies error, but renders squiggly wrong IDE RSB-3923
Wrong hint shown for a certain new project type IDE RSB-3867
Project options dialog page "Delphi Compiler" is not populated when opening the dialog IDE RSP-28808
Dragging a docked window out of its dock site leaves the dock site having the undocked window's caption IDE RSB-3829
IDE file encoding list refers to UCS2 instead of UTF16 IDE RSB-3809
Cannot rearrange editor tabs, when it is selected IDE RSB-3800
Length of squiggly lines looks being random IDE RSB-3774
Object inspector is flickering while typing control caption IDE RSB-3771
IDE displays a blank form when opening project group IDE RSB-3731
LSP ErrorInsight in Structure Pane only shows one keystroke after editor IDE RSB-3729
Options - Translation tools - Font - Corrupted? IDE RSB-3713
Exceedingly slow IDE in large projects and files IDE RSP-28149
Project manager columns are no longer resizable when 'Show Path' is enabled IDE RSB-3659
AV in vclide270.bpl after closing project IDE RSB-3630
The editor does not know that "var" can be used in the start and end ranges in the code. IDE RSP-27896
Please add Tracking to Scrollbars IDE RSB-3531
License Manager has access violation error when i click on Workstation Licenses IDE RSB-3513
Internal MS Build error IDE RSP-27673
Project Manager allows illegal symbols while renaming files and crashing IDE. IDE RSP-27554
Option dialog painting issues - button panel IDE RSP-27010
Black image background when selecting actions IDE RSB-3462
Desktop Layout with Live Bindings crashes IDE IDE RSB-3390
Issues with dragging toolbars IDE RSB-3318
Object Inspector Focuses Wrong Field After Scrolling IDE RSP-26264
Unknown attribute can only be turned to error via compiler directive IDE RSP-26208
Component X can't be registered by package Y because it has already been registered by package Z IDE RSP-26016
Multi monitor - IDE changes screen it is running in a multi monitor system IDE RSP-25646
Huge amount of flicker holding down the shift key on IDE IDE RSP-25614
IDE window restore fail (moving between monitors) IDE RSP-24595
Several Issues when attempting to import WSDL files. IDE RSP-24531
Desktop switch happens even if desktops are equal IDE RSP-24508
Class Completion Option Appears in "Explorer" Option Page IDE RSP-24389
Project -> Add to Repository causes flicker IDE RSP-24338
Manifest add support for High-DPI gdiScaling IDE RSP-24175
RAD studio and Windows 10 do not work well together. Screen constantly flickers and refreshes causing IDE to lockup for 30-60 sec IDE RSP-24164
Resize IDE forms is really awful IDE RSP-24048
IDE doesn't correctly restore in full screen on a 4K monitor IDE RSP-23859
IDE toolbars randomly repositionig itself IDE RSP-23832
Object inspector looses a changed property value when selecting an other component IDE RSP-23694
Mouse Wheel Scroll does not work IDE RSP-23665
Cannot persist the IDE main window size IDE RSP-23655
XCode returns e8000067 error when deploying to iOS IDE RSP-23141
Project name not support dot IDE RSP-23127
Search in objectgalerie problem IDE RSP-22940
RIO resize of IDE sluggish IDE RSP-21780
Mouse scrolling doesn't work in project options IDE RSP-21700
The "Events" window ignores color settings when IDE theming is enabled IDE RSP-21634
The component install screen cannot be scrolled with mouse when in project IDE RSB-2845
Mximizing and restoring IDE makes it bleed over monitors IDE RSB-2659
Right-click to show Project Manager options context menu is now very difficult IDE RSB-2561
Cannot resolve unit name (in error insight in Structure View) IDE RSP-21338
wrong selection on Structure window IDE RSB-2285
"New Items" dialog is flickering awfully when resizing IDE RSB-1988
*.c source files, added to C++ project, got added to DeploymentManager file list IDE RSP-18241
programming help not works, code insight IDE RSP-17179
Code Insight breaks inside '_Z' IDE RSP-16334
Code completion often stop work. IDE RSP-16271
Delete Invalid Paths removes valid library paths IDE RSP-14689
Clicking on item in Structure pane selects the wrong item IDE RSP-12841
Tools Options (Environment Options) Library Options always default to Win64 IDE RSP-12415
Duplicate key CFBundleResourceSpecification in *.info.plist IDE RSP-12407
IDE Monitor position keeps changing IDE RSP-12283
Can't add icon for App Store in project options IDE, IDE\Build System, IDE\Deployment RSP-23042
When using national characters in function names, after calling them, LSP Code Insight does not work correctly. IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-30136
Index violation from code completion IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-29803
[DelphiLSP] Code insight missing objects when inside boolean expression and 1st part is boolean value IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-29360
[DelphiLSP] Code Insight adds unneeded () when changing procedures/functions IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-29271
LSP not showing parameter help/tooltip for interface methods IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSB-4137
Space does not finish code completion IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSB-4063
CodeInsight in Uses Clause fails if you have already partially typed a unit name that is not at the beginning IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSB-3662
Code completion not working when "Use MsBuild externally to compile" are true IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-20760
Structure/Error Insight error for a compilable project. IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSB-1878
WSDL generate bad code IDE, SOAP RSP-18630
TGridPanel at inherited form design time error IDE, VCL RSP-29314
Multiple VCLStyles are not applied at design time IDE, VCL RSB-4129
Installer error (Indy packages installed twice) Install RSB-4326
Change of machine name causes subsequent problems with Licence Manager Install RSP-30067
Access Violation when opening License Manager Install RSP-29172
Using GetItCmd to attempt installing a style uninstalled all Additional Components Install RSB-4203
SDK and NDK license dialog behind install window. Install RSB-1589
The TVirtualImageList component is missing vcl.virtualimagelist.obj file Linker RSP-29532
TXMLDocument behaves differently between vendors RTL RSP-11760
The 'chdir' Windows crtl function is deprecated in favor of _chdir RTL, RTL\C++ RSP-27989
Crash on exit after using ostringstream in DLL RTL, RTL\C++ RSP-27830
Implement TLightweightMREW as (managed) record RTL, RTL\Delphi RSB-4259
Supports method causes a crash when called from a property using implements keyword RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-30020
Deserialize Enums with TJsonSerializer ?Invalid class typecast? issue RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-29881
TStrings with custom LineBreak is slow RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-29731
Bug in 10.4 JSON parser: not passing field names to ClientDataSet RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-29655
Weak references causes crash in 3rd party memory managers RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-29562
TJSONObject.ToJSON outputs unicode as ascii and not (JSON) escapes RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-29121
Indy OpenSSL IO Handler RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-29074
Just adding System.Net.HttpClient crashes Linux application RTL, RTL\Delphi RSB-4135
TThreadedQueue and TMonitor issue, possible solution RTL, RTL\Delphi RSB-4115
InterlockedCompareExchange128 doesn't restore RBX RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-28272
TThreadedQueue.PopItem fails under stress RTL, RTL\Delphi RSB-3951
Threading - Incorrect calculation of IdleWorkerThreadCount RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-28200
missing inet_ntop: required for minimal IPv6 address support RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-28027
TRttiContext.DropContext is not Threadsafe. This leads to bugs in mutithreaded applications like [https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-27769 RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-27771
System.Math.Power 64 bits reInvalidOp RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-27043
Always occurs due to a memory or problem overflow in this file RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-24394
TParallel produces EAggregateException with "nil" members RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-24359
Access Violation with T*DynArray types in some code combinations RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-24207
Bug in xmlDoc.FormatXMLData RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-23649
TXMLDocument does not suppot UTF-16 on iOS RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-23607
IDE Bug after Ctrl+Shift+Space RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-23490
TThreadedQueue unusable with large threads amount - memory corruption RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-23333
TThreadedQueue times-out incorrectly during PushItem and PopItem RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-21405
XML - unable to load xml with encoding=Windows-1250 using OmniXML RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-20570
TThreadedQueue: should wait INFINITE but doesn't do it RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-19993
XMLDocument using ADOM for Vendor does not produce XML Version information RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-16311
DirectoryExists returns true in case of logon failure(error code 1326: ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE) RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-11246
Vcl.Direct2dCanvas functions not working -> Access Violations RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Header Translations, VCL RSP-15639
Several types in System.Generics.Collections broken for dynamic array types RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\List/Collections RSP-30280
SOAP cookie with Expires=Fri, 31-dec-9999 23:59 causes EConvertError - Invalid argument to date encode RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-30282
TSocket.Accept() fails on POSIX OS when using timeout value RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-19708
Android support completely broken (on Devices running Android 6/7) RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Other RSB-4345
AV when opening a notification on iOS RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Other RSP-30335
(Linux) TConditionVariableMutex.WaitFor(Mutex, Timeout) fails with an Access Violation RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Threads RSP-28054
TParallel.For broken in 10.3 (maybe only 10.3.1) RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Threads RSP-23837
TThreadPool.ShouldGrowPool RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Threads RSP-20528
Parallel ITasks do not start as expected RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Threads RSP-16932
TThread.waitfor error under android when called twice RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Threads RSP-16356
Soap.SOAPHTTPTrans.TClientCert.SerialNum weird value RTL, RTL\Delphi, SOAP RSP-27200
IXMLNode write attribute for type double use locale formatsetting instead of invariant RTL\Delphi RSP-29577
TIPAddress not worked in windows RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-28227
HttpValidateServerCertificate give different data under iOS/Android/Windows RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-27220
TNetHttpClient should use proxies on macOS RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-26426
TNetHTTPClient proxy settings works under Windows but not under MacOS RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-19621
SOAP request - redirect not working RTL\Delphi\Net, SOAP RSP-30378
SOAP THttprio.HTTPWebNode -> Soap.SOAPHTTPTRANS.THTTPReqResp.InvokeOptions - [soIgnoreInvalidCerts] is now just an ON/OFF switch and never checks anything SOAP RSP-29747
Import WSDL generates not compileable unit for certain URL SOAP RSP-24395
"Import WSDL" generates invalid code without explanation of problem SOAP RSB-1718
WSDL Importer has problems with <xs:choice> tags in berlin SOAP RSP-16448
Error in WSDL importer or in TOPToSoapDomConvert converter SOAP RSP-15767
French translation error on Tools / Options / ... / Source Options" => audit code Translation RSP-29389
TMainMenu drop-down and TPopupMenu not styled VCL RSP-30395
Bad cell size calculation in gridpanel component VCL RSP-30370
Please can Windows Server 2019 be added to the supported target platform list VCL RSP-30339
Malfunction calling menuitem via Hotkey VCL RSP-30256
Mixed DPI anchoring fault for child controls of PageControl, GroupBox, Panel VCL RSP-30144
Regression: TMenu.IsShortCut behavior is incorrect for menus that become disabled when triggered VCL RSP-29897
10.4 TStringGrid.RowHeights[x] := 0; does not hide rows as in 10.3 VCL RSP-29867
A/V with TImage and large JPGs VCL RSP-29780
Win64: Styled Form not correct initialized VCL RSP-29779
Vcl.Forms, TFormStyleHook.PaintNC, LStyle can be used before is is set VCL RSP-29751
TGridPanel and EquallySplitPercentuals not 100% VCL RSP-29743
Caption disappears in C++ VCL TitleBar test app VCL RSP-29728
Automatic code completion based on the Language Server Protocol stops working after adding a DevExpress control to a form VCL RSP-29674
VCL Grids bug VCL RSP-29628
[REGRESSION] Misalignment in TStringGrid, StretchDraw method in OnDrawCell VCL RSP-29560
StringGrid does not display its data when selecting RightToLeft value for BiDiMode property VCL RSP-29540
CustomTitleBar Height HighDPI scaling all wrong after maximizing VCL RSP-29524
Baddly cell size calculation VCL RSP-29469
bug in Vcl.forms: procedure DefocusControl, use of nil object VCL RSP-29465
Delphi 10.4 TStringGrid.OnDrawCell bug VCL RSP-29402
Konopka KSVC not available in GetIt VCL RSP-29400
Wrong rect coors in TStringGridDrawCell, so image are drawed at wrong position VCL RSP-29374
StackOverflow when using per-Control Styles VCL RSP-29351
Crash error produced when in second form change the custom style VCL RSP-29288
Wrong text positioning for TButton with custom style VCL RSP-29287
Error accessing the Code Editor of the SQL property of the TADOQuery component VCL RSP-29213
New VCL Styles do not respect ImageMargins of TButton with image VCL RSP-28333
[Regression] TStringGrid.OnDrawCell parameter Rect contains wrong values VCL RSB-4146
TCalendarPicker is placed incorrectly and can become invisible and unusable on multi-monitor setups VCL RSP-28269
CustomTitleBar displays wrong caption with TSpeedButton VCL RSB-3984
TCustomizeDlg not fully VCL styled VCL RSB-3901
Error in Showing Form from DLL VCL RSB-3770
OnCanResize function is getting called before form show VCL RSP-28175
AquaGraphite.vsf VCL Style has a remnant check mark in background of several controls VCL RSP-28164
New VCL-Multistyles cover not all controls (e.g. TListbox) VCL RSB-3723
Border color on some DB controls do not match other controls VCL RSP-27920
TWICImage initialization VCL RSP-27825
wrong result's TWinControl.ControlAtPos(...AllowWinControls=true, AllLevels = true) function VCL RSP-27473
Problemwith *.BPL VCL RSP-27299
InputQuery scaling and styling issues VCL RSP-27077
Incorrect scaling when using Windows Zoom VCL RSP-26552
Top level menu item captions are too wide when MainMenu is OwnerDraw VCL RSP-26492
InfoTip disappears too early in TListView VCL RSP-26441
XML UTF8 encoding Cyrillic characters problem VCL RSP-26376
TSpeedButton touch brings up popup menu VCL RSP-26063
'Vcl.Themes.TCustomStyleServices.DrawText' link error VCL RSP-25626
A single line linkgrid with the InplaceEditor displayed does not scroll correctly VCL RSP-25558
Rectified "Turquoise Gray" style VCL RSP-24533
TGridPanel crashes IDE VCL RSP-21245
Changing style disables modal state in form VCL RSP-20443
Wrong wordwrap in VCL TLabel VCL RSP-20352
CloseQuery cause AV VCL RSP-20250
Ownerdraw TComboBox paints solid instead of dotted focus rectangle VCL RSP-18331
TPageControl.SetTabIndex activates wrong page when some tabs are hidden VCL RSP-17662
TGridPanel cause excetipn when use in TPageControl VCL RSP-12719
TPanel on TSplitView does not get Styled VCL, VCL\Styles/Themes RSP-27574
Menu Drawing Bug with VCL Styles enabled - Still exists VCL, VCL\Styles/Themes RSP-26656
TUpDown.OnChangingEx: NewValue seems to be wrong VCL, VCL\Win32 RSP-14117