RAD Studio 10.4 における新機能と修正された顧客から報告された問題

提供: RAD Studio
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要旨: RAD Studio 10.4 Athens における新機能と修正された顧客から報告された問題のリスト

RAD Studio™ は、高性能のネイティブ クロスプラットフォーム アプリケーションを、Delphi や最新の C++ で迅速に構築するための、究極の RAD 環境であり、開発者に愛好家の多い、統合ツールチェーンを使用しています。

RAD Studio 10.4 Athens では、新機能の追加、機能の強化や品質の向上などが行われています。

主な RAD Studio 10.4 機能

  • 主な Delphi 支援機能の改善内容
  • 新しい Delphi 言語機能
  • Delphi および C++ のすべてのサポート プラットフォームにおよぶ統合メモリ管理
  • 新しい VCL コンポーネント、コントロール毎のスタイル、高 DPI スタイル、他
  • 強化された Delphi マルチデバイス プラットフォーム サポート
  • 多くのデータベース強化
  • オンラインおよびオフライン インストールのための統合インストーラ
  • IDE の利便性とパフォーマンスの強化
  • C++ の Windows 64 ビット用の新たなデバッガ
  • C++ ツールチェーンのパフォーマンスと品質の向上
  • 拡張された C++ ライブラリ サポート
  • 強化された C++ 機能用 CMake および他のツールチェーンとの互換性
  • 数百もの品質およびパフォーマンスの改善


RAD Studio 10.4 におけるその他の品質強化


アプリケーション テザリング

  • アプリケーション テザリングの品質は、RAD Studio 10.3.3 においてすでに行われた作業を、次のようにさらに向上させています。
  • テザリング タイムアウトを設定するためのオプションが追加されました。
  • テザリング リソースで、通信が終了したときが分かるメカニズムを提供するようになりました。

スレッドおよび並列のプログラム ライブラリ

  • 新しい AMinTimeToWait パラメータが ForceQueue に追加され、スレッドを作成しなくてもコードの実行を遅延できるようになりました。

Delphi RTL

  • 新しい TCustomIniFile メソッドの、WriteInt64 および ReadInt64
  • 新しい TGUID メソッド IsEmpty
  • JSON 読み込みの最適化: TJSONReader が 50% 高速になりました。
  • TJSONArray の項目プロパティがデフォルト配列プロパティとなり、myJArray.Items[2] ではなく、myJArray[2]で書き込めるようになりました。
  • 最適化されたソート済み StringList を別の StringList への代入
  • WindowsServerCore で実行する特定のコンソールアプリをブロックする依存関係をいくつか削除しました。
  • TStream の CopyFrom 関数は、データをコピーするために、固定長定数バッファを使用していました(60k に設定)。これは、大きなストリームをコピーするためには、非常に非効率的でした。新しいデフォルトは 1MB となっていますが、メソッドには追加されたパラメータがあり、これを使用して、実行するコピー操作(ソースまたはターゲットのストリーム)に応じて、特定のバッファ サイズを指定することができます。メソッドの新しいシグニチャ:
// class TStream
  function CopyFrom(const Source: TStream; Count: Int64 = 0;
  BufferSize: Integer = $100000): Int64;
  • RTTI のパフォーマンス向上には次の内容が含まれています:
    • TRttiMethod.Invoke が 4 倍ほど高速に
    • TVirtualInterface の呼び出しが 1.7 倍ほど高速に
    • TRttiType.GetXxxx(AName) メソッドが 10 倍ほど高速に
    • TValue については、複数のオペレーションがより高速に
  • System.Classes の QuickSort オペレーションがより効率化(より高速に)されました。
  • TStringHelper.GetHashCode メソッドは、ハッシュする前に文字列を大文字にしないように更新され、これにより、TStringComparer クラスなどの他の内部操作と一致するようになりました。


10.4 では、インターフェイス参照やその他のサポートされていないデータ型での使用を避けるために、FreeAndNil プロシージャのシグネチャを更新しました。TObject への参照が必要となるよう宣言されています。

procedure FreeAndNil(const [ref] Obj: TObject); inline;

つまり、今後は FreeAndNil を誤って使用するとコンパイラ エラーが発生します。今までは、誤った使い方をしても補足されず、修正の難しいバグとなっていました。パラメータは const として宣言されていますが、実際には参照変数に変更されています。

この FreeAndNil の宣言を使用すると、新しいが「それほど悪くない」クラスの誤った呼び出しが発生する可能性があります:式のキャストや、TObject への暗黙的な型変換などと同様、メソッドは、プロパティまたはメソッドの結果内で渡される形で呼び出される可能性があります。nil となった値は、その後、式内で一時変数となります。

C++ での FreeAndNil

ポインタ型が TObject の子孫でない場合、コンパイル エラーが発生します。つまり、FreeAndNil はタイプセーフとなりました。エラーは、システム ヘッダーの static_assert の形式をとります。エラーはシステム ヘッダー内で発生しますが、アサーションは、FreeAndNil を使用しているコード内でのエラーを示します。

新しい実装では、C++ での FreeAndNil の誤用も同様に解決します。以前は、FreeAndNil へのポインタを渡すための Delphi イディオムの直接変換は、よく誤りでした:

TObject* o = new TObject();
FreeAndNil(o); // Warning! Used to require FreeAndNil(&o)

これは、クラッシュや予期しない動作を引き起こします。なぜなら、FreeAndNil はポインタへのポインタを必要としますが(そして、そのパラメータは void* としてのみ指定)、ポインタへのポインタではなく、TObject* が渡されると、警告を発することができなくなるからです。

従来のコンパイラと Clang コンパイラは共に、FreeAndNil の 2 つのオーバーロードをサポートしており、ポインタへのポインタとポインタへの参照をとります。これで、今までは誤りとなっていたその同じコード行に対して、そのポインタが参照によって捕捉され、正しいポインタが解放されるようになりました。

FireDAC SQLite ドライバは、静的と動的の両方のリンク付けを提供します。

SQLite の場合、FireDAC は、SQLite エンジンの静的リンクと動的リンクを選択する機能を追加しています。SQLite エンジンの静的リンクを使用するには、プロジェクトのいずれかのユニットの uses 句に "FireDAC.Phys.SQLiteWrapper.Stat" ユニットを追加する必要があります。そうでなければ、動的リンクが選択されます。 新しいプロパティ TFDPhysSQLiteDriverLink.EngineLinkage があります。値が slDefault または slStatic の場合、"FireDAC.Phys.SQLiteWrapper.Stat" ユニットが設計時にコンポーネントのホストとなるユニットに追加されます。アプリケーションが実行時に接続を定義した場合、"FireDAC.Phys.SQLiteWrapper.Stat" ユニットは手動で追加しなければなりません。


  • PostgreSQL ドライバにおける FireDAC の改訂では、TDataSetField の複合型および `hstore` 型に対するサポートが強化されました。
  • FireDAC は、TIBStatement の Firebird3 isc_info_sql_explain_plan に対するサポートを追加しました。
  • RAD Server TEMSDataSetResource は、Sencha Ext JS VirtualStore に対する get 応答時で、"total" 値をサポートしています。Sencha Ext JS VirtualStore 形式を有効にするには、roVirtualStore を TEMSDataSetResource.Options に含めてください。
  • DBImage コンポーネントに対して、新しい DoLoadPicture 仮想メソッドとOnLoadPicture イベント ハンドラがあります。

TFDEventAlerter コンポーネントに対して強化と修正が複数行われました。


  • RestRequest は、非同期リクエストをキャンセルする手段ができました。
  • (SOAP)THTTPReqResp クラスに追加された SendTimeout プロパティ、UseDefaultCredentials プロパティ、OnHttpError イベント。
  • すべての SOAP HTTP クライアントに対してクライアント証明書を設定する機能(TStreamLoader)
  • TNetHTTPClient の TLS 1.3 サポート
  • TAmazonRegion 型(Data.Cloud.AmazonAPI 内)は、列挙型値から文字列値に変更されました。これにより、開発者は、コンポーネント自体への更新を待たずとも、さらにリージョンを直接追加できるようになりました。
  • メソッド THTTPClient.CreateFormFromStrings のスペルが THTTPClient.CreateFormFromStings より修正されました。これにより、このメソッドを使用した既存のコードはエラーとなります。これは一般的に使用されるメソッドではないため、既存のコードを多く損じてはいないと思っております。い

10.4 において公式報告された不具合の修正リスト

RAD Studio 10.4 Athens リリースでは、1000 以上の品質改善およびパフォーマンスの強化が行われており、これには、700 以上の公式に報告された不具合に対する修正が含まれています。

Summary Component/s ExternalID
Problems with Indy IdSSLOpenSSL library management in combination with dynamic dll's 3rd Party RSP-18132
Linux TTCPServer with OpenSSL, "Active := False" not working 3rd Party RSP-22191
IN6ADDR_TEREDOPREFIX_INIT - wrong macro (IdWinsock2.pas) 3rd Party RSP-23223
[CMake] Wrong compiler detected when multiple IDEs installed Command Line Tools\CMake RSP-20451
[CMake] CMake with Ninja generator: incorrect tlib and ilink rsp file format Command Line Tools\CMake RSP-20453
[CMake] Building with classic bcc32 compiler no longer possible Command Line Tools\CMake RSP-20454
[CMake] CMake+Ninja doesn't support dependency information Command Line Tools\CMake RSP-20606
[CMake] CMake+Ninja Incremental link of obj to lib doesn't work Command Line Tools\CMake RSP-20607
TJsonTextWriter String error is "true" C++ Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-16067
10.2 Tokyo clang dfm xxx is not a valid integer value Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-18428
Incorrect linking for lambda function created during static construction Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-18692
cmake do not generate import library on x64 platform Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-21703
Template with property can cause compiler error MSB6006. (delete <property>) Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-23033
Unexpected compiler error [calling convention attribute on destructor] Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-23671
std_iterator.h bug Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-25537
ICE: Internal compiler error: 0 @ 00000000 because of pointer initialization in header Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-26068
When stopping a program using a DLL, a 32-bit program reports a resource leak and a 64-bit program throws an access violation exception Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-26155
"clang" exited with code -1073741819. (delete <property>) Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-26261
Problem with struct inside struct in C compiler Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-26442
UTF8 headaches in RADStudio C++ Builder Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-26502
std::put_time ISO8601 formatted date output support via %F is currently broken. Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-26578
Missing System::UInt64 and System::Int64 typedefs for C++ Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-26595
The problem with thread_local (or __thread) variable in dll compiled for Win64 in RAD Studio 10.3.3 Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-27126
ICE: Internal compiler error: 0 @ 00000000 Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-27176
64-bit builds crash with threads Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-27180
10.3.3 don't render correctly on High Sierra Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-27259
[bcc64 Error] ICE: Internal compiler error: 0 @ 00000000 Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-27490
"typedef union" causes internal compiler error Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-27616
Internal compiler error on a legacy project Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-27678
Bug Report using bcc32c and -b- option in EMB Studio 20.0 Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-27681
Cannot step into method when debugging an application Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-27684
Compiler crash in debug build Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-27717
clang32 has serious problems Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG RSP-14923
[C++][CLANG]BCC32C and exception propagation: EExternalException Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG RSP-15809
Linker reports unresolved externals, when compiling with bcc32c compiler Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG RSP-19919
CSpinEdit create access violation Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG RSP-21903
Abnormal Program Termination when Package throws exception after structure { double; UnicodeString; } was declared on stack Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG RSP-26513
Android and _DELPHI_STRING_ONE_BASED Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG, Compiler\C++\CLANG\Delphi interop RSP-17839
Clang doesn't generate RTTI for constructor Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG, Compiler\C++\CLANG\Delphi interop RSP-23767
Unresolved external '__fastcall Vcl::Direct2d::D2DFactory(D2D1_FACTORY_TYPE, D2D1_FACTORY_OPTIONS *)' Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG, Compiler\C++\CLANG\Delphi interop RSP-28042
[C++] Unresolved external TJsonSerializer Serialize and Deserialize Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG, Compiler\C++\CLANG\Delphi interop, RTL\Delphi\Other RSP-20458
UCS4StringToUnicodeString missing on Android Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG, Compiler\C++\CLANG\Delphi interop, RTL\Delphi\Other RSP-21185
bcc32c compiler crashes due compilation Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG, Compiler\C++\CLANG\Front End RSP-20020
Program with <chrono> compiles in 10.1 but not 10.2 Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG, RTL\C++\STL RSP-17775
Regression: Incorrect HPP file entries are generated for the overloaded == or != operator Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\Delphi RSP-27504
Working with 20+ beacons and 10hz transmissions will crash the TBeacon in the background Compiler, Compiler\C++, FireMonkey, RTL\C++ RSP-19073
[Bcc32c] [ilink32 Error] Fatal: Illegal SEGMENT fixup index in module 'Swx_8_81.cpp' Compiler, Compiler\C++, Linker RSP-19352
dynamic_cast of a base class pointer to a publicaly virtually derived class pointer from another DLL returns nullptr Compiler, Compiler\C++, Linker RSP-27632
C++ builder for Android cannot create std::thread Compiler, Compiler\C++, RTL\C++ RSP-16248
C++ DLL 64bit - Access violation when TIdTCPClient->Connect Compiler, Compiler\C++, VCL RSP-27541
Custom Managed Records are inefficient Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-1981
Default constructor is called even when explicit constructor is called on managed record Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-2054
Record constructor with only default parameter(s) should not raise error Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-2055
inline generates slow code when result is a managed type Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-2322
For managed variables, declared at lower levels, the top-level implicit TRY-FINALLY block is unnecessarily added Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-2447
Invalid hints for private implicit ctors/dtors in Managed Records Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-2581
Calls to System.Finalize for M-records are not optimized Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-2606
Copy constructors are not called for M-records declared in-line using type inference Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-2635
Calls to System.Dispose for M-record pointers are not optimized Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-2640
Calls to System.New for M-records are not optimized Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-2642
M-record constructor not called if used as inline for-in variable Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-2655
Adding the inline directive to a function that converts a negative SmallInt value to Word affects the function's result Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-2687
Default ctor not called record when declared inline Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-2704
Inline assignment of record variable does not consider implicit operator overload Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-2705
Inline declared record variable accepts right hand value because of constructor with matching parameter Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-2706
Win64: M-record as fifth parameter is accessed wrongly Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-2733
[Regression] Unnecessary InitializeRecord and CopyRecord calls before implicit overload Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-2751
[REGRESSION] Overloading of copy/converting constructors no longer works Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-2760
[REGRESSION] Parameterless constructors are not automatically invoked for M-records initialized using overloaded operator Assign Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-2762
Discrepancy in copy constructor handling DCC322 and DCC64. Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-2780
Incorrect declaration of record Assign operator compiles Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-2783
Inline variables don't work with anonymous methods Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-3311
IDE freezes Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-14877
Make {$ZEROBASEDSTRINGS OFF} by default in RTL. Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-18333
"Finalize" not accepts procedure type variable as parameter. Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-18448
H2077 inside try finally block with goto Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-19110
Compiler issues W1025 Unsupported language feature: 'class constructor' Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-19912
Compiler unable to recognize array of string in for... in do expression Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-20046
FreeAndNil can free a interface var and case av Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-20127
DLL methods incorrectly resolved Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-20196
Localized VCL program starts up in English, even if other language is default Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-20979
Delphi inline usage causes 'F2084 internal error' Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-21028
When IF-THEN-ELSE branches become NOPs, the condition evaluation is not eliminated, even when it has no side effects Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-21194
[10.2 REGRESSION] Premature finalisation of unused managed results of inlined calls Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-21353
Managed temporary variables, created to receive unused results of calls, should be auto-finalized at the end of the calling block Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-21428
Inline var gives AV in System._FinalizeArray Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-23589
Compilation Error. System Path is probably corrupt! Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-23908
Wrong generated code in Win64 Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-25553
Operator of generic record cannot be inlined in generic methods Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-26003
Compiler calculating wrong offset for object field throught property Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-26170
For/in loop can leak TEnumerator in Linux64 and macOS64 Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-26257
case' statement does not work with DWORD values on Linux 64bit Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-26425
Please implement a compiler intrinsic for "Find first set" functionality Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-26466
[radserver][openssl] Access violation Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-27041
Case statement behavior is strange with LLVM-based Delphi compiler Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-27203
Compiler error misspells "inaccessible" Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-27355
Window error running an android application Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-27720
F2084 Internal Error: AV00000000(09DF0000)-R00000000-0 Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-27758
iOS with SDK 13.2 Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-27851
Access violation when calling an inherited function with an open array parameter in Rio Compiler, Compiler\Delphi, Compiler\Delphi\CodeGen RSP-23939
[REGRESSION] Bad codegen for certain generic code constructs Compiler, Compiler\Delphi, Compiler\Delphi\Generics RSP-26463
{$LIBSUFFIX AUTO} for packages Compiler, Compiler\Delphi, Compiler\Delphi\Packages/Libs RSP-9868
incorrect breakpoint points Compiler, Compiler\Delphi, Debugger RSP-23280
Package fails to compile in OSX64 Compiler, Compiler\Delphi, Linker RSP-26544
F2084 Internal Error: B1925 + Access Violation in generic method and binding variable Compiler, Compiler\Delphi, RTL\Delphi RSP-23718
[ClientDataSet] Couldn't insert few records within a single transaction Data RSP-15061
The SQL REFRESH statement of the TIBUpdateSQL component is incorrect Data RSP-21049
Duplicates not allowed" exception is raised Data RSP-27809
ADOConnection OnLogin event should pass var parameters Data, Data\ADO RSP-20689
Can't get the ADO Field Editor windows/popup to launch. It has not worked in any of the installed versions. Data, Data\ADO RSP-27626
TAmazonPopulator.GetFiles() should raise exception on error Data, Data\Cloud RSP-19517
TAmazonStorageService.DeleteObject() should determine bucket location if the BucketRegion is not specified Data, Data\Cloud RSP-23172
Missing AWS locations like Canada, Stockholm, Bahrain Data, Data\Cloud RSP-26246
Some difficulty using amazon sqs Data, Data\Cloud RSP-27429
Datasnap - Internal Server Error on no password with IIS Data, Data\DataSnap RSP-20331
Unable to use % in String parameters in a Rest Client/Server Application Data, Data\DataSnap RSP-23925
TDBGrid Indicator Bitmaps are not scaled with High DPI Data, Data\DBCtrls, VCL RSP-26052
Indicator in TDBGrid is not scaled under DPI Awareness Data, Data\DBCtrls, VCL RSP-27667
Null and empty string in TWideMemoField Data, Data\DBRtl RSP-27730
Make TDBImage.LoadPicture virtual Data, Data\DBRtl, RTL\Delphi RSP-26541
Memory leak and truncated string result when executing DB Stored Procedure Data, Data\DBX RSP-13821
Unit 'FireDAC.VCLUI.Wait' not found. Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-15140
Mongo connection fails in C++ Builder on application exit Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-15415
FireDAC using SQLite is incompatible with the Firebase Cloud Messaging SDKs on iOS Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-18329
TFDBatchMove does not restore destination dataset state after job. Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-19264
FireDAC - PostgreSQL - No function PQbackendPID and other Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-26055
[FireDAC.Phys.IBWrapper] add support for Firebird3 isc_info_sql_explain_plan in TIBStatement Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-26340
FireDAC: Access violation with command execution and nvarchar(max) columns Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-26625
[FireDAC] Incorrect "Data too large for variable" exception against Postgres Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-26645
Unable to use not equal clause <> in TFDLocalSQL statement Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-26970
TFDTable cannot fetch indexes if hyphen is present in database name with MS-SQL Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-27063
Bug in FireDAC TFDEventAlerter component Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-27080
FireDAC TFDSQLiteBackup doesn't clean up WAL and SHM files in 10.3 Rio Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-27093
[FireDAC][Phys] Syntax Error parsing escaped JSON Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-27104
TFDEventAlerter (with postgres 10.0). Access violation and empty parameters Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-27391
FireDAC unique constraint doesn't ignore deleted rows Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-27392
TFDMemTable.CopyDataSet copy Unicode string as AnsiString Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-27400
Access Violation when deleting from disconnected TFDQuery Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-27421
FireDAC incorrectly copies NULL values in CopyDataSet method Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-27428
TFDTable.locate generate access violation Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-27444
FiraDAC do not work since Microsoft Office 2016 Update ( MDB - Database ) Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-27471
FireDac FDEventAlerter AEventName & AArgument are empty Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-27502
TFDFBNBackup dosen´t backp to a UNC Path Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-27517
FireDAC PostgreSQL driver does not support `hstore` type Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-27532
BCD overflow with aggregate field Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-27566
FireDac with mySQL 8.0.18 update problems Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-27664
TFDIBBackup (Firebird) new gbak parameters Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-27731
FDConnection Database name with blanks Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-27740
[FireDAC, MySQL v8] MySQL, storedproc that returns some cursors fails Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-27742
[Firedac][Phys][ODBC][sqlncli11.dll] SQL_ERROR' with TFDStoredProc Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-27745
FireDAC init and shutdown case mem leak Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-27897
FireDAC: AV exception in TFDQuery when using calculated fields, filters and multiple threads Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-27994
sql lite where fieldName !='a' Invalid character found Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-28012
TRESTResponseDataSetAdapter only creates TWideStringFields when adapting JSON to a FDMemTable regardless of JSON type Data, Data\FireDAC, Data\REST RSP-22941
[IBX] TIBQuery->BatchOutput fails on multi-line string fields Data, Data\IBX RSP-18710
TIBInputDelimitedFile BatchInput fails Data, Data\IBX RSP-26984
[IBX] XSQLDA-Index außerhalb des gültigen Bereichs. Data, Data\IBX RSP-26997
Delphi XE 10.3/10.3.1: TIBQuery (IBX) cached updates bug with BLOB fields Data, Data\IBX RSP-27002
same declarations in different units with different parameters Data, Data\IBX RSP-27404
TField DisplayWidth & Property Not Honored In TGrid Data, Data\LiveBindings RSP-12905
LiveBindings expert is throwing an EAccess Violation when creating a new data source Data, Data\LiveBindings RSP-14761
Data.Bind.EngExt doesn't clean up properly in UnregisterMethods Data, Data\LiveBindings RSP-15285
TLinkGridToDataSource.AutoActivate works only at design time Data, Data\LiveBindings RSP-17037
Streamline LiveBinding Support Of Booleans From/To String/Boolean/Integer/Float Data, Data\LiveBindings RSP-17155
LiveBinding' CustomFormat stop working - always return 0 Data, Data\LiveBindings RSP-18988
LiveBindings don't update ListView after MemTable sort Data, Data\LiveBindings RSP-21132
Unnecessary creation of lists and heap allocations Data, Data\LiveBindings RSP-21279
TListView OnUpdatingObjects event handler not synch with datasource Data, Data\LiveBindings, FireMonkey RSP-16014
Live Bindings Master/ Detail problem in FireMonkey Data, Data\LiveBindings, FireMonkey RSP-16255
Access violation in dclbindcomp250.bpl when opeing a project Data, Data\LiveBindings, FireMonkey RSP-18445
FMX relationship TClientDataSet TGrid program Data, Data\LiveBindings, FireMonkey RSP-23224
Column index,1 out of bounds Data, Data\LiveBindings, FireMonkey RSP-23941
Error formatting the TDateColumn with LiveBindings on Mac Os 64 bit Data, Data\LiveBindings, FireMonkey RSP-27237
When using BindingsList, The number in the edit box is not inserted or updated after submission when the mouse clicks the up or down button of TUpDown (FMX / TSpinBox) Data, Data\LiveBindings, FireMonkey, VCL RSP-21412
LiveBindings bug with DataSet and active index Data, Data\LiveBindings, VCL RSP-14089
RAD Server Head Requests To Endpoints Return 500 Errors Data, Data\MEAP RSB-3033
TClientDataset's Error in Android 32 Mode at XE10.3.3! Data, Data\Midas RSP-26954
A TClientDataset, with active aggregate(s), fails when Dataset Index is switched to a different index which is Non-Unique Data, Data\Midas RSP-27743
RESTDebugger & RESTClient class: missing http headers Data, Data\REST RSB-3478
Unable to set the Connect and Read timeouts separately on TRestClient Data, Data\REST RSP-23485
TRESTClient invalid handling of default parameters Data, Data\REST RSP-24197
Server cookies retrieval not possible using TRESTClient/REST.HttpClient (Also in RESTDebugger) Data, Data\REST RSP-26497
REST Debugger should remember last used load/save directory Data, Data\REST RSP-26585
POST request created by RestClient is broken on FMX mobile Data, Data\REST RSP-27437
JSON serialization changes identifier capitalization Data, Data\REST, RTL RSP-9650
IDE is throwing emsedge250.bpl error after manual Indy installation Data\MEAP RSP-20491
RadServer Project Platform Win64 is not supported (RadServer Project Platform Win64 wird nicht unterstützt) Data\MEAP RSP-24678
RAD Server package project not able to locate ODBC Data Source Name Data\MEAP RSP-27692
CPU window broken for macOS64 Debugger RSB-2919
Debuger 'freezes' on Iphone 11 Pro Debugger RSB-3416
[bcceval64] class members of function parameters are treated as arrays when expanded in inspector Debugger RSP-10270
Incorrect file used when debugging generic class types in Delphi Debugger RSP-18927
Win64 debugger crashes to WER dialog if working dir set to relative path Debugger RSP-19983
64bit debugger appears to lose track of the correct stack info / symbol trables Debugger RSP-20705
Can't debug dynamic-load DLL Debugger RSP-21055
local variable not available Debugger RSP-21126
[C++] Exception unloading DLL when debugging Debugger RSP-22951
Debugger hangs after expression evaluation Debugger RSP-24131
Android64 debugging not working with spaces in the project path Debugger RSP-27458
[4361] AccessCamera Sample Error Demos RSB-2809
[4361] CameraRoll Sample Error Demos RSB-2810
[4361] AudioRecPlay Demos RSB-2811
HttpDownloadDemo: Sample link does not more exist Demos RSP-19570
[Demo] Android service demo - Remote Demo crash Demos RSP-19713
[Demo] This link in the camera FMX example windows 10 also shuts down the program Demos RSP-21378
Some of the C++ sample projects (CameraComponent for example) get version info error Demos RSP-21799
Error when running BindGridLinkFMXProject.dproj samples Demos RSP-23560
PhoneDailer sample raises exception Demos RSP-24621
TeeResou.res missing on Android64 File Delivery RSP-27663
Interaction of Swipe gestures with button clicks FireMonkey AP-208
fmx client align apparently ignores system toolbar at bottom of screen FireMonkey AP-209
Exception when setting the text property of a TLabel if the text contains a line feed character FireMonkey RSB-1753
Integer overflow in FMX.InertialMovement (TAniCalculations FUpdateTimerCount) FireMonkey RSB-2555
Move some TControl3D methods from private section to protected FireMonkey RSB-2724
Can't upload MacOS-64-App to AppStore because of deprecated API usage FireMonkey RSB-3037
iOS 13 Dark mode - switch event FireMonkey RSB-3357
Video playback fails on Catalina FireMonkey RSB-3375
iOS missing property list keys for Bluetooth LE development FireMonkey RSB-3428
access to macOS Documents folder is missing from the entitlements list FireMonkey RSB-3468
Audio recording is not working even though entitlement is set FireMonkey RSB-3469
DateEdit onEnter called too late FireMonkey RSB-3486
CameraControl freezes on all windows FireMonkey RSP-11625
FMX Hint FireMonkey RSP-13220
Disabling FMX Border Icon cause tips to not be displayed FireMonkey RSP-13663
Create double buffered FMX controls FireMonkey RSP-15576
Hints not shown when BorderIcons maximize is disabled. FireMonkey RSP-16240
TGrid: move Tcolumn.Layout property to public FireMonkey RSP-16415
TTetheringAppProfile.SendStream() doesn't return false if the transmission failed everytime FireMonkey RSP-16430
TEdit ValidChars doesn't work on Android FireMonkey RSP-16585
Delphi 10.1 Berlin FireMonkey (Mobile platform) - English and Chinese characters arrangement proble FireMonkey RSP-16590
OpenGL we always recreate the shared context just after the form is created FireMonkey RSP-16602
Memory Leak in TTextLayoutNG from FMX.TextLayout.GPU FireMonkey RSP-16664
Toggling Active state of TCameraComponent causes app to crash FireMonkey RSP-16812
TCheckCell.DrawCell should place CheckBox image into center of cell FireMonkey RSP-17083
Pan and Zoom gestures cannot be used simultaneously in Android FireMonkey RSP-17835
Push Notifications from FCM in an Android Service and iOS FireMonkey RSP-18006
Regarding Hint problem again FireMonkey RSP-18265
[Windows] FMX TEdit Component Error!!! FireMonkey RSP-18276
Regarding Control's ClipChildren property FireMonkey RSP-18795
TBindNavigator::Visible property does not compile in C++ FireMonkey RSP-19037
Hint on TSpeedButton Result Segmentation Fault FireMonkey RSP-19306
Firemonkey Slow Paint [BUFFER IS THE SOLUTION] FireMonkey RSP-19432
GDI Leaks at FMX.Memo.Win FireMonkey RSP-19474
SharedHint Issue/Crash on mobile devices FireMonkey RSP-19479
Add TToolbar ShowHint & ParentShowHint FireMonkey RSP-19507
The size of the TTextLayout text displayed by TTextLayout::ConvertToPath and TTextLayout::LenderLayout is different. FireMonkey RSP-19590
Please change visibility of StyledMemo method FireMonkey RSP-19944
TCurrencyColumn for TGrid does not work properly FireMonkey RSP-20095
Cant get Caret position from mouse in TMemo FireMonkey RSP-20112
TGrid.OnSetValue evoke twice when click TCheckCell FireMonkey RSP-20125
VisualBindings is Slow, should be improved FireMonkey RSP-20325
Add IIsChecked interface to TRadioButton FireMonkey RSP-20374
Add IIsChecked interface to TMenuItem FireMonkey RSP-20410
Add IIsChecked interface to TSpeedButton FireMonkey RSP-20411
Multi-point gradients fail FireMonkey RSP-20497
Androidapi.JNIBridge source appears to be misaligned with binaries FireMonkey RSP-20651
Using Metal instead of OpenGL on Mac / iOS FireMonkey RSP-20667
TListView onChange called twice FireMonkey RSP-20828
FMX.Canvas.TextToPath() on Android behaves differently to Windows FireMonkey RSP-21137
wrong behave of OnClick in TLabel (Firemonkey) FireMonkey RSP-21187
OnResize event is triggered before (Frame)Create is complete FireMonkey RSP-21188
Can't link xcode9.4 build Static Library framework in firemonkey FireMonkey RSP-21247
Invalid assumption in TTextLayoutNG.CreateFrame FireMonkey RSP-21249
TGestureEventInfo.Distance wrong on multimonitor system FireMonkey RSP-21326
TFrame.Enabled problem FireMonkey RSP-21447
TPushDeviceTokenData must contain the NSData of the token FireMonkey RSP-21539
Dont remove "Translation Tools" (FireMonkey TLang) FireMonkey RSP-21641
Ignoring value TComboTrackBar.DecimalDigits in runtime FireMonkey RSP-21821
TakeFotoFromCameraAction property Editable doesn't work FireMonkey RSP-21921
FMX.Listbox.TComboBox Sort ignores comparer FireMonkey RSP-21924
Changes to FMX.Memo.Style.pas FireMonkey RSP-22406
dbl-click on TEdit doesn't select last word FireMonkey RSP-22876
IF UIFileSharingEnabled is true/YES Application Loader rejects iOS-App because of type mismatch FireMonkey RSP-22926
TMemo crash triggered by EndUpdate during destruction FireMonkey RSP-22948
Hints stop displaying after form's handle recreation FireMonkey RSP-23062
"ld" exited with code 1 when adding TetheringManager to project (Android) FireMonkey RSP-23073
TTimer can suddenly die without any notification FireMonkey RSP-23114
FMX.ListView.OnChange fires even if item doesn't change FireMonkey RSP-23188
Rio officially only support Android 5+ but minSDK is 19 (4.4) which has problems FireMonkey RSP-23219
Android TNumberbox: onExit gets wrong value FireMonkey RSP-23299
Visibility of TFont.FFontSvc: IFMXSystemFontService FireMonkey RSP-23757
Tooltips and hints do not function for controls placed on layout containers FireMonkey RSP-23835
procedure TCustomForm.PaintBackground; must be set as virtual FireMonkey RSP-23841
Calendar causing crashes FireMonkey RSP-23873
Popup menu closes when clicking on item separator and on disabled items. FireMonkey RSP-23890
FMX [ANDROID] unable to use NDK API beyond 22 - App Crash on 23+ FireMonkey RSP-24016
MapView.OnMarkerDragEnd does not give new position FireMonkey RSP-24168
Access violation on TEdit when TEdit.ShowHint=True and there is text in TEdit.Hint and you tap on it FireMonkey RSP-24246
TCalendar OnDateSelected trigger loop FireMonkey RSP-24324
Inner borders drawn on TEdit, TCombo, TButton, TLabel ...... FireMonkey RSP-24392
AV in TFMXViewBase.insertText FireMonkey RSP-24409
miss the declaration of UIAlertController/UIAlertAction in iOSApi.uiKit FireMonkey RSP-24740
Usage descriptions that could be added for macOS FireMonkey RSP-25593
Tab Stops do not follow Tab Order FireMonkey RSP-25964
fmx gpu rendering text property bug FireMonkey RSP-25974
TPopup and TScrollBox is not working well FireMonkey RSP-26042
Implement automatic dark mode switching FireMonkey RSP-26110
TCurrencyColumn wrong display FireMonkey RSP-26184
TCalendar wrong resizing with FireMonkey styles FireMonkey RSP-26332
TDateEdit IsEmpty is not persistent FireMonkey RSP-26353
TLayout Size 0 is not persistent FireMonkey RSP-26361
TBitmapCodecManager.SaveToFile raises AV FireMonkey RSP-26363
FireMonkey scaling of PopupMenu subitems doesn't work FireMonkey RSP-26572
[macOS 64] Crash due to a tap with three fingers FireMonkey RSP-26642
Android 64 bit app crashes when calling TInAppPurchase.QueryProducts FireMonkey RSP-27140
Any iOS app cannot start without debugger FireMonkey RSP-27146
FMX.Tmediaplayer.Duration is negative. FireMonkey RSP-27166
Firemonkey App compiled with Rio 10.3.3 is not usable on a MacbookPro with macOS10.13 FireMonkey RSP-27197
InAppPurchase.QueryProducts crash App in Android64 FireMonkey RSP-27228
Wrong Decimals in NumberBox when Value is greater than 32767 FireMonkey RSP-27282
incorrect declaration export function JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString FireMonkey RSP-27340
NSLocale missing a number of methods FireMonkey RSP-27353
FMX.TListBoxGroupHeader - default FALSE value in TextSettings.WordWrap not works FireMonkey RSP-27470
Firemomkey - android. Onkeyup event not called FireMonkey RSP-27496
Support newer Android NDK than 17 FireMonkey RSP-27509
Bad TLabel text rendering quality on some Android devices FireMonkey RSP-27520
TTreeView expanding items during begin update does not work FireMonkey RSP-27739
InputQuery on iOS should not show first prompt as message when using two prompts FireMonkey RSP-27777
ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage UIWebView warning from Apple FireMonkey RSP-27902
Bug in rendering ListView items FireMonkey RSP-27917
TNumberCell. Shortcoming in the validation of valid characters FireMonkey RSP-28057
FMX and VCL default exception handlers produce uninformative error messages with EAggregateException (as raised by ITask.Wait etc.) FireMonkey RSP-9539
Circular references when using 3D controls FireMonkey, FireMonkey\3D Components RSP-9785
FMX Hint Cannot display if the form is transparent FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Components RSP-12907
C++Builder 10 Seattle - Hint function will fail FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Components RSP-13065
Hint is not shown if there is no Maximize button in form frame FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Components RSP-13218
classes.dex contains superfluous gingerbread dialog classes FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Runtime RSP-13159
TApplicationEvent.WillBecomeInactive is called after TApplicationEvent.EnteredBackground for the Android platform FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Runtime RSP-18686
provider_paths.xml is missing entries FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Runtime RSP-26950
Performance optimizations - TStyledControl.FindStyleResource FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Styles RSP-10814
LongTap ​gesture event in Android has no TInteractiveGestureFlag.gfEnd​ FireMonkey, IDE RSP-23806
BannerAd header error on Windows targeted android project FireMonkey, Install RSP-20929
TNotificationCenter.PresentNotification not working on iOS10 devices (for R104) FireMonkey, RTL RSP-16762
Multi-platform App crashes on OSX when Abort is called and 'posix.stdlib' is in 'uses' section FireMonkey, RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-19307
GLHasAnyErrors is a little useless as it's not show the error code FireMonkey, RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-21577
The iOS framework interface for NSNotification is missing 'object' property FireMonkey, RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-24206
Light and dark theme flag for VCL and FMX styles FireMonkey, VCL RSP-21531
Replace Internet Explorer based TWebBrowser with IWebView2 FireMonkey, VCL RSP-27543
build all - crashes IDE eventually Help and Doc, IDE RSP-23123
VCL change caused an IDE to crash IDE RSP-23900
Allow setting default file encoding in Environment options IDE RSB-1694
Title bar is painted incorrectly when window is maximized IDE RSB-2146
Docked panel title bar buttons lack hover highlight IDE RSB-2310
Tooltip missing for inline declarations IDE RSB-2421
ErrorInsight does not like inline var in DPR IDE RSB-2423
Android SDK setup automatically chooses very old build tools IDE RSB-2456
Options dialog duplicated items IDE RSB-2472
Error insight doesn't support 10.3 features IDE RSB-2498
Cursor out of view in options dialog IDE RSB-2838
Stepping over code in IDE causes IDE to show Range Check error [only when maximised] IDE RSB-2868
Tools/Options/Language/Delphi/-options/Library combo boxes are truncated IDE RSB-2932
Debug Inspector Shows 'PanelMain' panel caption when smallest vertical size IDE RSB-3310
Save changes to project popup, blanks out background IDE RSB-3331
Holding CTRL Key lets Display refresh fast IDE RSB-3332
Title bar issue IDE RSB-3336
Code editor flickers when changing focus IDE RSB-3339
IDE flickering IDE RSB-3340
Undocked layout: Object inspector has no title bar and as such is unmovable IDE RSB-3353
Video Flickering while debugging IDE RSB-3376
Radiant shapes does not drop on Android 64 bit project, but does compile and run IDE RSB-3418
[License Manager] Exception EOSError in module rtl250.bpl at 00052A2F. System Error. Code: 111 IDE RSB-3424
Ctrl+Click on generics IDE RSP-13009
Code completion awfully slow IDE RSP-15405
Cannot uninstall system design-time packages (regression) IDE RSP-16327
Please offer an option to turn off "Clipboard History" IDE RSP-16410
Code Completion not work [for completing a unit in uses clause] IDE RSP-17659
Code Insight does not know the current type IDE RSP-17910
Code Insight does not know generic type parameters IDE RSP-17911
Find in Files add Search in current one File IDE RSP-18120
Bundle identifier changed by the IDE when deploy on Mac App Store IDE RSP-18718
Code completion fails to invoke IDE RSP-19116
Code Completion shows unreachable symbols for TEncoding and TPath IDE RSP-19184
Incorrect project options page with a new static library project IDE RSP-19231
Inisght confused by Invoke IDE RSP-19294
Theme change invalidates custom editor colors IDE RSP-19524
Event Log Colours are not used IDE RSP-19630
white place inside dark theme IDE RSP-19638
Cannot set TLIB page size for c++ package IDE RSP-20015
Dark theme is broken in Project->Add unit IDE RSP-20245
Dark theme is broken in windows 'Select Connection Profile' IDE RSP-20260
Dark theme not used for TODO List Panel background IDE RSP-20511
Code insight crashes IDE IDE RSP-20778
Bring back double click to open a folder in the Projects manager IDE RSP-21689
Design issue of compiler options page IDE RSP-21796
Title bar controls move when switching desktop layout IDE RSP-22237
QuickEdit still use 10.2 registry path IDE RSP-22904
Cannot delete nonexistent SDK IDE RSP-22986
IDE crash in history when clicking "view in diff viewer" IDE RSP-23003
In Object Inspector, some text entries not fully visible IDE RSP-23006
Display clearly where the files are installed with GetIt IDE RSP-23202
Code completion does not work inside anonymous methods IDE RSP-23252
Two new features for GetIt Package Manager IDE RSP-23926
Stack Overflow when navigating source IDE RSP-24045
Ctrl-Space work as Ctrl-J IDE RSP-24078
Project manager doesn't let you add COM items to ActiveX library project IDE RSP-24186
Deploy option on Project menu must be visible even if disabled IDE RSP-24282
Dragging an Editor Tab to re-position Next to Another one causes error IDE RSP-24424
IDE Insight - existing text not preselected IDE RSP-24437
Update Local File Cache of SDK Manager is a system modal dialog, not application modal IDE RSP-24460
GetIt keyboard scrolling looks badly IDE RSP-24469
Ctrl+A not supported when editing property values in the Object Inspector IDE RSP-24601
Opacity fails in FMX TRectangle IDE RSP-24681
Cannot open a file IDE RSP-25653
Static library project includes Application settings IDE RSP-25909
[macOS 64] Ticket stapling fails during notarization IDE RSP-25911
Error while notarizing app IDE RSP-26041
D10.3.2 Error Reading Form and Access violation IDE RSP-26318
Incorrect search bar position in IDE Editing Option set dialog IDE RSP-26626
Add Run Time Packages Dialog is not Themed (no Dark Style) IDE RSP-26973
IDE fails to respond or display correctly. High CPU usage. IDE RSP-27070
IDE drawing issues with theming enabled IDE RSP-27091
Debugger options contains an needlessly scrollable area IDE RSP-27190
last character in Value in ObjectInspector not show IDE RSP-27350
Editor scrollbar is not working IDE RSP-27531
IDE freezes if project options are changed during compilation IDE RSP-27651
Crash complete after close IDE RSP-27696
Android deployment uncheck problem IDE RSP-27756
GetIt finds no results for "C++" IDE RSP-27759
IDE and application freeze IDE RSP-27786
TListBoxItem Tag values set at design time do not carry through to runtime IDE RSP-27787
Application error , Exception EAccessViolation IDE RSP-27790
Delphi reported a disconnected session error after I started to run my program IDE RSP-27796
open new Project No response IDE RSP-27824
Error on Search from IDE IDE RSP-27829
After running a program delphi raise exception IDE RSP-27873
IDE stays minimized. Unable to restore IDE window IDE RSP-27908
SDK Manager with macOSX 10.15.4 not working IDE RSP-27927
MacOS: entitlement for Bluetooth has to be set manually IDE, IDE\Build System RSP-27234
can't create Storyboard Splash as required by Apple for iOS IDE, IDE\Build System, IDE\Deployment RSP-28065
Code completion window not working correctly for method with a parameter IDE, IDE\Code Editor, IDE\General RSP-15416
XE6 : Version Info option 'Auto generate build number' gives wrong Seconds IDE, IDE\General RSP-10027
CTRL+SPACE not working after some time IDE, IDE\General RSP-14803
Invalid Pointer Operation. IDE, IDE\General RSP-27744
Odd Look and Feel of the GetIt Package manager IDE, IDE\GetIt RSP-13895
AutoGenVersion not generate correct build number IDE, IDE\Projects RSP-28055
GetIt: undescribed issue IDs (add description to error numbers) IDE, Install RSP-25955
French translation error on Tools / Options / ... / Code audit IDE, Translation RSP-24294
Image Collection Editor doesn't save changes after replacing an image IDE, VCL RSB-2949
Exception "Cannot assign a TVirtualImageListItem to a TVirtualImageListItem" IDE, VCL RSB-2984
VCL frames that have Align set to alClient lose their designed Height and Width in the IDE IDE, VCL RSP-19863
tstylemanager.StyleNames has some times a wrong style list IDE, VCL RSP-20643
TVirtualImageList does not allow to inherit a form IDE, VCL RSP-23652
Cannot edit a form which has a StackPanel in a parent form IDE, VCL RSP-26440
Truncated tab caption Install RSB-3205
Serial number screen misses some German translations Install, Translation RSB-1946
TTask.Wait() does not wait canceled TTask's handler to complete Libraries and Frameworks, RTL RSP-11267
Unable to link (LME288 / unknown heap name) Linker RSP-13247
Win64 Link terminated if delayload enabled Linker RSP-15948
Invalid 64-bit ldap import library Linker RSP-17760
ilink64 incorrectly sets SizeOfHeaders Linker RSP-18823
Unresolved externals when compiling with clang compiler Linker RSP-21172
Android Linker Linker RSP-22092
Clang for win32 cause unresolved error for unused code Linker RSP-23557
Delphi forces wrong binary into APK Linker RSP-27025
Running macOS applications from the IDE do not appear to have entitlements applied PAServer RSP-27313
no Tethering on an PC with multiple devices RTL RSP-11716
AV after dynamically unloading a DLL that uses std::facet RTL, RTL\C++ RSP-16469
Use stringstream in DLL with dynamic RTL RTL, RTL\C++ RSP-16755
AV in CBuilder Win64 in TDataset descendants RTL, RTL\C++ RSP-18865
Deploy for Appstrore MISS Debug Information RTL, RTL\C++ RSP-19542
TJSONPair missing a constructor RTL, RTL\C++ RSP-23163
Win64 TThread/Exception access violation RTL, RTL\C++ RSP-27127
std::array template deduction not working RTL, RTL\C++ RSP-27381
eof does not work in 64-bit target RTL, RTL\C++, RTL\C++\I/O RSP-27082
[clang32/64] compiler errors on usage of C++11 math functions in <cmath> RTL, RTL\C++, RTL\C++\Math RSP-12160
Using va_copy causes Access Violation when compiled with clang 32/64 RTL, RTL\C++, RTL\C++\Other RSP-27577
[C++17] Error using 'std::sample' RTL, RTL\C++, RTL\C++\STL RSB-2998
std::basic_string is missing non const data() RTL, RTL\C++, RTL\C++\STL RSP-23438
Using std::unique_ptr with an array gives an error RTL, RTL\C++, RTL\C++\STL RSP-27936
Linux/SysSocketTypes.inc -Incorrect constant value RTL, RTL\Delphi RSB-1913
Regression: Application Title double DPI scaled with VCL styles RTL, RTL\Delphi RSB-2678
Handling of tkMRecord still missing in System.Rtti RTL, RTL\Delphi RSB-2714
Regression: An AV occurs on obtaining a managed record using the TRttiProperty.GetValue function RTL, RTL\Delphi RSB-2758
Can Managed records with ctor have an "empty state"? Possible bugs in TList<> RTL, RTL\Delphi RSB-2786
Wrong CreateJobObject declaration on Winapi.Windows unit. RTL, RTL\Delphi RSB-2871
Missing constants for Windows JobApi. RTL, RTL\Delphi RSB-2872
pidAllPlatforms doesn't contain pidAndroid64Arm RTL, RTL\Delphi RSB-3227
Invalid declaration of REFIID in Macapi.CoreAudio RTL, RTL\Delphi RSB-3251
Invalid declarations of AudioChannelFlags and AudioChannelBitmap in Macapi.CoreAudio RTL, RTL\Delphi RSB-3254
System.Threading needs attention RTL, RTL\Delphi RSB-3276
SOAP webservice client shows all SOAP faults as Internal server error (500) RTL, RTL\Delphi RSB-3487
pidAllPlatforms is short of pidAndroid64Arm RTL, RTL\Delphi RSB-3490
TIntegerHelper.ToString much slower than IntToStr RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-11176
Missing import of AccessibleObjectFromPoint etc in Winapi.oleacc RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-12712
Incorrect inline assembler code in System.ObjAuto.pas in 64 bits RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-13620
Android Intent Service handler not called RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-14696
OSX Delphi-Objective-C Bridge interfaces missing methods RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-15017
ELocalTimeInvalid if you call TTimeZone.ToUniversalTime depending on local timezone RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-15021
CLONE - TTetheringAppProfile.OnAcceptResource gives wrong value in AProfileID parameter. ALSO in Berlin 10.1 RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-15043
Wrong typecast in System.ObjAuto.TBaseMethodHandlerInstance.Create() may cause EAccessViolation RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-15243
TJFMXTextEditorProxy INPUT_NUMBER_AND_PUNCTUATION is mapped incorrectly RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-15597
Implement uniform memory management on all platforms RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-15689
API Headers for credui.dll RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-16038
SHARDAPPIDINFOIDLIST is declared incorrectly in Winapi.ShlObj RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-16235
SHCreateShellItemArray is declared incorrectly in Winapi.ShlObj RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-16236
TTask.WaitForAll crashes if timeout is INFINITE RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-16377
Incorrect binding in MacApi.Security.pas RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-16509
ID3D11ShaderReflection in Winapi.D3D11Shader has wrong GUID RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-16622
Wrong declaration of "ID3DInclude" in Winapi.D3DCommon RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-16623
Wrong calling conventions in Winapi.D3D11.pas RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-16663
add addObserver to nsObject RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-16857
Make ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown work for Android out of the box RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-17159
FMX.Types.pas and FMX.Platform.pas are absent for Linux platform RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-17521
Compass sensor in iOS always returns the current timestamp, instead of the timestamp of the latest available heading RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-17831
Declaration of GetNumaNodeProcessorMask is wrong RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-18106
Windows "secur32.dll" api RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-18196
isRegisteredForRemoteNotifications missing from uiApplication RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-18670
system.internal.unwinder.pas is missing a const keyword RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-19017
If task is canceled then the TTask.WaitForAll-method is finished before the task is finished RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-19435
customsort executed unnecessaily RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-19551
THash.DigestAsString terribly slow and badly implemented RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-19799
Add parameter AMinTimeToWait to ForceQueue to delay the execution of code without creating a thread RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-19864
add wglSwapIntervalEXT to Winapi.OpenGLext.pas RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-19891
TimeInRange does not consider float inaccuracy RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-19933
Bad declaration of 'EnumServicesStatus' (Winaip.WinSvc.pas) RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-20075
FindCmdLineSwitch does not work with empty Chars set RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-20282
Wrong declaration for Singly-linked list API RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-20283
The PUREPASCAL version of StrToFloat erroneously uses IsDigit when parsing the input and erroneously accepts non-latin digits RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-20334
Wrong import functions in Winapi.UserEnv RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-20889
System.TInstItem.Free using Dispose causes error when using custom memory manager RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-20907
GdiplusStartup and GdiplusShutdown have wrong parameter definition RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-20942
(Linux, iOS64, macOS64) Dynamically calling method with managed record result fails RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-21076
Wrong Declaration in Winapi.Direct3D8 RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-21081
Invalid Class TypeCast exception when access null variant RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-21705
System.AnsiStrings AdjustLineBreaks not exported RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-21947
Weak references crash the application on exit when used with FastMM RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-22897
Delphi Rio still ships with a broken ASM version of Move RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-23018
Memory leak in TInvokeableVariantType.DispInvoke RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-23093
Optimize TInvokeableVariantType.DispInvoke RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-23095
PthreadAPI.inc has incorrectly generates by reference values for Linux (and macOS64) RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-23204
TIBCustomDataSet and large data RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-23253
Does not work Cancel in TParallel.Join RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-23266
FIONREAD value is not correct in iOS 64 RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-23366
TypeInfo changes when converting TValue to Variant and back to TValue RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-23373
Add default directive to Items property of TJSONArray RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-23711
Incorrect interace declarations in WinAPI.OleDB.pas RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-23764
function GetCommandText in ICommandText and ICommandTextSC interface inside OleDB unit is incorrectly declared RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-23843
AV on finalizing TThreadPool RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-23874
Calling inherited in TList<T> constructor leads to memory leak RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-23943
Missing Windows privilege constants RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-23989
Mobile platforms don't have 8-bit character type RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-24020
TCustomIniFile miss WriteInt64 and ReadInt64 RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-24422
Add IsEmpty function to TGUID RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-24504
DWRITE_FONT_METRICS - wrong field types RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-24548
[REST.Json.Interceptors] InitializeConverters have unfinished code RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-24594
Make QuickSort in System.Classes more efficient RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-24620
Incorrect declarations in Winapi.D3D11.pas RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-25524
32 bit Integer counters in TThreadedQueue RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-25941
[macOS 64] Wrong constants in StrOptsTypes.inc RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-25963
[macOS 64] Wrong declarations in Macapi.CocoaTypes RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-26209
Cannot set proper values for TThread Policy and Priority with Linux64 Compiler RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-26280
Strange RTL dependencies RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-26378
Missing Linux files RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-26654
AccessViolation on Const-ShortString Parameter in subroutine RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-27112
TBufferedFileStream - impossible to detect write errors RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-27181
FreeAndNil is written in unsafe way RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-27208
App crashing on Android 10 with targetSDK = 29 in AndroidManifest RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-27218
Incorrect enum values in Winapi.DirectShow9 RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-27288
TJsonSerializer Deserialiize uses JsonConverterAttribute() where as Populate doesn't RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-27315
Method CreateFormFromStings spelling mistake RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-27358
GetMemoryErrorHandlingCapabilities is incorrectly defined RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-27365
GetProcessorSystemCycleTime incorrectly defined RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-27366
Win64 Multi tier application fails RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-27376
SaferSetLevelInformation in winapi.winsafer is incorrectly defined RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-27408
Optimize constructors of TStreamWriter and TBinaryWriter RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-27670
TGuid operator overloads should be marked as inline RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-27706
[Android] libFlatBox2D.a for 64-bits is missing RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-27762
DUnitX OutOfMemory in 64-Bit RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-27815
JSON Writer does not Escape all characters below 32 correctly RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-27821
Unnecessary declaration of E_NOINTERFACE in TInterfacedPersistent.QueryInterface RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-27856
DateTimeToXMLTime fails RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-27865
Starting and ending boundaries for a multi part content does not match RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-27968
Speed Improvement for TDoubleHelper.SpecialType: TFloatSpecial; RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Arithmetic/Precision RSP-27966
Empty dates cause an exception when DST is off when using TTimeZone class RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Date/Time RSP-18396
Calling UIDevice::uniqueIdentifier causes an access violation RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Header Translations RSP-15851
real_pcre_extra in System.RegularExpressionsAPI bad in 64bit compile RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Header Translations RSP-18107
[MacOS] Incorrect NSUserNotification declaration causes an exception RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Header Translations RSP-18136
miss setTextContainerInset and textContainerInset in UITextView RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Header Translations RSP-18314
Inappropriate parameter declaration about Thread Pool Functions in Winapi.Windows.pas RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Header Translations RSP-18439
Generics.TList.List code breaking changes RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\List/Collections RSP-27243
TStringList and IndexOfObject issue RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\List/Collections RSP-27893
JSON classes do not have virtual constructors RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-18515
Implement Upload-Progress-Event for TNetHTTPClient RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-20543
Security bug of Httpclient RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-23824
TNetHTTPClient.OnReceiveData and TNetHTTPRequest.OnReceiveData cannot be associated with TNetHTTPClient/TNetHTTPRequest RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-26403
Invalid expires time caused infinite loop in THTTPClient RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-27156
NotificationCenter.CancelNotification always delete only the first RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Other RSP-24008
TNetEncoding.URL.Encode(4-btyes utf8) is incorrect RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Strings RSP-26520
Task created using TParallel.Join is executed again when exception is raised RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Threads RSP-20590
Non-thread-safe code in System.Threading.pas RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Threads RSP-24031
Reloading Package SOAPRTL (app crash) RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Threads RSP-26577
TThread never gets freed/destroyed under ARC POSIX RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Threads RSP-27245
TXSBaseCustomDateTime.GetAsDateTime (Soap.XSBuiltIns) is wrong for values near to the daylight saving time RTL, RTL\Delphi, SOAP RSP-17649
DateTimeToXMLTime fails assigning UTC time to TXSDateTime RTL, RTL\Delphi, SOAP RSP-24149
THTTPRIO calls ShowSelectCertificateDialog also when no client certificate is required RTL, RTL\Delphi, SOAP RSP-27523
Force user and password credential on new TNetHttpClient RTL, RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-11247
TObject.GetInterface has non optimal code RTL\Delphi RSP-27701
InvokeImplGetter has non optimal code RTL\Delphi RSP-27702
TObject.GetInterfaceEntry has non optimal code RTL\Delphi RSP-27705
Empty command line arguments crash System.SysUtils.FindCmdLineSwitch on POSIX RTL\Delphi RSP-27715
{$EXTERNALSYM} Mismatch with IMAGE_THUNK_DATA32 in Winapi.Windows.pas RTL\Delphi RSP-28202
THTTPClient request can not be canceld RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-20827
TNetHTTPClient OnRequestError lacks error code or exception object RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-23446
Can I cancel a job of NetHTTPClient put RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-26495
Delphi Android TNetHTTPClient OnReceiveData freeze RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-27307
THTTPClient.ContentType should ensure that only one type can be set. RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-27634
System.Net.Mime disobeys the standard for multipart content type RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-27964
TLinuxHTTPResponse ReceiveData notifies DoReceiveDataProgress before writing into the stream RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-28205
WSDL import (TByteDynArray to TArray<byte>) SOAP RSP-21850
ESOAPHTTPException property StatusCode removed in Delphi 10.3 SOAP RSP-23432
10.3.1 Rio SOAP web services SendTimeout property is missing. SOAP RSP-24184
Missing property HTTPWebNode SOAP RSP-24311
Missing the SendTimeout property in the THTTPReqResp class (unit Soap.SOAPHTTPTrans) SOAP RSP-24600
THTTPRIO.HTTPWebNode.SendTimeout undefined? SOAP RSP-24723
SOAP HTTPRIO range check error in TSOAPDomConv.InitObjectFromSOAP SOAP RSP-25536
THTTPReqResp.OnHttpError not exist SOAP RSP-25927
UseDefaultCredentials can not be set in THTTPReqResp SOAP RSP-26210
Unable to set client certificate for all SOAP HTTP clients (TStreamLoader) SOAP RSP-26414
Missing the OnPostingData event in the THTTPReqResp class SOAP RSP-26494
Correct Type Cast of Soap Data SOAP RSP-26554
SOAP-Exception not thrown correct SOAP RSP-26630
System.net exception absorbing ERemoteable exception (difference between RIO and Berlin) SOAP RSP-26989
INTAEditViewNotifier in ToolsAPI is missing a GUID Tools API RSP-27238
TDBNavigator in VCL High DPI button icon is very small VCL RSB-2477
Vcl Styles do not DPI scale VCL RSB-2543
TCategoryPanelGroup Panels do not scale as expected on a DPI change VCL RSB-3015
Change pngimage Unit, so that CRC checking of chunks can be turned off with a property of TPNGImage VCL RSB-3348
VCL-Syles: In High-DPI Form Caption Height is not scaled VCL RSP-12115
Do not use nearest neighbor image interpolation for e.g. TImage and many other graphics functions VCL RSP-13461
VCL styles don't scale properly under high DPI configurations VCL RSP-13507
TUxThemeStyle is missing TUxThemeDataNavButtonElements, leading to exception when custom theme used VCL RSP-14287RSP-14262
Popup menu drawn incorrectly on a styled form when inside a frame VCL RSP-14287
Error diplaying Tab-images in styled TPageControl VCL RSP-14732
TFileTypeItem misses Assign method VCL RSP-14904
TStatus Bar when a VCL Style is applied shows a grabber inappropriately. VCL RSP-16079
Titlebar wrong height 4K VCL RSP-16516
DPI-change (scale) after theme-change bug VCL RSP-16598
Allow scaling of Caption and non-client area in HighDPI aware app VCL RSP-16877
THeaderControl.OnDrawSection not fired when themed VCL RSP-16911
Styles - Menu VCL RSP-18010
Restoring minimized form with TMainMenu (VCL with Themes) impossible by double clicking because system menu appears on top VCL RSP-18262
tool form on TScrollBox is not movable when VclStyles are active VCL RSP-18590
Memory leak in TFormStyleHook.WMNCCalcSize() VCL RSP-18962
Access Violation with TToolButton VCL RSP-19806
THeaderSections - add OnGetItemClass VCL RSP-20677
PopupActionBar wrong position if running on secondary monitor VCL RSP-21011
Adding Jump items at incorrect locations in Vcl.JumpList.pas VCL RSP-21134
TControl.ScaleConstraints() is faulty VCL RSP-21162
TSpeedButton and TBitButton should support icons with alpha channel [add TImageList support] VCL RSP-21207
CreateMessageDialog lack high dpi support VCL RSP-21237
Disabled TButton should show image grayed out VCL RSP-21240
TIcon does not support PNG-format icons and throws EOutOfResources VCL RSP-21318
VCL Theme owerdraw grids do not render correctly on some machines VCL RSP-21321
Hourglass misaligned in TSearchBox under HIghDPI VCL RSP-21656
[VCL] on win64 win2008r2 can not list ImeName VCL RSP-21669
TToolBar Disarranges The order of the buttons ( TSpeedButton ) when you run the Scaleby VCL RSP-21752
Wrong sizes of some elements on hidpi and styled forms VCL RSP-21902
Code written in OnCreate() event executes after form is visible when Windows scale is above 100% VCL RSP-23179
TListView with OwnerDraw set to true causes Stream Read Error exception when setting column text VCL RSP-23553
TSplitView doesn't work correct on high DPI VCL RSP-23660
VCL.tabs TTabset does not render correctly with themes/Styles enabled VCL RSP-23775
TCategoryButton does not scale correctly VCL RSP-23788
TButtonGroup doesn't scale its buttons if dpi changes VCL RSP-23794
Mainmenu cannot be unhidden when themed VCL RSP-23830
Add option to enable Extended UI for TComboBox VCL RSP-23887
TCustomForm.ScaleForPPI raises exeception "Control has no parent window" VCL RSP-23900
TCustomForm ignores setting position and dimensions if parent is not assigned VCL RSP-23906
Caption font is not correct on a styled VCL app VCL RSP-24012
Maximized form size is incorrect when a style is used VCL RSP-24013
Checkbox is too small on a scaled styled VCL form VCL RSP-24014
Incorrect drawing of scaled TComboBox if Style = csSimple VCL RSP-24036
How to use Microsoft Edge Browser as control in C++ builder VCL RSP-24064
TButtonedEdit: Image background not transparent when styled VCL RSP-24070
A styled form with a minheight constraint moves when resized. VCL RSP-24117
Make TCustomAction.GetImages() virtual VCL RSP-24313
TVirtualImageList DrawOverlay() not working VCL RSP-24330
Problems with TreeView High-DPI scaling VCL RSP-24440
Mainmenu is doubled after hiding a submenu VCL RSP-24472
Allow form border width to be customized at runtime when using VCL styles VCL RSP-24479
Hint font size incorrect after DPI change with DPI Awareness = Per Monitor v2 VCL RSP-24541
Using Styles in delphi 10.3.1 with RTL language VCL RSP-24675
The value of WParamLo of WM_MOUSEWHEEL is incorrect VCL RSP-25561
Per-monitor-DPI issue with THintWindow VCL RSP-25566
API:GetPhysicallyInstalledSystemMemory Defined wront VCL RSP-25579
Declaration for TNewTextMetricEx is missing VCL RSP-25659
Add virtual GetCaption() to property TListItem.Caption VCL RSP-25908
TToolBar does not allow Menu items to use Screen.Font VCL RSP-25939
TMenuItem Measure event doesn't calculate correct default height VCL RSP-25940
TWinControl.GetCurrentPPIScreen returns wrong PPI for MDI children on dual monitor setup VCL RSP-26011
TCustomStatusBar.DrawPanel() is not called when VCL style is active VCL RSP-26101
TListItem.ImageIndex should have a virtual getter VCL RSP-26256
Themed application does not always redraw screens when size changed at run time VCL RSP-26298
TListView.OwnerDataStateChange() - OldState & NewState arguments swapped VCL RSP-26387
Wrongly premultiplied TWICImage when assigning a Bitmap with aDefined VCL RSP-26621
Resize grid cell raises exception EInvalidGridOperation (both TStringGrig and TDrawGrid) VCL RSP-26987
TGroupBox misaligns subcontrols in Per-Montior setups VCL RSP-26988
TPageControl does not call its OwnerDraw method when the application is Themed VCL RSP-26992
TCheckListBox checkbox are crappy with High DPI and themes VCL RSP-27016
OnBeforeMonitorDpiChanged and OnAfterMonitorDpiChanged events don't have overrideable methods VCL RSP-27233
TTimePicker height is not per-monitor aware VCL RSP-27241
TOSVersion returns wrong Build VCL RSP-27397
Bug in VCL TListView component VCL RSP-27514
TFindDialog draws incorrectly in high-dpi when VCL Style is active VCL RSP-27549
Breakpoints not aligned with source or source not built correctly VCL RSP-27690
main menu issue with vcl styles enabled VCL RSP-27783
TStringGrid exception if mousewheel downward with no cell selected VCL RSP-27898
Virtual Image List editor resizing VCL RSP-27941
TMenu.IsShortCut behaviour is incorrect for disabled menus VCL RSP-28178
VCL forms get reduced when Vcl styles are applied VCL, VCL\Styles/Themes RSP-10128
VCL controls in corners of form are cropped when form is maximized and VCL styles is used VCL, VCL\Styles/Themes RSP-14081
StyleServices.GetElementSize() does not return a value for radiobuttons VCL, VCL\Styles/Themes RSP-14521
