RAD Studio 11.0 における新機能と修正された顧客から報告された問題

提供: RAD Studio
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概要: RAD Studio 11.0 Athens における新機能と、顧客から報告され修正された問題のリスト

RAD Studio™ は、高性能のネイティブ クロスプラットフォーム アプリケーションを、Delphi や最新の C++ で迅速に構築するための、究極の RAD 環境であり、開発者に愛好家の多い、統合ツールチェーンを使用しています。

RAD Studio 11 Athens では、新機能の追加、機能の強化や品質の向上などが行われています。

主な RAD Studio 11 機能

  • 新しい IDE の拡張
    • 高 DPI の IDE
    • ウェルカム ページ
    • オープン ツール API の変更
    • デザイナの VCL スタイル
    • フォームのデザインとコード編集
    • オプション ダイアログのパフォーマンス
    • FireMonkey の設計ガイドラインとマージン
    • Visual Studio のコード エディタおよびその他のエディタのための DelphiLSP
    • 支援機能 (DelphiLSP) における改善点
    • ビルド イベントの警告
    • IDE のその他の変更点
  • Delphi ツールチェーンにおける改善点
    • 新しい macOS ARM 64 ビット ターゲット プラットフォーム
    • バイナリ リテラルと数字の区切り文字
  • C++ ツールチェーンにおける改善点
    • 新しい C++ コード フォーマッタ
    • C++ / Delphi 互換性
  • VCL および FireMonkey における変更
    • RichEdit 4.1 (MSFTEDIT.dll) に更新された TRichEdit コンポーネント
    • VCL モダン化作業
    • FireMonkey
  • RTL とデータ
    • プラットフォーム識別子
    • RTL: TZipFile
    • RTL 大規模データ構造における改善点
    • 新しいレコード ヘルパ
    • Bluetooth および BLE における改善点
    • RTL におけるその他の強化点
    • FireDAC
    • Internet、HTTP、REST クライアント ライブラリ
    • インターネット サーバーのテクノロジー
  • インストーラにおける変更点

新機能の詳しいリストについては、新機能 ページを参照してください。

11.0 で修正された公式報告バグ

RAD Studio 11.0 Athens リリースでは、公式に報告され修正された不具合を含む、500 以上の品質改善およびパフォーマンスの強化が行われています。

Summary Component/s ExternalID
Regression from 10.3.0 - The help file is missing in the GetIt Package of CodeSite Express. 3rd Party RSP-23759
Errors occur during compilation of Eigen test. (Symbols in global namespace) 3rd Party, Demos, RTL, RTL\C++, RTL\C++\Math RSP-26174
Exception rethrow not working on clang 64bit Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-23469
static library project ignores .c files [batch compilation] Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-24609
comment is not finished in the math.h file Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-32567
TBlueToothLE Throws Invalid Pointer Operation Error Upon Close Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-21548
reference to HCATADMIN is ambiguous Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-33705
Clang32 crash: [bcc32c Error] ...: ICE: Internal compiler error: 0 @ 00000000 Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-24315
[ICE] __finally still broken in 10.4 Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-29161
bcc32c: cannot compile this 'this' captured by SEH yet Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-23383
latest Orpheus components package fails to compile Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-34210
force c++ compile not equal to a c++ compile [C++11 not C++17] Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-32684
ifstream constructor no longer accepts FILE* as a parameter Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-24132
bcc64 ICE: Internal compiler error: 0@00000000 Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-33270
Debugger: Exception-Classname is corrupt in exception-info-dialog Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-33330
Missing files with ld-linux.exe: start_linux64.o, SysInit.o, end_linux64.o Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG RSP-17492
[bcc64] Using a typedef-name when naming a destructor fails Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG RSP-9431
CLANG] Using typeid of delphi-style classes causes AV Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG, Compiler\C++\CLANG\Front End RSP-12474
attach to C++ 64bit process and debugging it does not work at all, 32 bit works more or less Compiler, Compiler\C++, Debugger, IDE RSP-33839
Edge Browser is required for FMX on Windows Compiler, Compiler\C++, Demos, FireMonkey RSP-29043
std::make_shared causes AV Compiler, Compiler\C++, RTL\C++ RSP-27633
Please consider adding support for YMM and ZMM registers in the built-in assembly Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-18074
Binary literal support Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-15539
Digit separator support Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-17863
Invalid compiler hints Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-20965
Interface is not released after an exception on Linux Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-33378
The compiler does not generate rex prefix in some instructions when the optimizations are enabled. Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-26051
Compiler generate bad code for x64 and correct for x32 Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-32643
inline assembly does not support AVX instructions Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-16836
F2084 Internal Error: IRBB360 Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-32405
wrong code generation win32 optimization ON Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-33836
[REGRESSION] class constructor/destructor are not called Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-30485
Can't compile a package with DosCommand dependency Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-28905
Access violation caused by boolean local variable declaration Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-32513
Code generation produces wrong offset Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-33807
Absolute Path to an Inc-File expanded wrongly during a compiler Error Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-32680
F2084 Internal Error: AV0EC782CF(0EC00000)-R00000010-0 Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-34519
Add open array support to RTTI Compiler, Compiler\Delphi, RTL\Delphi RSP-16317
FinalizeArray breaks finalisation order of local variables containing managed types. Compiler, Compiler\Delphi, RTL\Delphi RSP-30487
Update SQLite libs and DLLs for Delphi Service Packs Data RSP-30752
TFDQuery (Master/Detail) with CachedUpdates Too Slow on Delphi 10.4.2 Data RSP-34302
Lookup fields generate error when new record is created ADO SQLSERVER vs MSACCESS Data, Data\ADO RSP-33088
Invalid ADO Parameters Type Mapping Data, Data\ADO RSP-29343
No Upload ID returned when trying to initiate mulipart upload to Amazon S3 Data, Data\Cloud RSP-33551
Make DataSnap REST URI Configurable Data, Data\DataSnap RSP-17884
dbgrid EInvalidGridOperation Grid index out of range Data, Data\DBCtrls RSP-33059
Grid index out of range in TDBGrid Data, Data\DBCtrls RSP-31920
Memory Leak in TFMTBcdData Variant Type. Data, Data\DBRtl RSP-34065
Bug in loading time values from JSON to DataSet Data, Data\DBRtl, Data\REST RSP-32438
Simple JSON deserialization of records incorrect (Delphi Sydney [10.4.1]) Data, Data\DBX RSP-32285
Extend TFDSortOption with SORT_DIGITSASNUMBERS Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-30056
Optimize QueryInfo method in TIBInfo class in FireDAC.Phys.IBWrapper unit Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-24510
Firedac Monitor : Help should be connected to the WEB Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-30744
FireBird library no longer resides in \bin Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-34136
TFDBatchmove Error: [FireDAC][Comp][DS]-206. �ffnen der Datenmenge [TFDTable($03521150)] Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-33430
FDBatchMove.Execute error when last line in double-quote CSV file does not contain linefeed Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-32465
Bug in Firedac FDconnection.ExecSQL.... if execute two SQL query with different number parameters and FDConnection is all time connected Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-32608
Erro in TFDBatchMove on Execute Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-33966
TFDDatSManager don't Merge Tables Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-34174
FireDAC: in MetaInfoQuery for Postgres invalid ForeignKeyFields records Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-33383
mysql with delphi and utf8 Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-32162
TFDQuery error after exception : [FireDAC][DApt]-402. Operation cannot performed without assigned SelectCommand Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-33575
FireDAC: query ShortInt parameter -1 cause range check error in Access ODBC driver Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-33528
Unit FireDAC.Stan.Consts does not contain the newer DBMS Releases as version Consts Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-27548
Firedac (via ODBC) to Excel file is not working fully as expected. Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-32591
FDSchemaAdapter raise errors after its DataSet do LoadFromFile Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-34409
Add A REST Component To Auto Upload an TFDMemTable Via JSON Data, Data\FireDAC, Data\REST RSP-17923
TIBextract not read procedure source in utf8 database Data, Data\IBX RSP-31472
IBConfigService can does not work to get Journal information in some EUA situations Data, Data\IBX RSP-29303
IBX TIBBackupService - Cannot attach to services Data, Data\IBX RSP-31418
TControlList fire an IMHO unwanted ItemOnClick event when current record change Data, Data\LiveBindings, VCL, VCL\Additional RSP-33656
ClientDataset Refresh has strange results when done on XML dataset with XMLTransformProvider Data, Data\Midas RSP-31767
DBX Error "At end of table" on Delete Record Data, Data\Midas RSP-33144
RESTClient freeze when used in a console application Data, Data\REST RSP-33605
restdebugger ignores mime type Data, Data\REST RSP-33192
TRESTRequest no longer correctly sets the Content-Type correctly. Data, Data\REST RSP-33288
A RESTRequest ContentType is limited to predefined values Data, Data\REST RSP-31997
Make StackSize configurable for ISAPI DLL threads Data, RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-32094
Somebody knows how to get the clients ip address from within a radserver resource method? Data\MEAP RSP-33323
64-bit debugger disassembles certain instructions incorrectly Debugger RSP-28139
Local variables window switched to C++ mode Debugger RSP-28910
C++64: Debugger fatal error: debug kernel not responding. The debug process willl be terminated. Debugger RSP-29696
[PAClient Error] Error: E0004 File does not exist: C:\qqq\Project2._@emb_.tmp Debugger RSP-17589
Unable to create process Debugger RSP-33497
debug kernel timeout Debugger RSP-32652
Enabled Codeguard fopen a file lock Debugger RSP-27343
Unable to see items added to TList while debugging Debugger, RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-33067
When double click control, IDE does not create correct code [corrupts code] Demos, IDE RSP-27617
Memory leak in sample HttpAsyncDownloadDemo.dpr Demos, RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-33795
Firemonkey 4K support for Windows FireMonkey RSP-26453
Add a configuration do allow Delphi to use d8.bat instead of dx.bat FireMonkey RSP-24155
Add User Designer Guidelines FireMonkey RSP-19477
Miss constraints size for firmonkey form FireMonkey RSP-13673
Size Constraints of Firemonkey window FireMonkey RSP-15785
Tcontrol.ApplyEffect must be virtual or Tcontrol.FUpdateEffects must be public FireMonkey RSP-15741
Integration Api 30 Android FireMonkey RSP-33978
Incorrect drawing of combobox-like controls on non-standard Windows DPI scaling FireMonkey RSP-21793
Please update Play Services to the latest version FireMonkey RSP-33959
TTexture.style must contain by default volatile (to avoid 2x memory usage on texture) FireMonkey RSP-33388
Closing form causes access violation when keyboard is open in grid (ios64) FireMonkey RSP-32631
FireMonkey Label truncated and then vanishes when rotated FireMonkey RSP-30128
IDE Crashes after building custom packages that contain styled controls FireMonkey RSP-27656
On android platform, trectangle color tone gets distorted when opacity changes if fiil color have alpha. FireMonkey RSP-31597
Showmessage in comboboxchange accessviolation FireMonkey RSP-29841
When you create and destroy any frame that has TwebBrowser it caused refresh problem. FireMonkey RSP-26713
TFlowLayout - child order completely random? FireMonkey RSP-30857
GDIpAlloc Memory Leak due to TCanvasGDIPlus.SetSize FireMonkey RSP-31718
Calls Canvas.SaveState/Canvas.RestoreState damage the canvas state when rendering in High Performance for the Form.Quality (FMX) mode FireMonkey RSP-29490
TCanvasTextureMaterial GLSL is not efficient FireMonkey RSP-22952
Trackbar does not work on Android with controltype set to platform FireMonkey RSP-29842
DragOver isn't correctly triggered when mouse enter in target FireMonkey RSP-33537
FMX DragDrop Events Not Triggering FireMonkey RSP-34062
Rectangle on native TPanel does not change Fill Color FireMonkey RSP-22959
TGridPanelLayout - Margins from controls are ignored FireMonkey RSP-14136
Access Violation editing TListBox items FireMonkey RSP-33179
Clearing TText.Text should update Effect FireMonkey RSP-26648
Mousemove with LeftButtonDown is false if control is under TLayout FireMonkey RSP-31942
FMX TControl.Touch property assignment issue FireMonkey RSP-26405
Order of execution for ShowModal causes undesired behaviour on Windows and macOS FireMonkey RSP-30287
Latest Dark Style has a missing an arrow in its TSpinBox FireMonkey RSP-33046
A huge memory leak in FMX TComboBox FireMonkey RSP-19686
TCanvasGdiPlus Memory Leak FireMonkey RSP-26158
Align fit for a layout placed in a TGridPanelLayout missbehaves FireMonkey RSP-28593
Bitmap is not updated in ListBoxItem FireMonkey RSP-30221
Firemonkey Mainform Starting Position not on Screen when using DefaultPosOnly FireMonkey RSP-33382
Using visual component TBackendEndpoint with Provider and Authenticator on a Datamodul leads to RTL270.bpl error FireMonkey RSP-33909
MacOS-Entitlements: Music-Read-Write is translated to Movie-Read-Write FireMonkey RSP-32436
Column and Grid width problem. FireMonkey RSP-20877
FireMonkey does not honor style window border settings FireMonkey RSP-22048
does not work even if /min option is added to start command FireMonkey RSP-24644
Program compiled with the "Enable High-DPI" compilation directive does not work properly FireMonkey RSP-17999
Styled Firemonkey Windows are too Big FireMonkey RSP-22030
Form Position=MainFormCenter, ScreenCenter or DesktopCenter are incorrect in Windows 10 and Scale > 100% FireMonkey RSP-27511
WebBrowser, Geolocation - geolocation permission request does not work FireMonkey RSP-24039
FMX Windows app which have two form and both has TWebBrowser crashes when it closed. FireMonkey RSP-14692
TListbox TStyleObject not freed FireMonkey RSP-33630
Access violation at shutdown if imagelist is in datamodule FireMonkey RSP-33084
PopupMenu behavior is incorrect FireMonkey RSP-33045
TListview missing published property Heigh FireMonkey RSP-33738
FMXLinux Log.d function fails for specific message strings FireMonkey RSP-32303
MainformCenter and ScreeenCenter does not work on HIGH-DPI-Monitors FireMonkey RSP-30718
Combobox: Adding ListItems programatically fails when DropDownKind=Native FireMonkey RSP-33857
FMX Edit button alignment is incorrect when scaled FireMonkey RSP-32307
Various FireMonkey Windows high-DPI bugs FireMonkey RSP-33254
DragDrop with Screen Scaling FireMonkey RSP-33450
WebBrowser.CaptureBitmap in macOS result is empty. FireMonkey RSP-19448
Access Violation is raised if assigned a value minor to crSizeAll(-22) to a Cursor field FireMonkey RSP-16873
When you open popup window, the FMX form loses activity for a second (blinks, window title bar becomes gray for a second). FireMonkey RSP-29491
OSX 32&64 constants like kCGImageSourceCreateThumbnailFromImageAlways FireMonkey RSP-26729
OSX 32&64 TPlatformCocoa.CreateChildMenuItems FireMonkey RSP-26855
Set FMX Form Transparency as true not work FireMonkey RSP-31382
isLocationEnabled is missing from JLocationManager FireMonkey RSP-21365
Menu icons appearing black when disabled in FMX (with screens set to different scales) FireMonkey RSP-31813
MacOS: Changing programatically text on TMemo doesn't trigger Spell Cheking FireMonkey RSP-27754
TGestureStreamData - Access violation FireMonkey RSP-27401
Abstract error accessing Printer.Capabilities FireMonkey RSP-34479
GestureManager in Windows layout raises exception FireMonkey RSP-29420
Access violations due to duplicates introduced by TFmxObject.SetAction / Application.RegisterActionClient FireMonkey RSP-34417
Firemonkey popup menu not displayed when right click on TSpeedButton FireMonkey RSP-34301
Wrong texture coordonnates on DAE model FireMonkey RSP-32340
BluetoothLE requestMTU Not implemented FireMonkey RSP-29937
Firemonkey: Screen.Displays[].Bounds returns no longer values in pixels for displays with Scale <> 1. FireMonkey RSP-33412
TForm.ScreenToClient is incorrect on hi-resolution displays FireMonkey RSP-33565
PopupMenu isn't entirely visible in High DPI -aware app FireMonkey RSP-27728
In TLabel may appear leading spaces in new lines. FireMonkey RSP-33914
In MacOsx (32/64 bit) error in Bitmap.LoadThumbnailFromFile FireMonkey RSP-26281
Wrong rendering of strings containing emoji in Android. FireMonkey RSP-32190
TBaseImageList.BeforeDestruction may raise AV FireMonkey RSP-31343
A form can not be resized by its top corners If custom style applied FireMonkey RSP-23057
Delphi 10.4 FMX MediaPlayerControl issue in High DPI, the video does not zoom in. FireMonkey RSP-29283
Form loses focus when modal childform uses Activecontrol FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Components RSP-14747
Colour listed twice FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Components RSP-10038
Opening a TPopup causes application child form to move to back, then to front again creating an undesirable visual effect FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Components RSP-14752
Add support for file upload in TWebBrowser FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Runtime RSP-29515
FMX TForm.ActiveControl Never Updates At Runtime FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Runtime RSP-10496
TGridPanelLayout rendering problem FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Styles RSP-17976
Add designer guides / rules to FMX designer, just like VCL designer FireMonkey, IDE RSP-14143
Setting a Touch->Gestures->Standard->property throws Exception at DesignTime FireMonkey, IDE RSP-26487
Incorrectly Creating Dylb on Mac FireMonkey, IDE, IDE\Deployment RSP-26860
Infinite loop in DoGetClassicAdapter in Android.Bluetooth FireMonkey, RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-20845
[iOS] UILabel is missing attributedText property FireMonkey, RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-33885
CocoaPointerConst must work in background thread FireMonkey, RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-23241
MacOS: BluetoothLE not useable with Delphi 10.4.2 FireMonkey, RTL, RTL\Delphi\Bluetooth RSP-33267
Embarcadero Toaster - Notification Window "Embarcadero.Desktop.Toasts.CF4ADDBE" FireMonkey, VCL RSP-32375
Option to control Font size in the IDE IDE RSP-12576
Code Completion [complete on Tab key] IDE RSP-31660
Support for multidex on Android platform IDE RSP-27600
Change Exception Dialog Display Exception Message in Selectable Edit IDE RSP-30856
High DPI Fonts not working in ActionList editor! IDE RSP-32790
Welcome Page: Open Links in Default Browser, NOT in MSIE! IDE RSP-26993
What's new / Getting started opens in MSIE, not in my default browser IDE RSP-14605
Welcome Page: backward steps IDE RSP-18682
Delphi IDE is not dpi aware IDE RSP-9678
Upcoming Events open in Internet Explorer instead of Standard Browser IDE RSP-11897
[CodeInsight progress bar] hide code audit progress bar when work id finished in project manager IDE RSP-32748
Add editor font selector to first startup wizard and default to Consolas IDE RSP-30750
Docked window headers and IDE editor tabs are not aligned in height and font size IDE RSP-31933
HiDpi 120% scalling - IDE Main Window titlebar - text partially not visible in desktop speedsettings IDE RSP-23961
4k display, DPI scaling "System (Enhanced) = Object Inspector problem IDE RSP-30785
lost scroll bar after restore IDE IDE RSP-25704
Macro buttons are not properly resized and aligned if Windows scaling is applied IDE RSP-31935
IDE : Find in Files form IDE RSP-18383
Quick edit can not been displayed in full [High DPI] IDE RSP-19965
Find in Files dialog is jumbled IDE RSP-18874
During popup docked tool windows have wrong sized headers when expanded while Windows scaling is applied IDE RSP-31939
Screen position and size are not stored IDE RSP-32678
Toolbars in Project Manager and Structure lack auto sizing IDE RSP-31937
HiDPI IDE issue IDE RSP-17118
Checkboxes in IDE Object Inspector are too large w. system text size 125% IDE RSP-18192
Find panel button missing in high dpi resolution IDE RSP-17096
IDE interface issues IDE RSP-21665
IDE combobox corrupted IDE RSP-25650
Windows Theme not rendering all controls correctly IDE RSP-31216
Project Options window caption area has wrong height if Windows scaling is applied IDE RSP-31941
Search box in Options windows does not open Formatter section pages IDE RSP-24625
Error opening PAS unit Encoded by UCS-2 LE BOM IDE RSP-33852
global search edit field IDE RSP-23084
Tree control in GetIt has wrong vertical alignment for expand buttons and radio buttons if Windows scaling is applied IDE RSP-31946
Font size is not changed when Windows scaling is applied IDE RSP-31945
Numbers are not fully visible in GetIt if Windows scaling is applied IDE RSP-31947
Cannot Scroll using mouse scroll on StyleLookup Property Editor IDE RSP-30620
IDE missing a strip on the right after restore to full 4k screen from minimize IDE RSP-25564
Blue dots and breakpoints on dark theme look bad IDE RSP-33522
IDE window shrinks when opening project with only dpr and dproj files IDE RSP-30797
IDE titlebar measurements incorrect when maximised IDE RSP-22197
10.3 IDE is totally unusable with high dpi IDE RSP-22034
Code completion fails to list ancestor methods in generic classes IDE RSP-10520
Code insight show "end: erroneous type;" inside inherited form and few other code insight problems in example project IDE RSP-29357
RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo Release 2 - When I set "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings", RAD Studio got many errors and crashed. IDE RSP-20081
The find declaration work only on first attempt IDE RSP-32681
Cannot see breakpoint glyph and execution glyph at same time IDE RSP-30595
Find Declaration does not work with LSP and Record Helpers with Overload methods IDE RSP-33736
Cleaning a project doesn't remove the RSM generated from the compile IDE RSP-28183
Data Explorer/Multi-Device Preview tool windows don't repaint on IDE theme change IDE RSP-33653
Structure window behave strange with new edit window IDE RSP-30059
Some colors are duplicated in System.UITypes.TAlphaColorRec IDE RSP-29269
Stepping through code causes font to be drawn sharp for a short time IDE RSP-30712
New open/close progress dialog significantly slows down opening and closing IDE RSP-32545
Another example where code navigation (Ctrl+Click) doesn't work IDE RSP-32556
OI broken on High DPI IDE RSP-30636
Missing title buttons when different than recommended IDE RSP-28335
[L10N/FR] Button misplaced IDE RSP-34414
IDE Floating windows become unresponsive IDE RSP-31276
Delphi closed without message IDE RSP-26399
Help Insight search edit box and desktop layout combo are not properly aligned vertically IDE RSP-31934
IDE crash after setting VCL panel Align property IDE RSP-28504
Reopen Menu properties dialog does not increase size for items list IDE RSP-24429
Go to declaration jumps to wrong place IDE RSP-20090
RAD Studio IDE switches screens IDE RSP-34395
Scalling IDE GUI issues IDE RSP-23049
IDE AV when switching WIn32<>Win64 platform with speedbutton IDE RSP-32592
SDK Manager is missing buttons with HighDPI IDE RSP-33417
Background Build dialog is partially hidden IDE RSP-33750
Enum type TOTACompileMode is not complete IDE RSP-28392
Structure panel icon for interface no longer apropriate IDE RSP-32671
Single Project takes longer to load IN RIO and user feedback is worst IDE RSP-25788
Poor UI experience in Delphi compile dialog IDE RSP-25874
mouse wheel don't works in StyleLookup property list IDE RSP-32615
LSP Ctrl+Click navigation fails when only DCP's referenced IDE RSP-32666
Directory Edit Dialog loses selection when changing list order IDE RSP-32650
IDE Application Title Bar is cut off on Hi-Def screen IDE RSP-33154
Creating FireMonkey Metrolpolis App for windows lead to invalid pointer IDE RSP-28145
Catastrophic Error when using multiple edit and form designer windows IDE RSP-32501
IDE: Dialog "Load process" IDE RSP-32389
XML Data Binding cannot be added new data type IDE RSP-31225
Documentation.htm not found IDE RSP-33590
Duplicates listed in dropdown list of Debug Modules Add Modules dialog IDE RSP-32693
cleaning non-existent projects and units from "reopen" in options after saving options causes invalid pointer IDE RSP-32634
Exception or hang when opening certain files IDE RSP-33114
Search Box Showing White background when click IDE RSP-30641
Tools/Options dialog opens slowly IDE RSP-30323
Cannot navigate to methods in record helper IDE RSP-30644
editor font size error. IDE RSP-31026
Code completion does not offer identifiers that don't match expected type [class helpers?] IDE RSP-33316
[DelphiLSP] Using inline var type inference prohibits code completion from providing suggestions IDE RSP-30588
Dialog "Tools - Options - Language - Delphi - Library - Library Path" far too slow IDE RSP-31099
Options/Debugger options/visualization checkboxes overlap with frame IDE RSP-28660
Stack overflow with LSP IDE RSP-33091
read address 0 IDE RSP-30217
Missing hints in FMX style designer IDE RSP-14577
CLANG Libpath missing $(BDSLIB)\win32\release IDE RSP-31990
IDE is not high DPI aware - wrong manifest IDE RSP-17361
Better ergonomy: Reopen recently opent projects IDE RSP-33658
Code insight floating scroll bar on top and how invoke bug IDE RSP-32685
German text in combobox truncated IDE RSP-32612
IDE on Laptop with 4K 200% high dpi monitor - blurry fonts and small font size IDE RSP-23795
Bug Code Insight - Parameter Help [hint window should follow the cursor] IDE RSP-32760
Getting started to ... is tightly coupled to Internet Exporer IDE RSP-32588
LSP don't see a new added unit symbols IDE RSP-33501
Can't create C++ Builder component event handler IDE RSP-30277
Visual components created in C++ Clang are unusable IDE RSP-32471
"Palette" and "Palette d'outils" in user interface for Tools / Options dialog box IDE RSP-34562
Enable Overflow and Range checking in Debug configuration by default IDE RSP-16751
Code editor top bar fonts are too big IDE RSP-32313
Delphi IDE do not use the default browser while opening youtube videos. IDE RSP-33259
Strg+Left Mouseclick don't work in some cases (Ctrl+Left Mouse Click) IDE RSP-33065
Unable to view designer in New Edit Window IDE RSP-33435
Editor leaves dangling vertical scrollbar behind IDE RSP-34111
Android TRequestPermissionsResultEvent declaration generates C++Buiilder project open errors IDE RSP-30515
LSP doesnt show errors IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-33060
Error Insight doesn't work with big project IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-32758
Error insight not working caused by INCLUDE statements with relative paths IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-31321
Search path ending with + breaks LSP IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-30113
[Regression] [Code Completion] Changes are not taken into account IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-33549
Include file breaks LSP code completion IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-33305
A bug in Code Completion [pressing ; should accept the code completion entry] IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-33118
Error in IDE code complete (Class Completion) IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-31354
[Regression] [Code Completion] No completion for identifiers starting with "Is" and completion after "Is" IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-33398
Error Insight not updated after switching units IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-32645
[Regression] [Code Completion] Result for dereferenced pointers does not contain expected fields IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-33363
Code Insight window scroll bar on top of code editor IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-30129
LSP Code Insight not working for templates and reserved words IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-30990
New LSP does not recognize newly build classes. IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-31922
Delphi crash with CodeInsight LSP IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-33664
XMLDOC not showing up for generic class instance IDE, IDE\General RSP-10406
Error message (error creating form) needs improvement (should say which form) IDE, IDE\General, VCL RSP-14100
DPI issue in Delphi XE 10.2.3 IDE, IDE\VCL Designer, VCL RSP-20269
Welcome dialog don't display actual choice for the checkbox "swap the theme to match the windows theme" IDE, Install RSP-32520
"platforms" topic appears in GetIt catalog but is empty IDE, Install RSP-34089
Missing DUnitXRuntime.dcp in Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\lib\win64\release\ IDE, Install RSP-31695
Form flickering when group policy is updated IDE, VCL RSP-24026
TDatamodule.OldCreateOrder always resets to true on descendants IDE, VCL RSP-20016
$(BDS)\source\Visualizers\BytesVisualizer.pas Install RSP-33392
Installer starts Rad Studio when not desired Install RSP-14600
IDE installed in German language, altough no additional language was selected in setup Install RSP-17424
Installer does not respect my language preferences Install RSP-17381
Language of IDE predefined? Install RSP-31312
LockBox 3.7 problems in C++ Builder CE Install RSP-34153
...\bin\RSVARS.BAT might contain false path Install RSP-32624
Wrong default browsing path for all platform except Windows Install RSP-23929
FireUI LivePreview installed to unsuitable path Install RSP-31491
Cannot install patches Install RSP-33866
Installing Bonus Radiant Shapes does not update paths Install RSP-32128
Download and extract in parallel Install, Install\GetIt RSP-16615
WebBroker problem with sending/streaming files greater 2 GB (MaxInt) Internet RSP-23507
When receiving a beacon on Windows 10, RSSI will always be 0. IoT, RTL RSP-20214
Bluetooth LE not working properly Libraries and Frameworks, RTL, RTL\Delphi\Bluetooth RSP-20296
NotificationCenter in Windows EnableSound:=False not working - Fix suggested RTL RSP-16750
AcquireExceptionObject doesn't work for Clang-thrown exceptions RTL, RTL\C++ RSP-18031
The _utime set of functions should be in sys/utime.h and not in utime.h RTL, RTL\C++ RSP-27990
SEH exception handling fails under release RTL, RTL\C++ RSP-21051
The quick_exit function not found in the global namespace RTL, RTL\C++, RTL\C++\Other RSP-27915
Update to most recent Indy for Olympus RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-28212
TStream.CopyFrom could be more generic RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-12995
Base64url encoding RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-20316
Move ParseJSONValue() from TJSONObject to TJSONValue RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-21536
TMemoryStream does not support large (> 2 Gb) memory allocations RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-16137
Missing Windows API GetConsoleWindow RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-29042
Add an Implict in TValue addressing TDateTime RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-24602
Missing method to remove file from a zip-file in TZipFile RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-15234
TZipFile Open with existing FileStream does not update the end of file marker RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-16299
TZipHeader need a GetFileName method RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-20275
TStream.CopyFrom is slow for TMemoryStream if Count is big RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-18560
Webbroker Apps still raising exception with ANSI encoded URL (see RSP-28104) RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-33204
Optimize class procedure RegisterCompressionHandler(Compression: TZipCompression; CompressStream, DecompressStream: TStreamConstructor); in System.Zip RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-29002
Stream version of the TZipFile.IsValid() RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-27232
TZipFile , Zip64 support needed RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-14774
Optimize TMarshal.Copy's Dest parameter so as to reduce unnecessary DynArrayAddRef and DynArrayClear calls RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-29167
Add a "CustomContentType" to TRestRequest RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-19793
Optimize TMarshal.Copy's Src parameter so as to reduce unnecessary DynArrayAddRef and DynArrayClear calls RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-29166
An overloaded TJSONObject.AddPair for an Integer RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-27928
Add System.IOUtils.TFile.Size - with example implementation RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-14122
Missing Power GUID RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-32723
Add missing IUIViewSettingsInterop interface RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-29682
TNetHTTPClient / TCertificate too limited. RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-30552
Androidx support needed RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-33864
Add UTCNow function RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-22362
TStreamReader - can result in many 'moves' on the buffered data which looks inappropriate. RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-27394
Missing wrapper for Android Environment class RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-12690
TVirtualInterface access violation with array of const parameter RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-27339
Header parameter in OnProgress event always empty in TZipFile.Read method RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-21370
SysErrorMessage returns wrong string RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-17489
StrToDateTime fails if ShortDateFormat = LongDateFormat RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-17058
A better GUIDToString RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-34169
System.NetEncoding wasting memory during encoding/decoding process RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-21298
TGuid operator overloads should be marked as inline RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-27706
A better StringToGUID RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-34168
Method body of TObject.ClassInfo should be moved up RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-30757
TFormatSettings.Create should not recreate ShortTimeFormat and LongTimeFormat RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-20159
Exception Error seen using System.ZLib.TDecompressionStream with TJSONTextReader RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-16141
TStringStream load utf8 file bug RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-28228
TValue.AsVarRec does not handle ShortString properly RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-34305
TZipFile Creates new files that are too big if previous zip file has been opened RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-16963
System._UStrLAsg should not call _UStrAddRef RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-33447
Wrong definition value for NSNotFound in Macapi.Foundation RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-21626
New DLLShutdown routine uses wrong finalization keyword RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-19587
TMemoryStream Realloc not support Int64 For greater than 2G RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-19321
Android/SysSocketTypes.inc -Incorrect constant value RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-29421
Unnecessary nil checks in TWinBluetoothAdapter.DoStartDiscovery RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-34316
System.TypInfo.TIntfFlag enum is missing flags RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-24631
System.IOUtils.TPath.HasValidPathChars() ignores UseWildCards argument RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-18696
Parameters in TStrings.AddStrings should be changed to open array RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-34286
[macOS 64] Wrong declaration in Macapi.QuartzCore RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-27269
TGUID redundantly defined RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-28299
System.IOUtils.TPath.GetDownloadsPath returns wrong folder name RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-10375
System.IOUtils.TFile.ReadAllLines - ERangeError for very large files RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-23692
System.Zip doesn't work properly with files larger in size than 4 GB RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-15587
Inefficient code in TRttiType.GetMethods RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-33404
TStreamWriter.Flush throws away some IO errors RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-16548
Exception message should be more detailed RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-31884
Regression: TStreamAdapter.Seek support Size > 2Gb is broken on Windows - typo in defines {$IFDEF Sizeof( -> {$IF Sizeof( RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-34049
TList<T>.IndexOf/LastIndex of implementation not optimal RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-31381
IWMIndexer2 is incorrectly defined RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-34054
DateSeparator is default '/' instead of locale separator RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-12860
FormatBcd adds decimal separator to the end of the string, although the number has no decimal part. RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-21552
Datasnap communication very slow compared to using TWebRequest directly RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-24619
Incorrect Rows type declaration in WinAPI.OleDb.pas RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-23768
EAccessViolation on Format() call inside of the SignalConverter() handler from System.Internal.ExcUtils.pas RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-26383
TValue.FromVarRec cannot cast to a WideString RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-23128
[REGRESSION] Extremely slow destruction of TVirtualInterface since 10.4 RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-32432
invalid definition of the IKsPropertySet interface (Winapi.DirectShow9) RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-34043
SNotificationCenterCannotPerformOperation constant should actually refer to notifications RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-33205
missing declaration of UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsAnnotationKey / UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsSourceApplicationKey RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-18013
TValue.TryCast and implicit casting fails for TDate, TDateTime and TTime RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-32083
getSupportedPreviewFpsRange from Androidapi.JNI.Hardware.pas has wrong return type RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-15654
StrToDate does not work with Windows 10 (8) and non US locale RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-16577
TJsonCustomCreationConverter readjson circular reference RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-34235
Thread-object gets destroyed twice on exception in create RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-20175
TMultiWaitEvent.WaitForAny & WaitForAll raises EAbstractError for Events >= 2, Timeout <> INFINITE. Timeout will also fail when GetTickCount overflows and wraps to 0. RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-29673
Delphi Linux Memory Leak ?? RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-34319
DelayLoadResourceModule in System.pas has buffer overrun (passes buffer size, not the number of characters, to API) RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-27712
System._IntfWeakCopy should have its Source parameter const RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-20406
System.Zip.TZipFile can't be used in a dynamically loaded dll RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-33735
JSON does not handle large UINT64 values, throws an exception. RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-34474
SQL_OPT_TRACE_FILE_DEFAULT in System.Odbc wrong RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-31391
Casting AnsiString to PAnsiChar throws access violation on finalization of AnsiString RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-29567
UTF8ToString(const S: array of _AnsiChr): String; overload; Completely wrong RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-10581
CLONE - 10.2 Tokyo BLE Framework fails to discover devices on Android RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Bluetooth RSP-20358
TBluetoothLEManager.DoDiscoveryEnd uses wrong variable RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Bluetooth RSP-31131
StrToDateTime doesn't recognise mmm / mmmm formats - undocumented RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Date/Time RSP-14161
StrToDate treat yyyy-MM-dd same as yyyy-dd-MM RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Date/Time RSP-16700
Implementation of TEnumerable<T>.ToArray is causing severe and unnecessary code bloat RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\List/Collections RSP-30870
System.Net.Socket FState should not be private RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-19016
System.SysUtils.ByteLength behaves poorly for non UTF-16 strings RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Strings RSP-9703
Pos (ansiString) is 3x more slower than Pos (UnicodeString) RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Strings RSP-33454
Make TThreadPoolStats.GetThreadPoolStats public RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Threads RSP-31273
TEvent doesn't work as expected on iOS and macOS targets RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Threads RSP-16033
[LiveBindings] TBindExpression is not evaluated on TPrototypeBindSource.ApplyUpdates RTL, RTL\Delphi, VCL RSP-34260
Paramers of TFNOleUIHook and OleDialogHook are declared wrong. RTL, RTL\Delphi, VCL RSP-30491
Application is leaking refcounts on interfaced object after using BLE framework RTL, RTL\Delphi\Bluetooth RSP-20716
Handling of BLE Manufacturer Specific Data in Android is flawed RTL, RTL\Delphi\Bluetooth RSP-17763
TBluetoothLEManager (?) memory leak. RTL, RTL\Delphi\Bluetooth RSP-31984
Debug message erroneously left in standard library charconv header file RTL\C++ RSP-34317
System.Net.Socket.TSocket.EndReceiveString exception RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-32473
THTTPClient does not send data to server when using the method Patch RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-33177
Soap Android - Server certificate invalid or not present RTL\Delphi\Net, SOAP RSP-33609
In HTTPSoapDispatcher.DispatchRequest an exception is nearly hidden SOAP RSP-15891
TNumberBox Format VCL RSP-33545
VCL TScrollBox does not automatically support mouse wheel VCL RSP-13425
Add skip disabled overload to TPageControl.FindNextPage VCL RSP-27438
Make setter and Step() methods of TProgressControl virtual VCL RSP-27369
Make TCustomRadioGroup.ArrangeButtons virtual protected VCL RSP-11765
Add support for getting/setting TRichEdit scroll position using EM_SETSCROLLPOS / EM_GETSCROLLPOS VCL RSP-13453
TDateTimePicker cant change date and time together on UI VCL RSP-18215
Support transparent rich edit controls VCL RSP-13455
radiogroup without frame VCL RSP-29318
Add general-purpose support to EM_FORMATRANGE to TRichEdit VCL RSP-13454
Make the TDBRichEdit.Lines property accessible VCL RSP-13439
Add TCustomCheckListBox as intermediate class without published properties VCL RSP-31453
Please move TScrollingWinControl.ScaleScrollBars from private to protected VCL RSP-28174
TVirtualImageList.Images property setter. VCL RSP-31544
can add TLabelDBEdit component? VCL RSP-27868
Provide Ontracking event for TTrackbar VCL RSP-25957
Some improvements that I propose to you [VCL] VCL RSP-29355
Update TRichEdit to support MSFTEDIT.DLL VCL RSP-13383
Add properties to TTextAttributes used by TRichEdit to set/unset ONLY SOME font styles - not all styles VCL RSP-13451
Add support for changing margins to TRichEdit / TEdit / TMemo VCL RSP-13452
TRichEdit: Add a TParaAttributes.ConsistentAttributes that mirrors behavior of TTextAttributes.ConsistentAttributes VCL RSP-13443
Add DropDownWidth property to the TComboBox VCL RSP-26519
XE8: VCL: TToolbar: Chevron button is missing VCL RSP-11394
TPngImage should handle Assign to and from TWICImage VCL RSP-29020
Make private variables in TCustomStyle protected VCL RSP-27581
vcl treeview add checkbox VCL RSP-15270
TPageControl.RemovePage should not switch pages if the removed page was not active VCL RSP-32327
CheckListBox doesn't invalidate text when ItemEnabled changed VCL RSP-18340
Themed popup menu do not respect image size VCL RSP-10412
TEdgeBrowser.Navigate and NavigateToString always return False for a success navigation VCL RSP-33189
TCalendarPicker is not fully DPI aware VCL RSP-30025
VCL Styles: TPanel flicker when ParentBackground = False VCL RSP-31158
TDateTimePicker OnChange fired twice VCL RSP-21606
Parented controls with free notifications aren't scaled VCL RSP-19012
TButtonedEdit wrong color for button backgrounds with custom style VCL RSP-31442
InputQuery still badly broken VCL RSP-31022
Standard Actions Miss ImageName Property VCL RSP-31195
Obviously wrong code in StyleAPI.inc VCL RSP-32467
TBalloonHint not scaling correctly VCL RSP-31570
TToolButton width is not scaled if the button is invisible VCL RSP-20496
Changing from WindowState = wsMaximized to wsNormal: form is size 320x240 VCL RSP-27847
Close second form with cafree close all application in vcl styles VCL RSP-33140
Redundant checks for nil before freeing object instance VCL RSP-30587
TSearchBox must implement CM_WANTSPECIALKEY VCL RSP-30203
Redundant code in some VCL classes constructors/destructors VCL RSP-32281
E2033 on TrackMouseEvent() VCL RSP-16181
TCustomListView reintroduces property MultiSelect VCL RSP-16886
TRadioGroup.TabStop doesn't control whether radio buttons receive focus VCL RSP-14201
TTreeView overrides its TCanvas Font.OnChange which breaks OnCustomDraw VCL RSP-25914
Access violation in TTabSheet.SetTabVisible when PageControl.MultiLie=True VCL RSP-33557
TDBGrid Title Font is Scaled Twice VCL RSP-31967
TBitBtn DoubleClick - Y coordinate is always zero VCL RSP-32493
The custom titlebar raises an stack overflow VCL RSP-32424
CM_STYLEDCHANGE is broadcast twice VCL RSP-33221
TEdgeBrowser fails if placed on non-active tab of a page control VCL RSP-31163
Vcl.Graphics DefFontData is outdated VCL RSP-33856
TRichEdit.SelText unable to assign RTF content. This worked before uni-code update. VCL RSP-29654
Bluetooth component causes an exception if you repeated enable and disable it. VCL RSP-28211
Vcl.Themes - function StyleServices is inline (does that makes sense?) VCL RSP-30705
TEdgeBrowser only work on Application MainForm VCL RSP-29593
CustomTitleBar duplicated VCL RSP-31509
Make TOleControl.CreateInstance() virtual and allow read acces to FOleInPlaceActiveObject VCL RSP-32450
FCurrentPPI value of runtime create TForm instance always show 96 in screen configure to 150% text size VCL RSP-18697
Default size of a new form ad 4K monitors is too large VCL RSP-32665
Right Click extremely slow when no context menu is available VCL RSP-34339
Bug in Vcl.Menus with TMenuItem.Shortcut and Numpad numeric keys VCL, VCL\Other RSP-33296
TRichEdit missing attributes VCL, VCL\Win32 RSP-13482
