Packaging Your UWP App for Windows Store

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Go Up to 64-bit Windows Application Development


Before you can build a Windows 32 or Windows 64 application that you can upload to the Windows Store, you need to:

  • Prepare a Windows Application for appx Package Distribution.
  • Provision your application for the Windows Store platform configuration.
  • Have a Microsoft account.
Note: If you do not have one, create one. The fees for the individual one-time registration and company accounts differ. You can check the prices here.

Creating a UWP Package

Project prepared for generating a package to upload to an application store

To create a UWP Package, do the following:

  1. On the Project Manager, expand the Build Configurations node and double-click the Release configuration, or any other platform-agnostic configuration that you want to use to build your signed application package.
  2. Expand the Target Platforms node and select the target platform by double-clicking the 32-bit Windows or 64-bit Windows option. The selected target platform is displayed in bold.
  3. Expand the 32-bit Windows or 64-bit Windows node, expand the Configuration node within, and double-click the Application Store platform configuration node to select that platform configuration. The selected platform configuration is displayed in bold.
  4. Select Project > Deployment, and click the Deploy DMgrDeploy.png button to deploy your application.

RAD Studio builds your application using the Windows 10 SDK you previously added to the IDE. It also prepares your application with the specified required fields for the selected Distribution Type on the Provisioning page.


You can find your signed application package (.appx) in your project folder:

<Your Project Folder>\<Windows Platform Name> <Win32>\<Selected Configuration>\<Project Name>\bin\<Project Name>.appx
<Your Project Folder>\<Windows Platform Name> <Win64>\<Selected Configuration>\<Project Name>\bin\<Project Name>.appx

For example: C:\Users\<user>\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\Projects\ProjectFolder\Win32\Release\MyProject\bin\MyProject.appx.

See Also