Running Audits and Metrics from the Command Line

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Go Up to AuditsCLI.EXE, the Command Line Audits and Metrics Tool

With Delphi projects, you can run AuditsCLI.EXE to process Audits and Metrics from the command line. AuditsCLI.EXE can run in three modes:

  • Showing help
  • Processing Audits
  • Processing Metrics

Warning: Notice that AuditsCLI.EXE can be used only with Delphi projects.

Showing the Help in the Console Window

  1. To start the command interpreter, click Start and then click Run. In the Run dialog box, type cmd in the Open field and click OK. The command interpreter opens.
  2. At the command prompt in the command interpreter, change to the \bin subdirectory of your RAD Studio installation. For example, you can execute the following command:
    cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\18.0\bin"
  1. Execute one of the following command lines:
AuditsCLI -h
AuditsCLI --help
The short instructions on usage of AuditsCLI.EXE appear in the console window.

Processing the Command-Line Audits

  1. Start the command interpreter.
  2. Run the command-line Audits tool by invoking, at the command prompt, the AuditsCLI.EXE application with the --audits option. To do this, execute a command line with the --audits option:
AuditsCLI --audits <options>
For examples of command lines and descriptions of options that you can use in options, see AuditsCLI.EXE, the Command Line Audits and Metrics Tool.

Processing the Command-Line Metrics

  1. Start the command interpreter.
  2. Run the command-line Metrics tool by invoking, at the command prompt, the AuditsCLI.EXE application with the --metrics option. To do this, execute a command line with the --metrics option:
AuditsCLI --metrics <options>
For examples of command lines and descriptions of options that you can use in options, see AuditsCLI.EXE, the Command Line Audits and Metrics Tool.

See Also