SQL Script Control Commands (FireDAC)

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Command Description
(@ | @@ | START | INput) <script> [<arguments>] Starts the execution of the specified script.

'@@' executes a script with a file name relative to parent script path. <arguments> is a comma-separated list of values. If not specified, the parent arguments will be inherited.

ACCept (NUMber|CHAR|DATE) [FORmat <fmt>] [DEFault <def>] [PROmpt '<prompt>' | NOPRompt] [HIDE] Asks user to enter a parameter value.

NUMber|CHAR|DATE--optional value type. FORmat <fmt>--Delphi-format string used to parse DATE values. DEFault <def>--default value, when a user entered an empty string. PROmpt '<prompt>' | NOPRompt--prompts to output to console.

CONnect <FireDAC connection string> Connects to the specified DBMS - OpenConnection.
COPY FROM (FILE '<file>' | SQL '<sql>' [CONnect '<connection>']) TO (FILE '<file>' | TABle '<table name>' [CONnect '<connection>']) [TRUNCate | CLEar | ALWAYSinsert | APPend | UPDate | APPENDUPDate | DELete] [LOG (OFF | (SPOol|OUTput) | ([APPend] <log file name>)] [USING (FILE 'config file' | PARAMS '<definition>')] Moves data between databases or text files. There:
  • FILE '<file>'--the name of a file with text data.
  • SQL '<sql>'--a SELECT command or a DB table name.
  • TABle '<table name>'--the name of a DB table.
  • CONnect '<connection>'--a FireDAC connection string.
  • TRUNcate--truncates the destination DB table before loading the data.
  • CLEar--clears the destination DB table before loading the data.
  • ALWAYSinsert | APPend | UPDate | APPENDUPDate | DELete--the action to perform with the destination DB table.
  • USING PARAMS '<definition>'--the definition is a serialized TADDataMove component, as it is stored in a DFM. For example: "object TADDataMove TextFileName = 'Data.txt' LogFileName = 'Data.log' .... end".
  • USING FILE 'config file'--the config file is an external file, containing a serialized TADDataMove component.
DEFine [<name> | <name>=<value>] DEFINE without name--prints all macros.

DEFINE <name>--prints the specified macro. DEFINE <name>=<value>--sets the specified macro value.

DELIMiter <text> Sets the script command separator, ScriptOptions.CommandSeparator.
DISconnect Disconnects from the DBMS by using CloseConnection.
EXECute | CALL) <procedure> Executes the specified stored procedure.
EXIT Stops the script execution and commits the changes.
QUIT Stops the script execution and rollback the changes.
STOP Stops the script execution.
HELP Shows the help for all registered commands.
(HOst | !! | SHELL) <command> Executes the host shell command. For Windows, the ShellExecute('open', ACommand) call is used.
PAUse <prompt> Prints the specified prompt and pauses the script execution.
PROmpt <prompt> Prints the specified text.
PRInt [..., <varN>] Prints the value of the specified parameters.
REMark <text> Adds a comment to the script.
SET ARRAY <value> Specifies the rowset size - FetchOptions.RowsetSize.
SET AUTOcommit OFF|ON|<value> Sets the autocommit mode off, on or to commit each N commands - ScriptOptions.CommitEachNCommands.
SET AUTOPrint OFF|ON Shows the parameter values after the command execution - ScriptOptions.AutoPrintParams.
SET BREAK OFF|ON Stops the script execution on error - ScriptOptions.BreakOnError.
SET (CMDSeparator | TERMinator) <value> Specifies the commands separators - ScriptOptions.CommandSeparator. TERM is for IB/FB only.
SET (DEFine | SCAN) OFF|ON Controls the macros expansion - ScriptOptions.MacroExpand.
SET DROPnonexistent ON|OFF Allows dropping non-existent objects - ScriptOptions.DropNonexistObj.
SET ECHO OFF|(ON [SQL|ALL] [TRIM 50|<value>]) Outputs command text before executing it with optional trimming - ScriptOptions.EchoCommands, EchoCommandTrim.
SET ENCoding ANSI | UTF8 | UTF16 Sets the SQL script and log files encoding - ScriptOptions.FileEncoding.
SET (FEEDback|COUNT) 6|<value>|OFF|ON Outputs the feedback after the command execution - ScriptOptions.FeedbackCommands.
SET HEAding OFF|ON Outputs the column names for a result set - ScriptOptions.ColumnHeadings.
SET LINESize 0|<value> Sets the line width - ScriptOptions.LineSize.
SET LONG 80|<value> Outputs up to a specified amount of characters for a character or BLOB value - ScriptOptions.MaxStringWidth.
SET PAGESize 24|<value> Sets the page length when printing a result set - ScriptOptions.PageSize.
SET PARAMARRAY 1|<value> Specifies the size of the parameter array - ScriptOptions.ParamArraySize, Params.ArraySize.
SET SERVEROUTPUT OFF|(ON [SIZE <value>]) Shows the server output after the command execution - ResourceOptions.ServerOutput, ServerOutputSize.
SET (TERMout|CONsole) OFF|ON Enables the output to the console, including the command result sets, parameter values, statuses, errors, etc - ScriptOptions.ConsoleOutput.
SET TIMing OFF|ON Outputs a command execution time - ScriptOptions.Timing.
SET TRIMout OFF|ON Trims spaces from strings at the console output - ScriptOptions.TrimConsole.
SET TRIMSpool ON|OFF Trims spaces from strings at the spool output - ScriptOptions.TrimSpool.
SET VERify OFF|ON Outputs the SQL command before execution with substituted macros - ScriptOptions.Verify.
(SPOol | OUTput) [OFF|[APPend] <spool name>] Without arguments--prints the spooling status.

OFF--turns off the spooling. <spool name>--turns on the spooling and redirects it to the specified item name in the SQLScripts collection or to a file name.

UNDEFine <var1> [..., <varN>] Undefines specified macros.
VARiable [<name> (NUMber|CHAR|NCHAR [(<size>)]] [TABle <size>] [IN|OUT|INOUT] [=<value>] without arguments--prints all the parameter values.

<name>--defines a parameter with specified data type, size and direction. = <value>--assigns a value to the parameter.

CREATE DATABASE <db file name> [PAGE_SIZE <n>] [DEFAULT CHARACTER SET '<ch set>'] [USER '<user>'] [PASSWORD 'pwd'] Used for Firebird and InterBase connections to create the database.
DROP DATABASE Used for Firebird and InterBase connections to drop the database.