Type Trait Functions (C++11) Index
Go Up to C++11 Features in the Classic Compiler
Attention: This page refers to C++11 features in the Classic compiler. The Classic compiler is not recommended: instead it is recommend you use the Clang-enhanced compilers, which support modern C++ including C++11, C++14 and C++17.
This section contains Type Trait Functions help topics.
- Type Trait Functions Overview (C++11)
- __alignment_of
- __array_extent
- __array_rank
- __has_nothrow_assign
- __has_nothrow_copy_constructor
- __has_nothrow_default_constructor
- __has_trivial_assign
- __has_trivial_copy_constructor
- __has_trivial_default_constructor
- __has_trivial_destructor
- __has_virtual_destructor
- __is_abstract
- __is_arithmetic
- __is_array
- __is_base_of
- __is_class
- __is_closure
- __is_complete_type (typename T )
- __is_compound
- __is_const
- __is_convertible
- __is_empty
- __is_enum
- __is_floating_point
- __is_function
- __is_fundamental
- __is_integral
- __is_lvalue_expr
- __is_lvalue_reference
- __is_member_function_pointer
- __is_member_object_pointer
- __is_member_pointer
- __is_object
- __is_pod
- __is_pointer
- __is_polymorphic
- __is_reference
- __is_rvalue_expr
- __is_rvalue_reference
- __is_same
- __is_scalar
- __is_signed
- __is_standard_layout
- __is_trivial
- __is_union
- __is_unsigned ( typename T )
- __is_void
- __is_volatile